Sunday, 4 December 2011


Spirit is the essence of consciousness, the energy of the Universe that creates all things. Each one of us is a part of that Spirit -- a Divine entity. So the Spirit is the Higher Self, the eternal being that lives within us.

How Thoughts Create

Our thoughts, our visualisations, and the language by which we express our thoughts are some of the most powerful tools we have for spiritual growth. Just as God, or the ALL, creates with mind, so do we as human beings. Thoughts create, and constitute the basis for all there is because thoughts are vibrations before they become thoughts. We then express them as the energies of words, emotions and actions. In this way we interact with the world and carry out our life activities.

Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Divine Oneness helps us understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the Universe around us. As we grow spiritually we learn how to transmute negative thoughts, words, emotions and actions into positive ones. Thus, we not only manifest a better environment for ourselves, but we also help create a world that is consistent with the One.

From Ancient Wisdom

Here is the ancient wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus, better known to the Egyptians at Thoth, on the universal principle of the Divine Concept of Oneness. Now, it is wise to note that there is a lifeline, through the Higher Self, that shall bring forth the highest frequency of information to the reader of these words of wisdom... and so this directive is given :- Feel the message with the heart centre, rather than receive the words in the mind. Absorb the Light that comes with the message, and in so doing, you shall begin the journey of becoming self-realised in the Light.

All is Mind Energy

The Divine Concept of Oneness is the Universal Mind. It is the realisation that ALL IS MIND and the Universe exists within this field of pure energy and Light. All is consciousness -- the planets, the suns, the animals, the plants, the minerals and all beings of multidimensional forms, who grace the Creator´s kingdoms. Nothing escapes this principle, for all is composed of the same substance at the subatomic level.

It is here, at the subatomic level, where the Oneness Concept sustains the life force within, and it is also at this level where higher consciousness is realised, for all is mind energy in the universes and all is information which can be reduced mathematically.

Silence the Active Mind

This field of mind energy is sometimes referred to as the Golden Liquid Light, or otherwise known as Prana, Chi or Life Force Energy. This field is accessed by individuals by silencing the active mind. This state reduces the number of electromagnetic signals emitted by higher mental actions. Silence allows our nine bodies (the soul´s vehicles whilst incarnated) to align with the perfect code that locks the individual into this force field.

Once an individual resonates to the frequency of Divine Oneness, the mind connects with symbols and patterns that reside in this force field. These, in turn enable the mind to use this connection for creation and manifestation. The key to accessing this "Power" lies in the person´s ability to remain totally calm, balanced, and at peace during all situations.

Part Two follows....

This article is taken from Teachings of the Ancient Wisdom.

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