Saturday, 17 December 2011


The three most significant rites of passage in life which you will celebrate as human beings are birth, death and marriage.

Choosing With Deliberation

Over birth and death it would appear that you exercise little choice, although the truth of the matter is that on the higher levels of life, before you incarnate, you choose very deliberately and with great consciousness both your moment of birth and your moment of death. Nevertheless, because at birth and death you are transferring your spiritual consciousness from one plane of life to another, the fact that you have made a choice is not always readily apparent.

With the act of marriage, because you are living on the physical plane of life in your bodies of matter and because the density of the World´s vibrations dulls your senses, that inspiration which is present on the higher levels of life appears to be denied to you. Many of you therefore experience great uncertainty as you seek out the partner that you have chosen to marry in this life.

Soul Consciousness

It is important that you realise that evolved souls choose their marriage partners with as much care as they choose their moment of birth and their moment of death. There will always be a destined partner to complete a destined marriage, a partnership agreed on from the higher levels of life by the souls involved before they even came down into the physical matter of Earth. As in all things it is the point of soul consciousness that decides both the level of the marriage and the nature of its destiny.

For young souls it does not matter so much if a destined marriage does not come to pass because they will learn lesson no matter whom they marry. Moreover, the lower the point of consciousness the more the souls that are available from which to select a partner for marriage, but as you progress up the evolutionary ladder so the choice becomes more restricted. If you do not choose your destined partner and marry someone else then your destiny is restricted, and in the case of an evolved soul is severly restricted. It is therefore important that you both find and marry your destined partner.

A Sacred Sacrament

In the World in which you live today when perhaps twenty five percent of all marriages end in divorce and when another twenty five percent are marriages only in name, with husbands and wives simply living together in a joyless union, it is all the more remarkable that there are some people who still regard marriage as a lifetime´s commitment. Such people insist on finding their right partner even though they know a legal release can easily be obtained from a marriage if they think they have made a mistake.

It is indeed a rare soul, a soul of aged evolution, that regards marriage as a spiritual act and invokes the blessing of its Creator on that union, that dedicates the creativity of the union to its God. Marriage is a sacred sacrament and its significance is never lost on an evolved soul. That is why old souls always seek to find their destined partner in marriage. They recognise both the sanctity of the union and the purpose for which they agreed to marry on Earth.

Seeking Your True Partner

The temptation is always present for an evolved soul to marry a less evolved soul. The magnetic quality of an evolved soul will often attract a less evolved soul to it like a moth to the flame. An evolved soul sometimes succumbs to this temptation because of the apparent personality attractions and so has to face the lesson of being married to a less evolved soul. This often proves to be a painful lesson for not only does such a marriage limit its destiny path but it also places severe restrictions on the creations of its marriage. Moreover, as the older soul grows in spiritual maturity and reaches the physical age when it wants to become a teacher, it finds that it is continually being restricted by its less evolved partner.

The result of this is that unless karma is to be created the older soul must restrict its evolutionary pace to that of its partner. An old soul will make this mistake only once or twice in its evolutionary cycle and will then learn the lesson and will never need to repeat it. It is important, unless your destiny requires it, not to marry a less evolved soul. You should always seek out your true partner in marriage, the partner you have chosen for this incarnation. You should seek your true partner not just to fulfil your destiny, not just fo fulfil the spiritual nature of your being but, above all, because you know that that is the commitment which you made before you came down into physical life.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teaching of Ramala".

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