Today we live in a world which is based on technology. We live in a world in which technology has been developed regardless of human considerations. There has been little control over the scientific advances that have been made. The result is that advanced technology is here without the wisdom to use it.
Losing Divine Talents
A machine can replace a hundred men and women, but what of those hundred men and women?? What are they to do?? The essence of life is work: creative industry, the exercise of talents which Humanity has been given by its Creator. These talents must be exercised or they atrophy and will eventually wither and die. When these talents are lost there is an apparent loss of direction and purpose and people seek desperately to establish motivation for their lives. Many people today are losing their divine talents either because they do not or cannot practise them or because they have lost the will to work. They have grown up in a society where work is not an essential part of living.
Channels of Divine Energy
Now work is the means by which you manifest the spirit of your Creator. Work is the means by which you manifest the power of your own spirit. In everything that you do in your work either through thought, word or deed you are creating on this plane of Earth either for good or for evil. That choice is always present. You are but channels of divine energy. It is for you to use and direct that energy. That is the lesson of life.
However, because of the so-called Welfare State which exists in many countries of the Western World, a belief has grown up that if one is provided for by the State then there is no need to work. That is not so. The Welfare State as it exists today is corrupting people for it is removing the lesson of the incentive and the desirability of work, of work not for money´s sake but of work for work´s sake.
A Spiritual Potential
You should work as if your life depended upon it for, truly, it does. How you work now decides the nature of the life that you will experience in the future. The work that you do now is spiritual energy to be stored up and repaid in the years to come. It is, so to speak, spiritual potential that you have established. Until you have worked and established that potential then energy cannot flow to you from Above. You have to earn energy before it is given to you.
If you would seek to advance in one particular field then maybe you must work very hard in an entirely different field in order to be worthy of receiving that gift from Above. Inspiration does not fall like rain from the skies. It has to be earned. It has to be earned through right demonstration, through work. When that has been achieved then the inspiration flows down and you will see the direction that you should take and begin to understand the destiny that lies before you.
Necessary Changes
There is a great uncertainty amongst the young people of today because of the nature of the Age. Many of them are very old souls. Some of them have not incarnated on the Earth for thousands of years and they return now to an Age that is witnessing the break-up of a civilisation, an Age where moral and spiritual values are almost totally disregarded. Moreover, their understanding of the true nature of physical life is constantly being denigrated by those in authority if only because that authority is being challenged. Inevitably young people will be in conflict with authority, for their understanding of the true nature of life will differ from authority´s. But that is why the young people are here. They are here to transform the World. They are here to bring the Piscean into the Aquarian Age.
Young People Today
What the young people of today consider as the reality of life will be very different from the past. The way in which they wish to lead their lives, the way in which they behave morally, socially and politically will be very different from the past. Do not be afraid of such changes. Do not be afraid of such diversity. It is what the young people have come to ground and demonstrate. But this new understanding must be made manifest, demonstrated through work, through right practice, through mixing with both the older and the younger generations. Remember that the children of the young people of today will look to them for a demonstration of Aquarian principles. They have great responsibility in this respect for they are parenting a new Age.
Source of Wisdom
We of the Spiritual Hierarchy, therefore, are drawing close to the Earth at this time to guide Humanity into that understanding of life. We seek to show you in moments such as these that there is a vast source of wisdom into which you can, and must, tap and that there is an intuitive channel already present within you to that wisdom. We seek to show you that there is a divine source of power and energy beyond the physical plane of Earth which truly controls the destiny of this Earth and all upon it down to the smallest element of life.
The God-head is all around you. God is present in every aspect of every being, in every element, in every atom of matter that exists in your World. Every time you handle that matter you are handling your God. As you work so the destiny of the Universe will be revealed to you. The understanding which you now perceive but dimly, will grow into a physical reality and you will have fulfilled what you came to fulfil: to be the founders of the Aquarian Age. That is your guidance!!
This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".
Losing Divine Talents
A machine can replace a hundred men and women, but what of those hundred men and women?? What are they to do?? The essence of life is work: creative industry, the exercise of talents which Humanity has been given by its Creator. These talents must be exercised or they atrophy and will eventually wither and die. When these talents are lost there is an apparent loss of direction and purpose and people seek desperately to establish motivation for their lives. Many people today are losing their divine talents either because they do not or cannot practise them or because they have lost the will to work. They have grown up in a society where work is not an essential part of living.
Channels of Divine Energy
Now work is the means by which you manifest the spirit of your Creator. Work is the means by which you manifest the power of your own spirit. In everything that you do in your work either through thought, word or deed you are creating on this plane of Earth either for good or for evil. That choice is always present. You are but channels of divine energy. It is for you to use and direct that energy. That is the lesson of life.
However, because of the so-called Welfare State which exists in many countries of the Western World, a belief has grown up that if one is provided for by the State then there is no need to work. That is not so. The Welfare State as it exists today is corrupting people for it is removing the lesson of the incentive and the desirability of work, of work not for money´s sake but of work for work´s sake.
A Spiritual Potential
You should work as if your life depended upon it for, truly, it does. How you work now decides the nature of the life that you will experience in the future. The work that you do now is spiritual energy to be stored up and repaid in the years to come. It is, so to speak, spiritual potential that you have established. Until you have worked and established that potential then energy cannot flow to you from Above. You have to earn energy before it is given to you.
If you would seek to advance in one particular field then maybe you must work very hard in an entirely different field in order to be worthy of receiving that gift from Above. Inspiration does not fall like rain from the skies. It has to be earned. It has to be earned through right demonstration, through work. When that has been achieved then the inspiration flows down and you will see the direction that you should take and begin to understand the destiny that lies before you.
Necessary Changes
There is a great uncertainty amongst the young people of today because of the nature of the Age. Many of them are very old souls. Some of them have not incarnated on the Earth for thousands of years and they return now to an Age that is witnessing the break-up of a civilisation, an Age where moral and spiritual values are almost totally disregarded. Moreover, their understanding of the true nature of physical life is constantly being denigrated by those in authority if only because that authority is being challenged. Inevitably young people will be in conflict with authority, for their understanding of the true nature of life will differ from authority´s. But that is why the young people are here. They are here to transform the World. They are here to bring the Piscean into the Aquarian Age.
Young People Today
What the young people of today consider as the reality of life will be very different from the past. The way in which they wish to lead their lives, the way in which they behave morally, socially and politically will be very different from the past. Do not be afraid of such changes. Do not be afraid of such diversity. It is what the young people have come to ground and demonstrate. But this new understanding must be made manifest, demonstrated through work, through right practice, through mixing with both the older and the younger generations. Remember that the children of the young people of today will look to them for a demonstration of Aquarian principles. They have great responsibility in this respect for they are parenting a new Age.
Source of Wisdom
We of the Spiritual Hierarchy, therefore, are drawing close to the Earth at this time to guide Humanity into that understanding of life. We seek to show you in moments such as these that there is a vast source of wisdom into which you can, and must, tap and that there is an intuitive channel already present within you to that wisdom. We seek to show you that there is a divine source of power and energy beyond the physical plane of Earth which truly controls the destiny of this Earth and all upon it down to the smallest element of life.
The God-head is all around you. God is present in every aspect of every being, in every element, in every atom of matter that exists in your World. Every time you handle that matter you are handling your God. As you work so the destiny of the Universe will be revealed to you. The understanding which you now perceive but dimly, will grow into a physical reality and you will have fulfilled what you came to fulfil: to be the founders of the Aquarian Age. That is your guidance!!
This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".
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