Thursday, 29 December 2011


It is the pursuit and understanding of love, the creative energy of the Cosmos, that will give you the ecstasy that you seek. You cannot have ecstasy without love.

Sexual Intercourse

You cannot obtain love from sex. You cannot obtain love even from the creation of a child. Love must come first. Any time you have to ask somebody if they want sexual intercourse you should not be doing it. Any time you have to pursue someone to obtain sexual intercourse you should not be doing it. For it is the bonding of souls on a higher level of life that leads to the true act of sexual creation. It should take place without need of thought. Where thought intrudes with its desire for pleasure, when sexual satisfaction becomes the primary goal, then love is not present. It is the ego that seeks pleasure, not the soul, and when one creates with this motivation one is burdening oneself down for lives to come.

Overcoming Limitation

The young people of today face a difficult task. They have to ask themselves if there can be a form of human relationship different to that which the World demonstrates today?? Can one live without sex in the sense that your World uses the word?? Can one live without the constant need for obtaining sexual pleasure?? Have you ever asked yourself those questions?? Have you ever considered the possibility that the act of love does not require the act of sexual completion and, indeed, that when you create through perfect love in imitation of your Creator that no sexual act is necessary at all?? That is how your Creator creates -- through the perfect breath.

You are condemned to create through sexual organs. You are limited in your point of expression by that fact, but recognise that it is only a limitation. You must seek the path beyond it. For most people that moment is many lives and many cycles down the path of evolution, but it is a limitation that you will eventually overcome.

Energy of Creation

So I ask the young people of today to consider these questions. It is possible, if one is in perfect harmony and balance, to live without the sexual act. Recognise that the energy which is used in that act is a creative energy and can be redirected to create in other ways. Within marriage, as I have said, the sexual act was intended solely for the creation of destined children, that is children who chose to come through their parents before they even incarnated into physical matter. So it is therefore a matter of cosmic creation.

When a child is destined there is no need to perform the sexual act every day for a month to ensure conception. The energy of love between the parents will decide the correct time and the correct place without them even being aware of it. For creation, although Humanity does not realise it, is not solely within the province of human will.

Constructive or Destructive?

The energy of creation, then, is yours to use, to use positively or to waste, to use for good or for evil, for construction or for destruction. Even on the physical level you can see the nature of its power. You can witness the jealousies, the hatreds, the divisions, the destruction it can produce. Likewise you can see the constructive side: children born out of perfect harmony and love, carrying forward the evolutionary cycle of the Human Race. Every time that you perform the sexual act consider what forms you are creating. Are you creating selfishly or selflessly, are you creating for your own pleasure or are you creating for the evolution of the Cosmos?? Are you creating an energy which when you die and return to the higher planes of life you will be happy to acknowledge as your child, and take responsibility for, as is your birthright?? Or will you, perhaps, when you meet that energy after your death fail to recognise that is is your creation, and therefore your responsibility, and wish to disown it?? That choice is created every time you perform the sexual act, so consider carefully.

Understand Your Responsibility

Your World today desperately needs people who will use the act of creation with responsibility, who will use that energy wisely, not only to ensure harmony in their own evolutionary pattern but to bring balance to the World as a whole. They must exemplify the correct use of the sexual energy so that the children of the Aquarian Age may be helped into an understanding of the true relationship of male and female, of positive and negative, and of the correct use of the act of creation.

It is a great responsibility that has been placed upon the shoulders of a few evolved souls for if they fail then that misuse of the sexual act will destroy not only them but the World in which they live. We who look from the higher planes of life can see this so clearly. Positive creation means a positive World, a positive Cosmos. Negative creation means a negative World, a cataclysmic destruction. That is the importance of the energy of creation.

Part Four follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Wednesday, 28 December 2011


One cannot deny responsibility for what one has created, and if what you have created, in your earthly sense, goes astray in the World and performs evil then you are responsible for that evil too.

Responsibility and Burdens

Every time you perform the sexual act you are creating responsibilities and burdens for yourself. On the physical plane of life you know only too well that when you create a baby you are also creating a lifetime´s responsibility. For twenty years you are tied to that being until it has established its point of consciousness on the Earth. From the moment of birth until it can stand on its spiritual feet at the age of twenty-one you are responsible for nurturing that being. Deny that responsibility and you create karma for yourself for lives to come. Deny that responsibility on the higher or lower levels of life and you do just the same. You burden yourself down for many lives to come.

Let me give you an example. A thought-form which you create in a moment of lust is picked up by one of your less-evolved brothers. He, in his turn, imitates that thought-form and creates in lust himself from which comes a child. You are equally responsible for that child. You are therefore tied to that spirit for many lives, until such time as the responsibility for its point of evolution has been balanced according to the Law of Karma. That is the true nature of the responsibility for the creative energy.

Learning Control

Now I say this not to make you afraid of the energy of creation but so that you may understand it more fully, for you have come on the Earth to learn to be a Master of creation. You first have to learn to control your physical body, your thoughts and emotions, to master these and to place yourself on the path of initiation. Then you have to learn to master the energy of creation. You can create on many levels and in many ways as I have said. If you are a Master, then like Jesus, you can create in physical form at your will. You can multiply the loaves and fishes. You can resurrect or recreate life. You can control all physical matter. This is as nothing. All of you are walking the path to that knowledge. That is the nature of the power which you seek and which one day you have to master.

A Distorted Understanding

At this moment in time all of you are seeking to master a low level of creative energy. You are seeking to understand physical creativity. That understanding is distorted by the World in which you live, for the World in which you live is governed by sexual energy, by the force of human sexuality. Young people today growing to physical maturity have little idea of the correct use of sexual energy. They do not understand its nature and what it seeks to do.

Let me state clearly now that the sexual act was intended solely for the procreation of the species. That is its sole purpose and function and if you are at all honest with yourselves you will know that to be true. Today, however, the sexual act has become synonymous with the pursuit of pleasure, but a pleasure which can never be satiated.

Consider the young men and women today as they go around having sexual relationships with different people, constantly seeking a sexual fulfilment which ever evades them. They change their partner, they change their sexual habits, they change their social environment, constantly seeking the illusion of the perfect sexual relationship. But even if they were to find this great pleasure which they so desperately seek, does it signify the ending of the search for them, the finding of their destined partner?? No!! That is never the case, for such people are constantly searching, looking outwards, looking even beyond the bonds of marriage, for a sexual pleasure that does not exist except in their own thoughts.

Side-tracked By Illusion

Today sex has changed the tradional path of human evolution. The search for sexual pleasure, the ecstasy of the perfect orgasm, has replaced spiritual ecstasy. Whereas the wise beings of old would seek spiritual ecstasy, people today seek sexual ecstasy. You might not think that they are the same, but truly they are. Today millions of souls are being seduced from the path of spiritual evolution. They are being side-tracked from their destiny paths for many years in a fruitless search for an illusion, whereas if they had but followed the path of love, the creative energy of the Cosmos, they would have so easily obtained what they really sought.

Part Three follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".


Humanity has divorced love from the sexual act and it is this misconception which more than anything else symbolises the problems now facing Humanity.

The Master explains :

The Misuse of Sex

If I was to ask most people on the Earth today how they would define the energy of Creation they would, perhaps, smile knowlingly at me and say that it was the energy of the sexual act. But we of the Spiritual Hierarchy, who dwell on the higher planes of life looking down on the Earth, would give a very different answer, for we would say that the energy of creation was LOVE.

I would go even further and would say, because I can see the planes both above and below the physical plane or life, that it is the misuse of the sexual act which hastens humanity towards a cataclysmic upheaval. There is no more pressing problem that faces Humanity at this time than the understanding of the sexual act and what lies behind it on the higher levels of life. For if Humanity does not control the World population, and limit the influx of new souls, the presence of all those young energies on the crowded plane of Earth will lead to an imbalance that will destroy this planet.

The Basic Principle

The energy of creation is a pure energy which emanates from our Creator and, because of this, the principle of creation is the the same no matter whether one talks of the birth of a planet or the birth of a baby. It is only the degree of manifestation that varies according to the vibratory rate of the being that is creating. It is that vibratory rate, that point of consciousness, which decides the nature and the form of conception and birth. The basic principle remains the same no matter whether one is an interplanetary or human being. One creates in the image of one´s God, exercising the gift of creation given to one by one´s God. One creates in ITS image using the energy of ITS love.

As you look at the visable Universe through your telesopes and see the many galaxies that have been created, as you look up at the night sky and see the stars in their appointed place, as you observe the order of even your own planetary system, so you can see there the perfection of divine creation. In just the same way Humanity should be able to look at the perfection of its own creations. That is the awesome nature of the responsibility that has been placed in your hands by your Creator.

Human Distortion

If you look in a dictionary at the meaning of the word "sex" you will see that it is defined quite simply as male and female or positive and negative. Furthermore, if you look at the meaning of the word "sexual" you will see that it simply means pertaining to male or to female. But in the World in which you live today do not those words have so much more connotation?? Does not a large part of your daily living revolve around those two words?? Do they not reflect the most energy absorbing aspect of your physical being??

This is because the nature of life on the Earth today has been distorted beyond all recognition. The result of this is that the souls of the Aquarian Age incarnating into physical life at this time have to overcome a great obstacle. They have to rediscover the true nature of the creative energy before they themselves create. They have to reject the sexual conditioning of the World in which they find themselves and recognise that the nature of sexuality has become so distorted that they are not seeing a true picture.

Creating on Many Levels

The sexual act is an act of creation and, as is the case with any creative act, when it is performed you create on many levels of life. You create on the physical level in the way of which you are well aware, but you also create on levels above and below the physical. The motivation of your body, mind and spirit at the moment of that act of creation will decide the nature of what you create.

As gods in the making you were created in the image of your God. You were given the divine gift of free choice and the priceless right of self-creation or self-reproduction. You must therefore be responsible, just as your Creator is, for everything that you have created.

Every single time you perform the sexual act, even if you are not creating babies on the physical level, you are creating spirit babies and spirit thought-forms on either the higher or lower levels of life. You create on many different planes of life. Just as you should take respnsibility for what you have created on the physical plane, as a mother and father take care of their baby, so you must take responsibility for what you have created on the other planes of life.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Monday, 19 December 2011


The time of your entry into marriage and commitment is known to your Creator, as is the destiny and point of consciousness of both you and your intended partner.

Plan of Life

Marriage is an important rite of passage. It is just as important as birth and death. So there is no such thing as error in the plan of your life -- your destiny. There is a Divine Force that knows all things, that is aware of every step that you take, of every hair on your head. There is no need for fear, no need for doubt. If you do have doubts then meditate on them, listen to the innermost murmurings of your heart. Talk to your Creator and seek Its peace, seek Its counsel, and what you desire to know will be released to you. Have faith, trust in the Divine Force that has guided you in your life so far and will guide you in the future. Your marriage partner awaits you just as eagerly as you await your partner.

Spiritual Aspects and Intuition

Do not forget that the male aspect of spirit is not always in a male body and the female aspect of spirit is not always in a female body. The male aspect will always pursue the female aspect and it is the female aspect that makes the choice, using her divine power, her inutitive channel. Nevertheless, sometimes the female aspect of spirit, with its powers of selection, can be in a male body. So outwardly it is not always the male that seeks the female and the all knowing female that accepts or rejects. It can work the other way around especially when a very strong female aspect of spirit is in a male body.

Breakdowns in Marriage

The reasons for breakdowns in marriage are infinite and depend, of course, on the nature of the relationships. In the World in which you live today so many people have relationships before they actually get married that truly it can be said that they have been married several times and I mean this not in the true sense of the word but in the way that they live together and have a sexual relationship! If someone enters into such a relationship with selfish motivation, seeking only support from their partner, always taking rather than giving, then obviously the relationship is meaningful for them only so long as their partner gives, as they are getting what they want from the relationship.

However, when they have taken as much as they want, or they find someone else who is prepared to give more, they end the relationship and move on. This can be true on many levels of life. I would say that if you enter into such a relationship, never intending marriage, then your motivation is usually wrong and that you have a selfish, not a selfless, motivation. You are entering the relationship not to consummate a holy act of creation, but to satisfy the needs of your lower self. This inevitably leads to conflict and that is why so many people are continually changing partners.

Moment of Choice

When we talk urges and drives we are using terminology which is difficult to quantify. However my understanding of physical life is that no matter what the urge, conscious or unconscious, before you actually allow that urge to become physical reality there is a moment of choice when you can either say "Yes" or "No" to it, when you can either accept or reject it. There is a moment when you can exercise the divine gift of free choice. You have to make the choice and that choice, of course, should be based on your soul wisdom, but if, for example, you are so besotted with someone that you do not want to listen to your soul then you will not stop to meditate in your heart to see if what you are doing is correct. But that moment of choice is there and it is there more for the woman than for the man. It is the man who pursues the woman seeking her wisdom. It is then up to the woman to make the choice and to either accept or reject him.

Marrying Too Young

Many people make the mistake of marrying at too young an age, with wrong motivations. Many marriages break up simply because at the time they were entered into neither of the people concerned really knew what they were doing. But as one grows older and more mature, and perhaps sees a more spiritual purpose in marriage, there is nothing to stop you attracting your true partner to you. You have just made a little diversion from your destiny path, a diversion which has taught you many lessons. You can return to your path again with ease.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".


It is important that you recognise not only that there is such a thing as a destined partner but also that there is such a thing as a destined time for marriage and commitment.

Recognising Your Partner

How then are you to recognise that chosen person?? The greatest mistake that you can make is to spend hours thinking about it, for thought does not come into the process of selecting and marrying your destined partner. Thought only creates personality alternatives. It is the heart that selects. There can be no alternatives for the heart, because the heart, which is the seat of the spirit, has already made its choice. Therefore no selection process takes place within the heart, only the process of recognising what has already been ordained. Therefore to think, to dream, to create images of the person you will marry, of the nature of the marriage and of what it will create, is a waste of time and energy and will only lead to confusion in the mind.

Old souls choose their partners with their hearts. You use the expression of falling in love. That form of love is the love of the personality emotions, the love of thought-forms, the romantic love of the story books. No! True love is the love of the heart. It is the love of your Creator permeating through you. It is the recognition of the two becoming the one and of the strength that that energy produces, a strength that cannot be ignored.

This recognition is as striking as the moment of birth and the moment of death. If you are seeking your marriage partner and have not felt this love then either you have not yet met the one you are to marry or, if you have, the moment for marriage has not yet arrived.

Gift of Free-choice

Many people meet their destined partners and will then wait for many years before they marry. The reasons for this are manifold but are usually either karmic or because of the differing rates at which the individuals concerned have evolved in their present lives. You all possess the divine gift of free-choice and can vary the rate at which you open and develop your centres of power and energy (chakras), the rate at which you bring forth your soul consciousness.

Because of this free-choice many souls will deviate from their destiny paths and will take time to return to them, thus delaying the onward progression of their souls. Therefore until both partners are ready for marriage on a spiritual level there is no point in them marrying. Indeed, if either of them is not yet ready for marriage, then the destined time of marriage will be postponed until the individuals concerned are ready for that act of union. Such a decision is of course taken on the higher levels of life. So you must not only have met your destined partner, but both of you must be ready for that act of union, for the commitment to marriage on a spiritual level.

Act of Service

Old souls do not marry for romance. They marry to be of service to Humanity and to the Cosmos. They marry to serve the principle of marriage which is one of service, of service not to themselves but to Humanity and to the World as a whole. They come together at the appointed time to unite their energies as a act of service to their Creator. Therefore, individually, they should prepare for this event. They should develop their strength of character, they should eliminate their personality weaknesses and prepare themselves for their spiritual union.

Marriage is not a ceremony which they should walk into with their eyes closed, fatalistically, just because they feel they should marry. Rather it is like a knight keeping his vigil before he earns his spurs. It requires fasting, prayer, meditation and one-pointedness to prepare for that blessed union. Until both the partners are ready there is no point in marrying, for the entrance into marriage is just as important as is the leaving of it.

Nature of Marriage

The nature of the energy that is grounded as you enter into marriage and make your vows, as you establish your life together, will decide the nature of the marriage. It will create the pattern of the married life to come. If you enter with wrong motivation, with wrong thought-forms, if you enter in a world of illusion, then that will be the path which the marriage will take. It is therefore important that you enter into marriage with clarity.

Look with the eyes of the soul, not with the eyes of infatuation, of romance, of the personality thought-forms. Look with the eyes of the soul for it is the one soul recognising the other that ignites the fire of the destined union. There is no choice for an old soul, just a moment of awakening within the heart, a recognition that the moment for marriage has come. If there is any doubt then that moment has not come. For an old soul there is never any doubt, only the certain knowing that you are embarking upon the destiny which you have chosen.

Ready for Marriage

If you feel ready for marriage but cannot find your partner, it can be the case that the time has come when you were destined to marry but your partner is not yet ready for marriage. You therefore have to exercise patience and wait for them to evolve a little further along their path so that they may reach the point of consciousness when they can enter correctly into marriage and can make their presence known to you. You would not wish it otherwise. Your partner must be ready for that union. To marry someone who is not your equal in soul evolution, someone who has not yet fully awakened their spritual consciousness and so cannot share with you on all levels, would be to destroy the marriage.

Part Three follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Saturday, 17 December 2011


The three most significant rites of passage in life which you will celebrate as human beings are birth, death and marriage.

Choosing With Deliberation

Over birth and death it would appear that you exercise little choice, although the truth of the matter is that on the higher levels of life, before you incarnate, you choose very deliberately and with great consciousness both your moment of birth and your moment of death. Nevertheless, because at birth and death you are transferring your spiritual consciousness from one plane of life to another, the fact that you have made a choice is not always readily apparent.

With the act of marriage, because you are living on the physical plane of life in your bodies of matter and because the density of the World´s vibrations dulls your senses, that inspiration which is present on the higher levels of life appears to be denied to you. Many of you therefore experience great uncertainty as you seek out the partner that you have chosen to marry in this life.

Soul Consciousness

It is important that you realise that evolved souls choose their marriage partners with as much care as they choose their moment of birth and their moment of death. There will always be a destined partner to complete a destined marriage, a partnership agreed on from the higher levels of life by the souls involved before they even came down into the physical matter of Earth. As in all things it is the point of soul consciousness that decides both the level of the marriage and the nature of its destiny.

For young souls it does not matter so much if a destined marriage does not come to pass because they will learn lesson no matter whom they marry. Moreover, the lower the point of consciousness the more the souls that are available from which to select a partner for marriage, but as you progress up the evolutionary ladder so the choice becomes more restricted. If you do not choose your destined partner and marry someone else then your destiny is restricted, and in the case of an evolved soul is severly restricted. It is therefore important that you both find and marry your destined partner.

A Sacred Sacrament

In the World in which you live today when perhaps twenty five percent of all marriages end in divorce and when another twenty five percent are marriages only in name, with husbands and wives simply living together in a joyless union, it is all the more remarkable that there are some people who still regard marriage as a lifetime´s commitment. Such people insist on finding their right partner even though they know a legal release can easily be obtained from a marriage if they think they have made a mistake.

It is indeed a rare soul, a soul of aged evolution, that regards marriage as a spiritual act and invokes the blessing of its Creator on that union, that dedicates the creativity of the union to its God. Marriage is a sacred sacrament and its significance is never lost on an evolved soul. That is why old souls always seek to find their destined partner in marriage. They recognise both the sanctity of the union and the purpose for which they agreed to marry on Earth.

Seeking Your True Partner

The temptation is always present for an evolved soul to marry a less evolved soul. The magnetic quality of an evolved soul will often attract a less evolved soul to it like a moth to the flame. An evolved soul sometimes succumbs to this temptation because of the apparent personality attractions and so has to face the lesson of being married to a less evolved soul. This often proves to be a painful lesson for not only does such a marriage limit its destiny path but it also places severe restrictions on the creations of its marriage. Moreover, as the older soul grows in spiritual maturity and reaches the physical age when it wants to become a teacher, it finds that it is continually being restricted by its less evolved partner.

The result of this is that unless karma is to be created the older soul must restrict its evolutionary pace to that of its partner. An old soul will make this mistake only once or twice in its evolutionary cycle and will then learn the lesson and will never need to repeat it. It is important, unless your destiny requires it, not to marry a less evolved soul. You should always seek out your true partner in marriage, the partner you have chosen for this incarnation. You should seek your true partner not just to fulfil your destiny, not just fo fulfil the spiritual nature of your being but, above all, because you know that that is the commitment which you made before you came down into physical life.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teaching of Ramala".

Thursday, 15 December 2011


Today the medical profession nearly always uses drugs to restore people to health. They are often only treating the effects of an illness without establishing the cause. The emphasis is always on getting rid of the illness without discovering the why´s and wherefore´s.

Many Reasons

The ultimate test of an illness is that you cure it. Whether you cure it in this life or another life, on the physical level or on another level, is for you to choose. Obviously, as you are only too well aware, there are some illnesses that cannot be cured and from which people die, but one should see that in the context that people die for many reasons not just because of illness or old age but because they have decided to withdraw from physical life, perhaps because they have failed the major test they came to face.

People who are apparently in good health can suddenly die after a very short illness. The nature of such an illness is that the soul may decide to withdraw from physical life if certain destined patterns have not been met, if there is a need for that soul to return to the other side of life so as to take stock and to begin again.

About Illnesses in Children

Let us remember that within a child´s body there can be a very evolved soul and that the age of the physical body does not reflect the age, the point of evolution, of the spirit within it. The spirit that is present within the body of a young child may be very wise and very evolved, but for many reasons that spirit will not be able to express itself, if only because the vehicle of the child has not yet evolved to the point when it can express itself as a mature human being.

Illnesses that manifest in children are very often, but not always, caused by illnesses that are present in their parents. Remember that the elements, the genes, which go into the construction of a child´s physical body are taken from both the mother and the father. It should be recognised that even though the child´s body is created within the mother´s womb that the vibrations and characteristics of the father are present and help to form that child during the nine months of its growth. Therefore weaknesses in either one of the parents can and will repeat themselves in the physical body of the child resulting in illness, perhaps even an illness which the child´s spirit does not desire. That is why some young children choose to die, because the body that has been created is not suitable for the destiny they want to follow.

Until the age of twelve, when the soul is fully in the body, a child can, and often does, terminate its physical life because the characteristics in life which it sought for its destiny have not been fulfilled. There is, therefore, no such thing as suicide under the age of twelve in a child. Obviously the child does not decide to withdraw on the physical level because it is so young and immature. It is the spirit that makes the decision because the body is ill and is not suitable for the life it wants to lead.

A Learning Process

Illness, of course, even in a young child can manifest through the spirit. Illness can be part of a karmic pattern and let us remember that such a karmic pattern is not just of the child but can be of the parents. The test, or illness, which a child faces can often be not for itself but for the parents who have created it. Remember that parents learn as much from the child as the child learns from its parents. The learning process is two ways and a child that dies may have offered to make that sacrifice in order to help the parents, its nurses and doctors, or even society as a whole, that need to be aware of certain facts of life which the people concerned have to learn.

Always an Evolutionary Experience

Illness, therefore, is always an evolutionary process. It always produces growth and understanding on one level or another. Children may appear more deserving of our sympathy because they are young and have not yet fulfilled the potential of their being. That perhaps makes the lesson more poignant, but the principle for a child is just the same as for an adult. You only look at a child with more love than you would do an adult because the personality of the child has not yet sullied its being. You can see the purity of the Godhead more clearly in a child and you therefore feel more compassion for it.

Thoughts And Illness

Remember that human thought is capable of creating forms of power and energy which in turn can create dis-ease. Your thoughts, ultimately, control your total environment. Your thoughts can create illness and disease. Therefore you can create a form of what you would call "flu", but that "flu" is really the result of Humanity´s thoughts and emotions. Humanity therefore creates its own epidemics. I would also say to you that no matter how many people around you are catching a certain disease if you are in perfect harmony and balance you will not catch it. In just the same way a healthy person can walk among lepers and not catch leprosy, but if a person is run down and depleted of energy and not in perfect health then they will catch that disease.

So, the way forward is through inner perfection and from that inner perfection will come lasting outer perfection. Today you have many examples of people who although they appear to have healthy outer bodies are in fact in total disharmony within. The result is that without that inner harmony the other perfection soon crumbles.

Use of Vaccines

It is self evident that the use of vaccines has effectively prevented the spread and development of many contagious diseases. Such developments are the result of Humanity´s physical response to a physical challenge. Any disease, any challenge, any test which Humanity has to face will eventually be surmounted, but as one test is faced and conquered so another one will present itself. It is, to use a medical analogy, the same disease appearing in a different form. Look at what is happening today. By taking a course of antibiotics you may suppress a particular illness but in spite of, or shall we say because of, that treatment the weakness, the illness is still present and will manifest in some other way, in some other form, at a later stage.

A Prediction

It has been said that a disease originating in the Animal Kingdom would be passed on to Humanity and would cause much suffering and death. This disease has been created by Humanity´s misuse of the Animal Kingdom. The disease which you call AIDS is but a warning to Humanity to show it what lies ahead and to demonstrate that a disease can arise at very short notice over which Humanity has no control whatsoever. It should serve as a warning to Humanity that only right behaviour towards the physical body can prevent one from being afflicted by such an illness or disease.

Teaching Children

Once an individual has grown to an understanding of the true nature of his or her body and the true nature of illness then that being can, and should, live in perfect harmony. The trouble with your society today is that children are not taught about their bodies or right relationships with them and are not made aware of their responsibilities in this matter. Indeed, if anything, they are taught the opposite; namely, that they should rely on drugs and surgery to maintain good health. They are not taught of the importance and significance of correct eating, correct exercise, correct breathing or correct living and so inevitably they will suffer from illness and disease. They therefore restrict the potential of their physical bodies until they have grown into a true understanding of life. But once that understanding has been reached it is possible to achieve perfect harmony and to be immune to all disease. Indeed that is the purpose and the true nature of life.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teaching of Ramala".

Monday, 12 December 2011


Once you have accepted an illness it is then easy to communicate with your body, to recognise the true nature of the illness and to decide on the form of healing which must take place, the treatment that is best suited to your body.
Everyone is Unique
Remember that everyone is unique and that a particular form of treatment may bring about a cure in one body but not in another. When considering how to heal an illness always remember the higher bodies which play such an important part in controlling your physical body:- the mental and the spiritual bodies. it is the union of these three bodies, of these three energies that brings about the healing process. All of them must be employed.

Postponing A Test?
In the World in which you live today many drugs are available which can effectively banish an illness for the time being and so remove a test. You must choose whether or not to use them. Remember that although you can postpone a "test" that is placed before you, ultimately, you will have to face that test again at a later stage in your evolution. Remember also that a test that has been postponed or ignored, when presented again, becomes more difficult to handle. This is also true of an illness.

An illness postponed will only re-emerge at a later date in a stronger, more virulent form and will be more difficult to heal and transmute. An illness should be faced when it occurs. This, of course, needs time and energy. An illness must be looked at with consciousness. It must be recognised as a malfuntion of the physical body that requires consciousness to heal. Talk to your body, talk to the illness, understand the cause of the illness and so bring about the cure yourself. From an understanding of the cure there will come consciousness, there will come understanding of the true nature of life and of the path that you are walking in life.

Weakness in the Spirit
Every illness that you have, on any level of your being, reflects a weakness in your spirit. Illness reflects either a karmic or a planetary weakness which you have come to master and to learn from. The level on which the weakness manifests differs according to the nature of your being. For the most part you are concerned only with physical illness, but behind every physical illness there lies a deeper and higher meaning which you can discover very easily if you meditate on it, even while you are ill. You can always discover the true cause of an illness.

Communicating With Your Body
Obviously your physical body, having its own consciousness and will, can of its own volition become ill. It requires, therefore, that you heal that body in love, that you explain to the body that you as the soul-being dwelling within it cannot fulfil your destiny unless you have a healthy vehicle in which to function. The body must be made aware of the reasons why you are seeking to cure the illness and of the steps that you are taking to bring about healing. The body, respecting the higher consciousness which is you, just as you repect the higher consciousness that is your God, will respond to your demonstrations of love.

Illness Comes From Within
Illness, therefore, comes from within, no matter on what level it occurs, no matter what the nature of the person or the nature of the soul. It always comes from within, never from without. Acceptance of the illness, acceptance of the source, leads to a true understanding of the illness. There are obviously many forms and degrees of illness present on the Earth reflecting the many weaknesses of Humanity and the behaviour that has taken place. Remember that you inherit the illnesses of your forebears and that the seeds of illness that you are now sowing will be visited upon your children and upon your children´s children, in fact for generations to come.

That is why great souls often incarnate on the Earth specifically to accept and to transmute a certain illness and to cleanse the Earth of that illness for generations to come. One can perhaps see that demonstrated by the life of the Master Jesus. He incarnated to transmute a great deal of past evil and to open the way for Humanity to walk along a new path with fresh motivation and understanding. Any illness, even the common cold, must be seen as an illness to be accepted and transmuted in love and through love.

Look to the Spirit
It is easy when one does not have great spiritual consciousness to be confused, even annoyed, by an illness; to see it as an obstacle to one´s enjoyment of life, indeed as an obstacle to one´s evolutionary path in life. Nevertheless, it is a fact that until the illness is accepted and cured, until you are restored to perfect health, you will find it hard to function on any level of your being.

Remember that mental illnesses have physical counterparts and that spiritual illnesses have counterparts on both the mental and the physical levels. Look therefore to the spirit, to the centre, to the core of your being. Look with honesty and love at what you see there. Talk to your spirit, communicate with it, and from the understanding of that union will come the abolition of illness.

Part Four follows....
This article is from "The fantastic Teachings of Ramala".


Many illnesses, if not indeed most illnesses, exist on a pre-physical level, that is on the mental and the spiritual levels and that before any illness manifests on the physical level it can be seen by those that have eyes to see on those higher levels of life.

Root Cause of Illness

It is quite possible to see an illness before it even manifests into the physical, and if one can do that then it is obviously quite possible to treat an illness on the higher levels before it even manifests on the physical level of life. In some ancient civilisations the healers of those times would do just that. They were primarily concerned with healing on the higher levels so as to prevent illness manifesting on the physical level. Today, alas, that knowledge is lost and what you have to deal with in your civilisation is physical illness on a physical level. But if you can accept that the causes of illness are not entirely of the physical and that, for the most part, they are initiated by previous experiences, if not in this life then in previous lives, it should help you to understand the root cause of illness.

Contracting Dis-ease

Let us realise, first and foremost, that all illness comes from within. All illness is caused either by the body, the mind or the spirit. You are the cause of all your illnesses. It might appear that a disease originates outside the body, but you contract a disease only because you permit it to come into your body, because your body is not in perfect harmony.

This can either be because you have not treated your body with respect and have not maintained it in a perfect state so that it is immune to all illness, or else because there is some weakness in either your mental or your spiritual bodies which requires that illness to come and test you.


I can feel the question in your minds already... "Why then do we have these epidemics on the Earth when so many people catch a particular disease and only a few avoid it?". The answer to that is very simple. Many groups of souls incarnate together life after life following similar evolutionary patterns. Therefore many individual souls in a group will tend to exhibit the same weaknesses and will therefore suffer from the same "dis-ease", the same illness.

But, truly, a person that is living in perfect harmony in body, mind and spirit can, and should, resist all illnesses. There is no need for you to be ill except when an illness comes to you as a testing experience, to evolve your spiritual consciousness. In all cases illness should be seen as self-generated and for the benefit of the body, the mind and the spirit, for what else is an illness but an evolutionary lesson requiring you to concentrate all your energies on the illness, on the cure and, more particularly, on your physical body which so many of you choose to ignore today.

The Human Form

Your physical body is not unfeeling matter. Those who are closely concerned with illness, the medical profession in particular, are very aware of the majesty of the human form. It is indeed divine. Most of you, however, are unaware of the complex biological functions that the body performs, for the most part, autonomously and automatically, of the way in which it adapts to the challenges of physical life and of the many creative functions which take place within it.

If you were to multiply the knowledge of the human body today one hundredfold then you would just be beginning to understand its full capabilities. Today you know so little of what the body can do, of how and why it creates. For example, although the physical process of conception is now understood, the cause and the moment of conception, the level on which that decision takes place, is still unrecognised by most people to this very day.

Body Consciousness

The body has consciousness and therefore, as such, has the ability to accept or reject a disease, to decide whether or not to learn the lesson of that dis-ease. It is then the responsibility of the spirit that dwells within that body to bring about healing and to transmute the illness. The first step towards the cure of any illness is an acceptance of that illness. You must recognise that the illness has come to you as a part of the Divine Plan, as an instrument of evolution. It is not something to be fought against and conquered, to be pushed into the background and ignored, to be regarded as an incovenience to your daily living. It is an opportunity given to you by your Creator to forward your evolutionary progress. Therefore accept that test in love and with love. Know that the test is one which, on another level, you yourself have requested.

Part Three follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Saturday, 10 December 2011


The ultimate test of an illness is that you cure it. Whether you cure it in this life or another life, on the physical level or on another level, is for you to choose.

The Master Speaks

I am going to talk on the true nature of illness. As a teacher dealing with an immensely complex subject I must of necessity abbreviate, make analogies and over-simplify, but if I am to present an awareness of the true nature of illness from my side of life it is necessary that I do this.

A Trinity of Bodies

I will take as my archetype the Trinity, the Trinity of Creation, and I will suggest to you that Humanity can be divided into the trinity of body, mind and spirit. I will further suggest to you that each of those centres of creativity demands a body of expression: a physical body, of which you are aware, a mental body and a spiritual body. Each of these bodies exists on their different levels and the spiritual body, being a very fine body, obviously exists on a higher level than the physical body.

Each of those bodies vibrates at a certain note, at a certain frequency, and so expresses the degree of its soul consciousness. Everything that manifests in the spiritual body, the highest body, must inevitably manifest in the lower bodies as well and therefore a spiritual illness, a soul illness, will also manifest in the mental and the physical bodies. It is quite possible, of course, to have an illness on the physical level which is not the direct result of an illness in the spiritual or mental bodies, but I will come to this in a minute.

The Real Essence

I wonder if you recognise that, as far as you are concerned on the physical plane of Earth, you are not your bodies. The real essence of you is your spirit which only temporarily inhabits the physical plane of Earth. Your body belongs not to you but to the Goddess of this Earth who created it in her womb. Recognise that your physical body has consciousness and feeling, has its own individual expression and intelligence with which you can communicate. You can talk to it just as I talk to you now. The concept that you, as beings of spirit, are not your bodies, is not perhaps new to you, but have you ever thought that it is possible to hold a conversation with your body, to ask it questions to make requests of it, to seek its guidance especially where the healing of illness is concerned.

A Microcosm

When you die and your spirit returns to the higher planes of life so your physical body dies too and returns to the womb of the Earth, to the Goddess. Recognise that, just like you, your body has walked a path of evolution gaining consciousness. It has lived a life of meaning and purpose learning lessons just as your spirit has done. Remember that the Solar System in which you live is a body similar to your physical body and that the organs of that body, the planets, function just like the organs of your physical body.

You are a microcosm within a macrocosm, you are bodies within bodies, consciousnesses within consciousnesses, evolving and learning. Know that your physical body, therefore, given to you in a sacred trust by the Goddess, is an evolving, conscious being, worthy of your respect, your admiration and, above all, your love, for indeed it is love that makes the physical body pulsate and obey the commands of spirit.

The Planet Saturn

Let us now consider the nature of illness. Illness, dis-ease, disharmony, can be likened to the "Devil", and when I speak of the Devil I talk now not of the Satanic being created by various religions to make their understanding of God more appealing and relevant, but of the real Saturnian influence, the testing influence of the planet Saturn. The Devil, Satan, is nothing more than the testing aspect of Saturn. You are constantly being tested on every level of your being. The saturnian aspect tests to evolve. It tests to improve. It tests to raise consciousness on every level of your being. It tests even the essence of spirit itself.

Life after life after life your spirit returns to dwell in yet another physical body and the soul, which is the memory of spirit, brings with it the consciousness of past lives. It also brings with it the weaknesses of past lives, the lessons that have to be learned, the karma that has to be transmuted. The way that you have treated your physical bodies in the past is reflected in your present physical body. After conception, the spirit, using its soul memory, creates a body of its own choosing within the womb of the mother. That body embodies the soul pattern, the soul memories, of past lives. Therefore as you grow to adulthood, to become a mature man or woman, so past weaknesses of the soul will manifest in your body and will present themselves to be faced and mastered once again.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teaching of Ramala".

Friday, 9 December 2011


Today we live in a world which is based on technology. We live in a world in which technology has been developed regardless of human considerations. There has been little control over the scientific advances that have been made. The result is that advanced technology is here without the wisdom to use it.

Losing Divine Talents

A machine can replace a hundred men and women, but what of those hundred men and women?? What are they to do?? The essence of life is work: creative industry, the exercise of talents which Humanity has been given by its Creator. These talents must be exercised or they atrophy and will eventually wither and die. When these talents are lost there is an apparent loss of direction and purpose and people seek desperately to establish motivation for their lives. Many people today are losing their divine talents either because they do not or cannot practise them or because they have lost the will to work. They have grown up in a society where work is not an essential part of living.

Channels of Divine Energy

Now work is the means by which you manifest the spirit of your Creator. Work is the means by which you manifest the power of your own spirit. In everything that you do in your work either through thought, word or deed you are creating on this plane of Earth either for good or for evil. That choice is always present. You are but channels of divine energy. It is for you to use and direct that energy. That is the lesson of life.

However, because of the so-called Welfare State which exists in many countries of the Western World, a belief has grown up that if one is provided for by the State then there is no need to work. That is not so. The Welfare State as it exists today is corrupting people for it is removing the lesson of the incentive and the desirability of work, of work not for money´s sake but of work for work´s sake.

A Spiritual Potential

You should work as if your life depended upon it for, truly, it does. How you work now decides the nature of the life that you will experience in the future. The work that you do now is spiritual energy to be stored up and repaid in the years to come. It is, so to speak, spiritual potential that you have established. Until you have worked and established that potential then energy cannot flow to you from Above. You have to earn energy before it is given to you.

If you would seek to advance in one particular field then maybe you must work very hard in an entirely different field in order to be worthy of receiving that gift from Above. Inspiration does not fall like rain from the skies. It has to be earned. It has to be earned through right demonstration, through work. When that has been achieved then the inspiration flows down and you will see the direction that you should take and begin to understand the destiny that lies before you.

Necessary Changes

There is a great uncertainty amongst the young people of today because of the nature of the Age. Many of them are very old souls. Some of them have not incarnated on the Earth for thousands of years and they return now to an Age that is witnessing the break-up of a civilisation, an Age where moral and spiritual values are almost totally disregarded. Moreover, their understanding of the true nature of physical life is constantly being denigrated by those in authority if only because that authority is being challenged. Inevitably young people will be in conflict with authority, for their understanding of the true nature of life will differ from authority´s. But that is why the young people are here. They are here to transform the World. They are here to bring the Piscean into the Aquarian Age.

Young People Today

What the young people of today consider as the reality of life will be very different from the past. The way in which they wish to lead their lives, the way in which they behave morally, socially and politically will be very different from the past. Do not be afraid of such changes. Do not be afraid of such diversity. It is what the young people have come to ground and demonstrate. But this new understanding must be made manifest, demonstrated through work, through right practice, through mixing with both the older and the younger generations. Remember that the children of the young people of today will look to them for a demonstration of Aquarian principles. They have great responsibility in this respect for they are parenting a new Age.

Source of Wisdom

We of the Spiritual Hierarchy, therefore, are drawing close to the Earth at this time to guide Humanity into that understanding of life. We seek to show you in moments such as these that there is a vast source of wisdom into which you can, and must, tap and that there is an intuitive channel already present within you to that wisdom. We seek to show you that there is a divine source of power and energy beyond the physical plane of Earth which truly controls the destiny of this Earth and all upon it down to the smallest element of life.

The God-head is all around you. God is present in every aspect of every being, in every element, in every atom of matter that exists in your World. Every time you handle that matter you are handling your God. As you work so the destiny of the Universe will be revealed to you. The understanding which you now perceive but dimly, will grow into a physical reality and you will have fulfilled what you came to fulfil: to be the founders of the Aquarian Age. That is your guidance!!

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Thursday, 8 December 2011


There is only one being in the whole World who truly knows you and what you should be doing. Your Creator knows not only the destiny of your present incarnation but also your past and your future ones.

You Are Unique

People seek guidance because they have come to a point in their lives when they simply cannot see the direction to take, because they are faced with a major decision such as whether or not to marry, whether or not to emigrate to another country, whether or not to give up their jobs. They have become so confused by their own thoughts and fears, by the well-meaning advice of their friends, that they can no longer see the wood for the trees.

But why, for such important decisions as these, should you look outwards for guidance, for who really can advise you since you are a unique being, unique in the whole Cosmos?? There is no other being in the whole Cosmos who vibrates on your frequency, who possesses exactly the same point of soul knowledge and wisdom that you do, who operates on your unique vibratory note. Who then can give you gidance as to the path that you should take??

Your Creator Knows

There is only one being in the whole World who truly knows you and what you should be doing. That being is your Creator. Your Creator knows not only the destiny of yur present incarnation but also your past and your future ones, not only the destiny of your family and your friends but also the destiny of the planet on which you now dwell. We of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Creator´s servants on the higher planes of life, have cognizance of that destiny for on our level of life there is truly no time. There is no past: there is no present: there is no future.

All is one and so we see clearly in the wholeness of being that which you face as a moment in time. It is purely from this viewpoint that we are able to give guidance for we can see clearly the path on which your Soul is set. Therefore the guidance that we give is to your Soul, not to your personality. We are not interested in the facets of your personality which manifest now, have manifested in the past or will manifest in the future. We talk only to the Soul, to that spark of spirit which is eternal, which is beyond physical flesh, which is linked even now to us on the higher planes of life.

The Reality of Guidance

Guidance: to act as a guide, to show the way, to point the way, to demonstrate the way. There are many who incarnate on the plane of Earth and give guidance through the very act of their being, great Masters such as the Nazarene, the Buddha. That is the reality of guidance. Through their lives, through their individual demonstrations, they provide guidance to Humanity. See in the lives of such Masters the guidance which you seek. See in the paths that they walked, in the revelation of their minds, what is the reality of physical life.

Observe your fellow human beings who are all divine sparks of Spirit, observe the physical World around you and see how they respond to your thoughts, words and deeds for they are the mirror of your being. There is the guidance that you seek. You have no need to seek guidance of us when around you is the guidance of your Creator: the manaifest World and the beings of spirit upon it. That form of guidance has always been and will always be available to you.

As you come into contact with the Kingdoms of this Earth, not just the Human but the Animal, the Vegetable and the Mineral as well, you sound your note which brings forth a response from the Kingdoms which confirms or denies the rightness of your actions. There are those, of course, who cannot or do not want to see and for them there are other forms of guidance available, one of which we are using now. But as I said before, that guidance is to the Soul, not to the personality.

Our Own Choice

Among young people today there are many who seek guidance because they are truly lost in the World in which they find themselves. Why should this be so, for they are the sons and daughters of this World. They chose to incarnate into it. Indeed they had to struggle on the higher planes of life for the very right to incarnate on the Earth at this critical time, for there are many thousands of souls who desire to incarnate on the Earth at this time to experience the great changes that are now manifesting, to witness the transition of the Ages and the rebirth of the planet.

Therefore these young people must recognise that they are here of their own choice, because of their souls´ understanding of what the Earth and the Universe have to teach them. If they chose to be here, why therefore are they lost?? Why do the Earth and the Universe not reveal to them the direction and the path that they must take??

Believing the Illusion

For the most part it is because the young today do not listen either to the Earth or to the Universe. They listen only to themselves. They listen to the illusions and the thought-forms that they have accumulated, to what they have established as truth. They have closed their eyes to the source that could reveal to them what is the true reality of life on this Earth. The nature of the educational system through which they have progressed is such that they have always been taught to look outwards for information and instruction. Only on very rare occasions have they been called upon to be creative, to bring forth from within themselves what they hold to be sacred. Indeed, have they as individuals ever considered what they do hold to be sacred, what they hold to be of the God-head??

Part Three follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Wednesday, 7 December 2011


Seeking spiritual guidance requires no effort or concentration on your part, for you just sit back, relax and listen. In a sense, everything is done for you. The harder way would be for you to obtain the guidance that you need through your own divine channel.

The Master Questions Us

I wonder why you think that you need guidance and why, in particular, that you should seek guidance through mediumship. Why should you, incarnate beings on the plane of Earth, equipped with your physical senses, living in the reality of physical life, seek guidance from a discarnate being living in a realm beyond your comprehension, far removed from the physical plane of Earth?? What is it that one such as I can give you which will help you to walk your path in life??

Perhaps you seek this form of guidance because not being in touch with your own inner voice, with your own spiritual guidance, you are grateful to be able to listen to any other source which is accessible to you. But, moreover this form of guidance requires no effort or concentration on your part.

A Responsibility

I, for my part, am very conscious of the responsibility of giving guidance, for I am responsible for what I say until the end of time. I am karmically responsible not only for what I say to you but for what you do because of it. It is essential, therefore, in any interchange between the planes of life such as this that you are aware of this responsibility.

Indeed, it is vital when you seek guidance in this way that first and foremost you establish that the spirit which is giving the guidance to you is, at the very least, the equal of yours in spiritual consciousness and, desirably, more evolved; for any guidance given to you by a less evolved spirit is worthless. How then are you to assess the vibratory note of the spirit being that gives guidance to you except by the right practice of what that spirit being says and by continually checking that guidance both with your own inner feelings and with the World around you, for what is the World around you but your Creator talking to you.

Intellect Contra Intuition

Do you not also consider it strange that you should listen to the guidance of one far removed from your plane of life and yet accept what that spirit being says without even being aware of the personality or the form of the being who speaks to you?? But such is the nature of life on Earth today, where intellect rules over intuition, that this form of guidance is sought by many who are trying to understand what is happening on this planet. You have often used this form of guidance in previous lives. For you it is an accepted form of communication, one which you have relied on in the past and will use again in the future. You accept guidance as your birthright.

Do The Work

I will begin by saying that it is essential in this form of guidance that you understand that I would never tell you what to do. I would never say that you should take a certain course of action, that you should walk along a certain path. That is not my purpose in talking to you. Any guidance which does this should be treated with utmost caution. The essence of guidance is that it helps you to reach your own decisions, not that you accept its decisions and implement them in blind trust. That is not guidance.

If I take away your choice, if I remove your lessons in life, the obstacles which you face on your evolutionary path, then I am removing your learning experiences and no good will come from that. I seek to guide you. I seek to teach you. I seek to help you to evolve your point of consciousness. But you must do the work; I cannot do it for you. I am simply the spark that awakens within your own consciousness what you already know to be true.

The Personality´s Illusion

But why do people seek guidance?? For some it is the path of laziness. How easy it is to ask someone else to solve your problems and to have them tell you how, or when, to do something rather than you discovering for yourself. When one has lived for a long time in the illusion of one´s personality, denying the wisdom of one´s soul, one comes to a point in time when one is truly lost, when one has walked so far along that path of illusion that one can no longer see the reality of life around one. Only at that time does one acknowledge that something is wrong and seek help. But you have to face the karmic responsibility for being in that situation, a situation of your own causing. That learning experience is vital to the soul. To remove that lesson is to destroy the very purpose of the soul being here on the plane of Earth.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Sunday, 4 December 2011


Mind, body, Spirit and Earth are all interconnected with the Golden Liquid Light or Mind Energy. They are all one, yet each affects the other in subtle ways.

Golden Liquid Light

Humans moving into the Fifth Dimension must understand this concept, and also understand the subtlety of the mental body´s and mind´s influences on the creative process. This is especially true for scientists. If this is not understood, evolution will be stalled and chaos will result, causing pain to those moving through this portal of time / space.

A Magnetic Flux

A magnetic flux exists in the Universe which will be experienced more fully when Earth is integrated into the Fifth Dimension. It is sensitive and fluctuates easily through the stimulus-response patterns being emitted constantly by various energy sources. For example, whenver there is a disruption in the forcefield, a momentary disturbance is created in the magnetic resonance patterns around individuals.

The cycles of the moon and the subsequent effects on human behaviour illustrate this point. When such disturbances occur , information received by individuals is disrupted, and the mathematical symbols are disturbed. This causes "inaccurate" information to be received and assembled within the mind.

Law of Attraction

Please note that I placed the word "inaccurate" in quotation marks to make a point. In reality, no information received is inaccurate, because all information is received as a result of the magnetic patterns that form around an individual. Students of Universal Laws know this to be true and recognise that this staement is in reference to the Law of Attraction.

By using quotations, I emphasise that information exists that is more stable and conducive to the growth of the individual´s nine bodies, and that this greater wisdom can be accessed through higher vibrational patterns within the Divine Mind. When an individual is calmer and more stable, his or her ability to receive higher forms of information with fewer distortions is increased. Therefore, information received under these conditions is deemed to be more "accurate".

Evolutionary Development

Another way to assist one´s understanding is to provide another explanation. Accurate also can be defined in terms of information received through stages of the evolutionary development of the soul. What is understood and accepted as truth and accurate in one phase of development is discarded later as the person evolves into higher fields of understanding. Thus, this explains how science has evolved throughout the centuries. As wisdom and knowledge expand and become stabilised, concepts are received at higher levels of understanding and development. This, then, changes the face of truth.

Co-creators with God

So Awaken Sisters and Brothers of the Stars!! Feel this life force connection and integrate it into your existence through the stillness of your mind. Connect with it to become one with its power. If you can achieve this state of Oneness, you shall slowly become "enlightened", which will begin your journey to freedom.

Remember you are one with this force. You are the spark of Divine Creation, come to Earth to be the co-creators with God. Remember Oneness!! All is mind. All is thought. All is All.

This article is taken from the Teachings of Ancient Wisdom.


Spirit is the essence of consciousness, the energy of the Universe that creates all things. Each one of us is a part of that Spirit -- a Divine entity. So the Spirit is the Higher Self, the eternal being that lives within us.

How Thoughts Create

Our thoughts, our visualisations, and the language by which we express our thoughts are some of the most powerful tools we have for spiritual growth. Just as God, or the ALL, creates with mind, so do we as human beings. Thoughts create, and constitute the basis for all there is because thoughts are vibrations before they become thoughts. We then express them as the energies of words, emotions and actions. In this way we interact with the world and carry out our life activities.

Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Divine Oneness helps us understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the Universe around us. As we grow spiritually we learn how to transmute negative thoughts, words, emotions and actions into positive ones. Thus, we not only manifest a better environment for ourselves, but we also help create a world that is consistent with the One.

From Ancient Wisdom

Here is the ancient wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus, better known to the Egyptians at Thoth, on the universal principle of the Divine Concept of Oneness. Now, it is wise to note that there is a lifeline, through the Higher Self, that shall bring forth the highest frequency of information to the reader of these words of wisdom... and so this directive is given :- Feel the message with the heart centre, rather than receive the words in the mind. Absorb the Light that comes with the message, and in so doing, you shall begin the journey of becoming self-realised in the Light.

All is Mind Energy

The Divine Concept of Oneness is the Universal Mind. It is the realisation that ALL IS MIND and the Universe exists within this field of pure energy and Light. All is consciousness -- the planets, the suns, the animals, the plants, the minerals and all beings of multidimensional forms, who grace the Creator´s kingdoms. Nothing escapes this principle, for all is composed of the same substance at the subatomic level.

It is here, at the subatomic level, where the Oneness Concept sustains the life force within, and it is also at this level where higher consciousness is realised, for all is mind energy in the universes and all is information which can be reduced mathematically.

Silence the Active Mind

This field of mind energy is sometimes referred to as the Golden Liquid Light, or otherwise known as Prana, Chi or Life Force Energy. This field is accessed by individuals by silencing the active mind. This state reduces the number of electromagnetic signals emitted by higher mental actions. Silence allows our nine bodies (the soul´s vehicles whilst incarnated) to align with the perfect code that locks the individual into this force field.

Once an individual resonates to the frequency of Divine Oneness, the mind connects with symbols and patterns that reside in this force field. These, in turn enable the mind to use this connection for creation and manifestation. The key to accessing this "Power" lies in the person´s ability to remain totally calm, balanced, and at peace during all situations.

Part Two follows....

This article is taken from Teachings of the Ancient Wisdom.

Thursday, 1 December 2011


I hope that you will now begin to look at the Ten Commandments in a new light. If you will only follow them they will change you beyond all recognition, for if you did but realise it the Ten Commandments are the keys for your spiritual progression on Earth.

The Eighth Commandment


This commandment, of course means more than the simple fact that one should not take away another person´s personal possessions although, obviously, if people are to live together in society it is desirable that they should not steal from one another. The implication of stealing is, however, far greater than this. It means that you should not take that which is not yours at any level, even in the World as a whole. It means that you should not exploit your fellow human beings, that one country should not exploit another country.

A country that is rich and powerful should not use its position to deprive a poorer country of food or mineral resources which its people desperately need. One country should not advance itself at the expense of another, the rich should not exploit the poor. It means that one country should not take away another´s right to self-determination. Inherent in this is that you should treat all people as equals. You should not take away, you should not steal, any person´s individual freedom in any respect whatsovever.

The Ninth Commandment


It is obvious that you should not tell lies about anyone but, again, there is far more to this commandment that you would see at first. To lie is to speak evil of another person, to speak evil means a thought, a thought is a creation, and that creation will remain thereafter on the invisible planes of existence around this Earth. So remember that when you tell lies you are creating evil which affects not only the person about whom you lie but also yourself and many other people who will tap into the thoughts that you have created.

Most of the wickedness and the evil on this Earth comes out of Humanity´s mouth. If only Humanity would motivate its speech correctly in every respect, if it would speak only good, then life on this Earth would change in the twinkling of an eye. Every time a person speaks evil anywhere in the World, no matter whether they be a politician, a clergyman, a shopkeeper or a farmer, they are creating forces which will burden down and affect this Earth for many, many days to come.

The Tenth Commandment


Another commandment put so simply yet meaning so much. Remember that all of you, as individuals, before you incarnated chose the shape and appearance of your physical body, your status in life and the manner in which you were to lead your present life: therefore be satisfied with that life. Because another person has more money, has a better car, has a larger house, goes on more holidays than you do, that does not mean that you should covet their possessions and their way of life, for they are learning different lessons to you.

The fact that you covet their possessions or way of life attracts forces to you which were probably not intended for your present destiny. Also remember that the thought which you send out as you look at another person´s husband or wife, at another person´s car, can affect them as much as it affects you.

Recognise the force that gives matter to you. Because your personality wants a car or a house, that does not mean that you will get it, for the giver of matter, the controller of matter, on this Earth is a far greater force than your ego. Remember that matter belongs to no one, but at the same time respect the individuality of your fellow human beings who are using that matter. They are walking their paths using the matter of this Earth just like you and, their paths being different to yours, they will require different aspects of matter. Therefore, rather than seeking to imitate your fellow human beings, be yourself and walk your own path. Remember that if you seek the things of the spirit, if you seek your true path, then the matter necessary for that path will assuredly be given to you.

Accept Responsibility

Humanity today is far removed from its true path both individually, racially and planetarily, because you continually think that you know what you need, that you know what is best for you. You see, grasp, take, use and then discard. In all this you are usually motivated by greed, the desire to possess. However, once you have possessed, the desire soon goes away, but the responsibilty for what you have acquired has only just begun. So, as you acquire possessions remember that you are also acquiring responsibilities.

The least burdened person who walks the path of life on this Earth is the person who walks alone, with few possessions, for they have few responsibilities and are free to fulfil their true purpose. The person with many riches, with many possessions, is burdened down with the responsibility for them for even if they discard them the karma for their use remains with them.

I hope that you will now begin to look at the Ten Commandments in a new light. If you will only follow them they will change you beyond all recognition, for if you did but realise it the Ten Commandments are the keys to the doors of your spiritual progression on the Earth.

If you will only use these keys to unlock those doors, then one day you will stand before the majesty, the glory, the perfectness, the absoluteness, of the God of this planetary system, and when you achieve this you will have passed beyond the commandments of this Earth and will have begun to observe the commandments of the Universe.

This article is from "The Fanstastic Teachings of Ramala".