Wednesday, 28 December 2011


Humanity has divorced love from the sexual act and it is this misconception which more than anything else symbolises the problems now facing Humanity.

The Master explains :

The Misuse of Sex

If I was to ask most people on the Earth today how they would define the energy of Creation they would, perhaps, smile knowlingly at me and say that it was the energy of the sexual act. But we of the Spiritual Hierarchy, who dwell on the higher planes of life looking down on the Earth, would give a very different answer, for we would say that the energy of creation was LOVE.

I would go even further and would say, because I can see the planes both above and below the physical plane or life, that it is the misuse of the sexual act which hastens humanity towards a cataclysmic upheaval. There is no more pressing problem that faces Humanity at this time than the understanding of the sexual act and what lies behind it on the higher levels of life. For if Humanity does not control the World population, and limit the influx of new souls, the presence of all those young energies on the crowded plane of Earth will lead to an imbalance that will destroy this planet.

The Basic Principle

The energy of creation is a pure energy which emanates from our Creator and, because of this, the principle of creation is the the same no matter whether one talks of the birth of a planet or the birth of a baby. It is only the degree of manifestation that varies according to the vibratory rate of the being that is creating. It is that vibratory rate, that point of consciousness, which decides the nature and the form of conception and birth. The basic principle remains the same no matter whether one is an interplanetary or human being. One creates in the image of one´s God, exercising the gift of creation given to one by one´s God. One creates in ITS image using the energy of ITS love.

As you look at the visable Universe through your telesopes and see the many galaxies that have been created, as you look up at the night sky and see the stars in their appointed place, as you observe the order of even your own planetary system, so you can see there the perfection of divine creation. In just the same way Humanity should be able to look at the perfection of its own creations. That is the awesome nature of the responsibility that has been placed in your hands by your Creator.

Human Distortion

If you look in a dictionary at the meaning of the word "sex" you will see that it is defined quite simply as male and female or positive and negative. Furthermore, if you look at the meaning of the word "sexual" you will see that it simply means pertaining to male or to female. But in the World in which you live today do not those words have so much more connotation?? Does not a large part of your daily living revolve around those two words?? Do they not reflect the most energy absorbing aspect of your physical being??

This is because the nature of life on the Earth today has been distorted beyond all recognition. The result of this is that the souls of the Aquarian Age incarnating into physical life at this time have to overcome a great obstacle. They have to rediscover the true nature of the creative energy before they themselves create. They have to reject the sexual conditioning of the World in which they find themselves and recognise that the nature of sexuality has become so distorted that they are not seeing a true picture.

Creating on Many Levels

The sexual act is an act of creation and, as is the case with any creative act, when it is performed you create on many levels of life. You create on the physical level in the way of which you are well aware, but you also create on levels above and below the physical. The motivation of your body, mind and spirit at the moment of that act of creation will decide the nature of what you create.

As gods in the making you were created in the image of your God. You were given the divine gift of free choice and the priceless right of self-creation or self-reproduction. You must therefore be responsible, just as your Creator is, for everything that you have created.

Every single time you perform the sexual act, even if you are not creating babies on the physical level, you are creating spirit babies and spirit thought-forms on either the higher or lower levels of life. You create on many different planes of life. Just as you should take respnsibility for what you have created on the physical plane, as a mother and father take care of their baby, so you must take responsibility for what you have created on the other planes of life.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

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