Wednesday, 29 December 2010


You have heard of the "pawns" of the powers that wish to control the planet, but you don´t know the connection between the Earth puppets and the alien puppet-masters.

The Base Energy Layer

In the earlier article we talked about souls with a base energy and their placement, after leaving the Earth, in a realm with a base density layer. Nirvana is a realm of independent layers of density and is the ONLY place Earth residents can go after physical death, and its composition is designed to accommodate all souls, even including those you consider evil.

The base energy layer is near your moon, which is surrounded by a density that isn´t correctly known to your scientists. After the moon was cut off from its original planetary structure and became devoid of what you would call "real" life, it became a dumping ground for universally-rejected matter. The natural uninhabitability of that area makes it a good place for housing base energy souls.

Confined Souls

However, that is not the home of souls with the basest energy. They´re confined within a small orbiting body that´s not known to your scientists. Unlike our realm´s other energy levels, which are flexible in formation, that level is a definite sphere. It is small enough for its orbit to be contained within the first hundred or so miles stretching outward from Earth, and due to its density, it is on a static path that never can touch the planet.

The negative energies from this sphere cannot fly out and land on Earth. Their density won´t permit escape, but this very density does permit influence to be released, like sparks in an overloaded electrical wire. Those sparks are the influencing aspect, and they are attracted to souls whose energy is even somewhat compatible with the base soul energy.

Earth Puppets

You have heard of the "pawns" of the powers that wish to control the planet, but you don´t know the connection between the Earth puppets and the alien puppet-masters. The connection is that spark which is not Light, but is a frequecy of low vibration that acts something like a decorative net sweeping the ocean floor for sea life that can become entrapped because of curiosity.

It is the curious human mind with a dark nature proclivity that is directed into the intriguing aspects of the baser styles of behaviour. Satanic worship with its unconscionable tortures and sacrifices of human and animal life is a prime example of the basest density energy.

About Lucifer

As for the name Lucifer, or any name given to the archangels and other high Light beings, they are indeed proper names of the various entity forces that your science recognizes only as energy forms. Each entity is its own being, some with such vastness in power that it cannot even be imagined on Earth, so it is understandable that science does not personalize these powers with names. Consider: Why would the myriad souls co-creared by God and Creator NOT have names to distinguish their individual, inviolate selves from all others, just as all relatives in any family do??

Now then, Lucifer was created in Creator´s first manifestation of individual parts, the highest realm of angels. Once free will was bestowed upon those entities, they could choose what to co-create in subsequent manifestations. Originally Lucifer had good intent to create equally with Creator, who had only Light to impart to Its creations. But eventually he used his free will and curiosity to experiment in making terrible and miserable creatures, which created increasingly baser density.

As the Luciferian energy core grew with each experimentation and manifestation, it divided again and again, and with each division aspects voluntarily withdrew more and more from Creator, away from the Light into darkness.

Roots in Luciferian Energy

What exists on Earth today is a continuation of that withdrawal from the awareness of every soul´s connection with the Light. People who are carrying out the bidding of the dark forces have their roots in Luciferian energy. Energy is neutral, remember, and Luciferian energy is only a term specifying that energy directed by Lucifer into baser and baser activities.

Lucifer was created of total Light, so the first of his lineage could only be of Light. However, there is Light within EVERY new soul, regardless of its ancestry, just as there is free will to follow the Light or not. As lucifer fell from the Light due to his free will choices, his progeny were not automatically drawn down with him, but some exercised their own free will and joined him on his downward pathway.

All of those who followed him were exposed to the Light continuously all along the way. Some chose to return to the Light, some did not, and those who did not are spoken of as the dark forces.

Light Most Powerful

Where in the Universe do the dark forces reside?? Wherever they wish within dimensions of density where the vibratory level cannot trap their psyches. The most powerful of the dark energies usually do not embody, although by universal laws, they have the manifesting capability to create bodies of any design and whatever else they wish EXCEPT souls and Light. That is why the Light forces ultimately will overcome the dark forces. The dark energies never can spread their darkness enough to snuff out the last vestiges of Light.

ALWAYS the most powerful is Creator! If Creator wishes to withdraw the free will choices and extinguish the life force of darkness, this can be done. At any moment Creator so decides, the beings of darkness can be reabsorbed and neutralized as if there never had been a "Big Bang".

This article is from the teachings "Keys to Restoring Paradise on Earth".


Always remember that you are a soul, and your soul has taken on a physical body. The real you is not the body as so many believe.

The Essence of Life

The soul is the very essence of life as it first sprang from Creator. It is an indestructible living entity of Light energy that may have a physical body, etheric body or astral body, or it may exist in free spirit only. Our soul, manifested by God through His co-creating powers with Creator, are expressions of love and Light of God and contain in microcosm every essence of God. In any of its forms the soul acts with free will independence at the same time it exists inseparably with God and Creator and all other souls.

The soul is the power behind everything that exists on Earth. It is the life force of all its progeny that it created for ever-greater experiencing. At every level of evolvement, from the most minute subdivision of a root soul all the way to the angelic realms, each soul is an independent being with intelligence, characteristics, choices, goals and all the other elements that make each person a unique being.

The Cumulative Soul

Each individual lifetime of a soul is its PERSONAGE. The sum of a soul´s personages is its CUMULATIVE SOUL, and all experiencing of all the personages is available to each. Thus, as each personage melds into the cumulative soul, it is increased in wisdom and soul evolution, yet it remains its inviolate independent self.

The consciousness of the soul has the capability to reach all knowingness that exists throughout creation. The universal mind, that entire spectrum of human and godly powers and all experiencing throughout existence -- all of this is within the soul. When we tap into this knowingness we are allowing the soul to see itself and report what it sees to the brain, which is a personal computer for processing data for the mind to assimilate and contemplate. The key to understanding this is to separate your consciousness and allow the thinking process to quiet itself. Then the pictures will come, followed by awareness of what is going on in your mind, which is bringing you the message of your soul.

The Body is the Vehicle

Your body is only a very fleeting vehicle for use by the soul, which is far stronger and more tenacious in its survival mode than any third density body. And, the body does not hold the soul, THE SOUL HOLDS THE BODY FOR ITS USE. When the soul is released from the physical body, its etheric body is released in perfection at the same instant, and in that body, the soul makes its lightning-fast journey from Earth to Nirvana.

In other life-times, souls now living on the planet had a hand in its formation during its creation. This happened by thought forms, and as previously explained, everything that is created is preceded by the thought of it. Only by the imagery in the thought can the form of that image be created in substance, and the power to generate and access the thought forms rests in the soul.

Captured By Negativity

Although the soul is indestructible, its light energy can be captured by negativity and trapped within density so powerful that the soul is consigned to this realm´s basest energy layer. At physical death the energy essence of souls departing from Earth are taken by most ancient universal laws to their next placement for required healing and learning.

The people who lived in the basest energies during their Earth lifetimes are drawn by natural law to the layer of densest energy in this multilayered realm. They are people obsessed with controling others´ lives or inflicting tyrannical brutality, or who are so steeped in anger, greed, deceit or other intense negativity feelings and actions born of that negativity. Those souls can neither fool anyone and thus be released or escape from that densest energy placement. Not only is it out of their mental functioning control, it is a province of their energy registration. By means of their free will decisions, those souls have CHOSEN their consistent plunging into the basest density in which they become captive.


Does this now mean that these souls can´t reincarnate or get out of that placement?? They can leave ONLY if they move toward the Light that is continuously beamed to them from highest Light sources. If they do respond to the love within that Light, they will be entirely different souls as they rise to successively higher layers of the realm.

But even if that happens, it is not the full story. Their very descent to the basest energy placement has inestimable negative repercussions. The energy set in motion by their Earth lifetimes remains when their physical bodies leave. The INFLUENCE left by their energy is not diminished. The ripple effect of the soul devastation wrought by just one such individual can be so injurious to civilization that there is no way to assess it separately from the base energies that form from it. So, while the life energy of that soul is held captive, the energy of the negative effects of its lifetime remains. The dark forces gather it unto themselves for rearmament, so to speak.

Part Two follows....

This article is from the teachings "Keys to Restoring Paradise on Earth".

Thursday, 23 December 2010


There is much that Humanity can eat in the Vegetable Kingdom, but today your scientists are just becoming aware of the fact that even the Vegetable Kingdom has feelings.

The Vegetable Kingdom

Tests have now been carried out, the results of which cannot be ignored. These show, for example, that plants react to human emotions. If you curse a plant it does not flourish as much as one that is loved, for the elemental kingdoms responsible for growth in the Vegetable Kingdom respond to Humanity´s thoughts. You should, therefore, be careful with regard to what you eat in the Vegetable Kingdom for anything which you have to destroy entirely, such as root vegetables, should not be eaten, for within the stems of all vegetables there is white blood, or sap, flowing.

The Vegetable Kingdom is on a completely different level of vibration and evolution to the Human and Animal Kingdoms, but it too is developing and evolving on the surface of the Earth. It reacts to Humanity´s vibrations, to how Humanity lives its life and to how Humanity treats it. Obviously, if a sacrifice has to be made then far better it be something of the Vegetable Kingdom than of the Animal Kingdom, but if it is possible it is better not to have to ask for the sacrifice at all.


Humanity should be able to live from the fruits of the trees and bushes of the Earth. Of course, I appreciate that it is not always possible to live entirely on fruit for, depending upon your position on the globe, at some times of the year fruit is just not obtainable. Moreover, because of the way in which it has abused the gift of reproduction the world is overpopulated, and Humanity now lives in parts of the globe where it should not be living. Originally, Humanity lived only in warm climes where fruit was always available.

Refining The Body

For those of you who would like to begin the process of refining your bodies the first step is to start by giving up the flesh of animals. To give up eating flesh at once and become a fruitarian would be foolish, for your bodies would not like it. Your bodies always respond best to gradual change. Just as when you are trying to cut down on the amount of food you eat you should not immediately starve yourselves for two or three days but should begin by cutting down the amount gradually, so, similarly, you should become vegetarian gradually as well. You should begin by limiting yourselves to eating meat only once or twice a week and then, after a period of months, stop eating meat altogether whilst still eating fish and poultry.

When you have achieved this then, as you think fit, begin to give up poultry and fish, with the whole process perhaps taking a year to eighteen months. As you gradually change so your bodies will change with you and you will find that they will become lighter, and that you will become more aware. Those of you who possess psychic powers will find yourselves becoming more psychic. Those of you who draw on inspiration for art, for science or for literature will find yourselves becoming more inspired. Those of you who are healers and wish to heal will find that you are better able to do so. You will be tuning your bodies to a finer vibration

Vitamins & Nutriments

When you have stopped eating the flesh of animals you will then be faced with a choice of eating vegetables and fruit. So as to get the maximum benefit I must say here that it is important that whenever possible you eat only raw foods, foods which are uncooked; for when you cook, you destroy much of the nutritional value of the food. Cooking may make food taste nicer. Cooking may blend various ingredients into a succulent dish to appease your jaded tastes but, as I said when I began this lecture, the whole purpose and importance of eating food is to sustain your bodies, not to gratify your lower selves. If you eat only raw food you will find that not only will you eat less, but you will eat better. You will have a greater supply of the necessary vitamins and nutriments for your bodies. You will find that you eat less because you need less, and you will find that your bodies become lighter and finer.

Begin To Control

Do not condemn this way of eating if you have never tried it. If you feel that you would like to begin then make the effort, make the sacrifice for after all, what are you doing? You are beginning to control your physical bodies in a very small way. You are beginning to say that not only will you not eat the flesh of animals, that you will not be a party to the destruction of one of God´s Kingdoms and to all the suffering that goes with it, but that you will begin to control what is going into your physical bodies, the bodies that are the temples of your souls. You will begin to eat only the finest foods, the natural foods, which are the best foods for your bodies. You will begin to respond to your souls rather than to the manufacturers with their tempting advertisements for their various brands of what, for the spiritual person, is usually undesirable food.

Return of Vegetarianism

There are many people living in the World today who are vegetarians. Every day the number increases as more and more people adopt the ways of their Creator. Today, especially amongst the young, the souls of the Aquarian Age, vegetarianism is prevalent, for some of the old souls of Atlantis are returning to the way of life that they have known before. Vegetarianism will become more universal with the next years, for as the destruction of the cataclysm takes place, as much of the Animal Kingdom is destroyed, so Humanity will not be able to have meat and it will have to look elsewhere. If all of you have prepared yourselves by already taking that step, by already being able to live on one fifth of the food that you now consume, of being able to live only on the fruits of this Earth, you will then have taken a great step towards surviving the cataclysm to come.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".


If you wish to raise the vibration of your body, you should eat only the finest foods, the foods of the highest vibration.

A Few Guidelines

So far we have not discussed the question of what you should, or should not, eat. Each of you will have to decide according to your own consciousness how you should change your eating habits. What would be right for one would be wrong for another, and in this article I can do no more than point out a few guidelines. If you wish to raise the vibration of your body, you should eat only the finest foods, the foods of the highest vibration, which are to be found mainly in the fruit kingdom -- the fruits, nuts and berries which exist in profusion upon your planet. Therefore it is desirable, and note that I say only desirable, that a spiritual person should become a strict vegetarian, that they should eat only the fruits of the Earth.

If you are fully aware of life around you, if you have evolved to the point of consciousness when you do not wish needlessly to destroy anything, you will want to eat only of the fruits of the land, for by doing so not only will you be destroying nothing but you will also be aiding in the dispersal of the seeds of the fruits around the land.

All Life Is Sacred

It is not necessary, or desirable, that you should destroy or in any way use the Animal Kingdom for food. That is not to say that you cannot do it, for you do today, but as you are the most evolved being on this Earth you should not have to ask the Animal Kingdom to make that sacrifice. Although the Animal Kingdom does make the sacrifice for you, for that is the nature of life on the Earth, you do not need to eat the flesh of animals. All life is sacred.

You cannot create life and therefore you should not take it. Life is not yours to give and take: it is your Creator´s. Everything on this Earth belongs not to you but to your Creator. You must learn to be responsible for the Animal Kingdom, and as animals are less evolved beings you should look on them with love. You should try to help them for, truly, they look to you for an example.

The Lowest of Vibrations

Animals feel pain just as Humanity does. They experience fear just as Humanity does, and the emotions of animals which are killed are held within their bodies. The vibration of fear is a coarsening vibration, and when you consume the flesh of animals you are partaking of that vibration. Furthermore, all the diseases of an animal and the polluted food it has consumed are contained within its flesh, hence when you eat of that flesh you are partaking of those diseases and of that pollution. So, from the food aspect, the flesh of animals is the lowest of vibrations, and if you are to walk the spiritual path you should avoid it at all costs for it will degrade your body spiritually.

You are, no doubt, aware of the nutritional values that allegedly come from eating meat, but all of them can be found in other foods if you will but look. Because when it first incarnated on Earth unevolved Humanity did not know any better there was some excuse for it killing animals for food, but today Humanity should be much more aware. You could find the correct foods to eat, and you could cultivate them if you so desired, but you do not, for much money has now been invested in the breeding and production of meat for the table.

Linked To The Creator

I ask all of you who do eat meat just to consider, just to realize, what it is that you are doing. You are eating the flesh of a living being. Maybe the animal is not so advanced as a human being, but it is still linked to your Creator for it has red blood flowing through it, and anything that has red blood flowing in its veins is with soul. Look upon animals as your less evolved brothers and sisters who need your help, your guidance, your example, your love. They do not need to be slaughtered by you. As you sit at your table think of what you are eating, think of the pain that the animal went through, and consider whether its slaughter was really necessary. Remember that you are taking on its karma, its fear and its animalistic instincts, and that you are absorbing its many impurities caused by the use of Humanity´s drugs and chemicals, which do so much harm to the physical body.

Humanity, of course, also eats the birds of the air and the fishes of the sea. Their point of evolution varies according to the individual species, but they all have red blood flowing through them. No matter what biologists may tell you, birds and fishes do feel pain to various degrees. I repeat, all life is sacred, and Humanity can and should live without the sacrifice of the birds or the fishes.

A Higher Vibration

You may say that it is not possible to live without eating flesh of some description. This is not true. Your "experts" today might convince you that this is the case, that Humanity has been a meat-eater since time immemorial, but that again is not true. There are many people today who are vegetarians, who live quite happily, quite healthily, who produce beautiful children and thus destroy this myth. Indeed, if you are vegetarians you should be healthier, you should have healthier children, you should be more aware, you should be of a higher vibration. You should be able to enjoy every aspect of life far more than your meat-eating friends around you.

Part Three follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Wednesday, 22 December 2010


As with all the other organs of the body, the stomach is controlled ultimately by the mind.

Vehicle of the Spirit

One of the charateristics of the human physical body is that it needs to be sustained with matter in order to replace the parts and constituents of the body which change every twenty-four hours. Every day, therefore, you eat and drink to sustain your body. The physical body is the vehicle of the spirit. While it resides in matter the spirit dwells in the left ventricle of the heart; that is where the physical body houses the spirit whilst it is present on the Earth. It is important, therefore, that throughout its life the body is cared for and sustained according to its needs so that it in no way hinders the evolution and destiny of the spirit.

When you feel hungry and you want to eat it is the mind that will control where you eat, what you eat and how you eat. An unevolved person, one who has not established the control and discipline of the mind, will not control their stomach and their eating habits. When they feel that they want to eat, they eat. They do not particularly care when they eat, what they eat or how they eat. All they know is that they have the desire to eat and that this desire must be satisfied.

An evolved person, one who uses their mind to control their bodily functions, who is aware of their body and of what is good or bad for it, of what they should or should not eat, of when they should or should not eat, of how they should or should not eat, will exercise discipline in this respect in order to eat correctly.

All Matter Vibrates

You will recognize, therefore, that the way in which a person eats is really a matter of soul evolution, of soul wisdom. A soul that has only recently begun to incarnate on the Earth from the planet below yours in evolution will eat very crudely, whereas a great soul, a highly evolved Master, will eat very finely. You may think that all human bodies are similar, but they are not. They are all made of physical matter, but within the frequency range of matter there are many rates of vibration. All matter vibrates, and it would be true to say that the body of an unevolved soul vibrates at a lower rate than that of an evolved soul. The higher the rate of vibration the more a person can control their body and use the Natural Laws of the Universe to lead their life on Earth. You have the example of the Nazarene who, knowing the Law of Levitation, could walk upon the water.


What I am to say about correct eating will obviously not have a universal appeal and, therefore, according to your consciousnesses, you will either accept or reject it. As the basic reason for eating is to keep the physical body in a perfect condition so that it may be of service to the spirit, any form of eating which does not contribute to this objective is incorrect.

If you overeat, if you eat foods which are detrimental to your bodies, or even destroy parts of your bodies, that is very foolish. Many of you know that some of the foods, which you eat are harmful to your bodies, yet you still continue to eat them because your jaded tastes demand that you do so. It is purely self-gratification: you like the taste, or you like the quantity, and so you eat to please that lower self. Nevertheless, you should eat only to sustain your physical bodies in a perfect condition.

Develop Your Consciousness

The vibration of your physical body is determined by your point of evolution. As you develop your conciousness within, so the vibration of your body will change. Remember that if you are to increase your vibratory rate, if you are to refine your physical instrument, you must first refine the matter that goes into your body. There are only three substances which your body takes in: air, fluids and food. Although all three are important from the point of view of the correct funtioning of your body, food is particularly important because the higher the vibration of the food you eat the greater its spiritual quality and its quality in matter and the more it will help you to increase the vibratory rate of your own body.

Change Your Eating Habits

Those of you who seek to walk the path, who seek to advance spiritually and to be of service to Humanity, to exemplify the Christ, must be aware of the discipline necessary in this respect. If you cannot master your stomachs then you cannot master your personalities, your lower selves. You must begin with the physical aspects of your body before you can begin to control the reflection of your soul consciousness, your personality. The first rung on the ladder is to become the master of your physical body and of what you eat. In the Age in which you live, where everything is mass-produced, where industry is geared to produce not what Humanity should eat but what industry decides is profitable, it is difficult to change your eating habits, but that is what you must do.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala"

Wednesday, 15 December 2010


Everything in the Universe starts with energy and continues with energy. Nothing exists or happens without energy in motion.

Energy Is Neutral

Energy is neutral, energy ATTACHMENTS are positive or negative. For simplicity only, often we drop the word "attachments" and refer to energy by the intent of its usage, or the qualification its attachments impart, such as "light" energy or "dark", or "positive" energy or "negative", or negativity or positivity.

There is only one source of energy: CREATOR. There are countless sources of energy attachments: EVERYTHING THAT HAS EVER BEEN CREATED!! I shall explain this in the context of what is happening on Earth. The sound and fury in the heavens signifies that negative entities are trying to kill your planet. When the energy behind the sounds accumulates sufficiently to cause motion, natural disasters happen. Those have their own sounds, which feed into the accumulated sound "pit", and this further feeds a momentum that cannot be stopped, only played out until spent.

Negative Attachments

At this time in Earth´s evolution she must relieve herself of pressures caused by negative attachments. Some have been created by INTENT AND RESULT. These come from humankind and other beings who knowingly and willfully have caused harm, misery, sorrow and hardship to other humans or other life forms. Both the intended actions and the resultant suffering create energy. Under this heavy influence, energy is forcing itself down upon the planet.

Negativity in deeper pockets and in higher atmospheres also is having a considerable effect upon the energy motion near Earth´s surface. When those forces are in combination, stirrings are set in motion that must be allowed their continuance. Once the momentum has been built to the force level of eruption, there will be activity on the scale needed to allow dissipation of the Kinetic (i.e. energy in motion) energy that has been building just above and below the planet´s surface. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and violent storms are the most natural forces to relieve that energy buildup.

Kinetic Energy Sources

Once the energy behind those natural disaster forces has dissipated, it is again completely neutral because it is free of influence. It enters an equally neutral universal pool of kinetic energy resources and is available for the cycle to start again. The THOUGHT FORMS, whether of positive or negative nature, of Earth humans draw that neutral energy back into their fold, like calling in multitudes of sheep to gather in one flock.

The "play" of energy is as neutral as energy itself. What gives the energy its negative or positive attachments are the thought forms created by those intent-and-result sources or the INTERPRETATIONS of happenings. For instance, when rain causes flooding and widespread damage, the reaction to the rain is with negative feelings. Those negative vibrations, once set in motion as thought waves, create other forces that join the common pool of negativity on Earth. During a drought, rain is greeted with thankfulness, and its positive energy adds to the positive energy pool. Thus the opposing forces of energy are built.

Thought Forms

Not all of the collective energy affecting Earth derives from weather events. That is a large part of the energy building in these past few decades, but it is the RESULT, not the cause of the abundance of energy swirling within and around Earth. The countless thought forms that started this weather pattern form the greater source and cause of that energy movement.

Although all thought forms are universally interconnected, every thought, regardless of how insignificant you may consider it, has its own existence. Thought forms created by people on Earth most affect the planet because they are the ones closest to you. You use only a small portion of your brain power, so your thought forms are correspondingly small in range. They are only a fraction as powerful as those originating from beings in other placements where brain power has been developed to a far greater percentage of its potential than it has among people on Earth. The energy from the thought forms of those more powerful sources reaches Earth and mingles with the energy already accumulated there.

Like Attracts Like

How does the energy of those distant sources reach here?? YOU INVITE IT ! Like attracks like. Forces are at work in the Universe that are "for" or "against" the good of Earth. The thought forms you originate draw LIKE thought forms from the far greater brain power of the universal entities. By universal law you must invite those entities before they can come, and indeed they ARE BEING INVITED ! Your INTENT is the basis of that invitation. Intent has the greatest impact upon you and the planet because out of intent come the thought forms. Whether your intent is "good" or "bad", it is your invitation to like-minded or like-intentioned entities to join and energize with yourself.

In this way, negativity begets negativity, and its effects are seen everywhere on Earth! Thought forms NEVER can be destroyed and they NEVER disintegrate, and negative thought forms are like shards of glass or jagged concrete. Imagine Earth´s atmosphere filled with those propelled chunks of glass and concrete and what they can do to ALL life on the planet! The negative thought forms are having EXACTLY that destructive effect!

Sacred Information

People of Earth attribute pollution to toxic waste or fumes, acid rain, smog and so forth, but those are the RESULTS of negativity. It is NEGATIVITY that forms the pollutants and creates their damaging aspects! With the healing effects of POSITIVE thought forms and unconditional love, the damaging effects of the negative thought forms can be soothed and ultimatley healed. And that´s the ONLY way! LOVE replacing all the negative thoughts and feelings is the ONLY way this can come about!

Yes! This, our information, is Sacred...

This article is from the teachings of "Keys to Restoring Paradise on Earth".

Friday, 10 December 2010


Our Current Population

Where does our current population fit into the subdivided spheres?? Primarily at subsparklet level. But remember that is NOT soul EVOLUTION, only the order of emergence of the personage souls. I think your expression "old soul" pertains to the evolution part and not the order of lineage. Those may have nothing at all to do with each other, because spiritual growth - or not - is determined by each soul´s free will choices and not how many lifetimes it took to make the choices that elevated it to a higher level of evolution.

Cosmos -- Universe

Is Creator the supreme being of the cosmos and God is an assistant?? NO. Cosmos and universe often are used interchangeably as synonymous terms, but each universe is only one part of the cosmos. Our universe is but one of several, and each universe has its own god as its supreme being. Because people on Earth are not aware of either those other universes or the creation hierarchy, God is the name given to Creator by some religions. This is the use of a generic term for a formal name, like naming a baby girl, Girl. And it is not uncommon or incorrect for God to be referred to as "our creator", because He IS, but that adds just another element of confusion regarding the two beings, Creator and God, and the name.

I don´t know how the error in name started. It may have been some deviation of reference in deepest antiquity, when it was known that Creator/Creation is the Source, All That Is, I AM, Almighty, Oneness, Totality or another designation to denote Creator in Its highest station of all the cosmos. The name doesn´t matter. When love and reverence are given by souls to God in name and to Creator in meaning, the communion of those souls with Creator is honoured in fullness.

The Trinity

The Trinity of the Christian churches could be interpreted as this: FATHER (Creator: the highest power in the cosmos, who is called God or other names in Earth religions). SON (God, who is the creation .. the "son" .. of Creator and is the supreme being of our universe and who is not generally recognized on Earth as different from Creator.) HOLY GHOST (The highest angelic realm, also called the Christed realm, where the highest beings are total love expressed as Light; and from whence come the souls who have incarnated as major religious figures throughout this universe, including Jesus and Buddha).

Regardless of the difference in names and interpretations, the interconnectedness of this triune order is the same. And there is no difference in the divine order of the Almighty Omnipotent and Omniscient Being and Its subsequent powers, only in the names as they have evolved.

This article is from the teachings "Keys to Restoring Paradise on Earth".


To understand the purpose of our lives, there must be an understanding of our relationship with our Creator. It is a relationship as simply stated as the father and his children, but the origin of our souls within Creator cannot be stated that easily.

The Hierarchy of Creator

Creator/Creation is the proper designation of the Totality. It also is the most descriptive, encompassing both the total essence and the creative action. For simplicity, we usually say only Creator.

There was nothing before Creator, and nothing except the sleeping power of Creator until Its self-expression. In that moment, which some have called the "Big Bang", came the First Expression, the original fragmentation of Creator´s love and wisdom and power into soul entities. The term "fragmentation" in this context is not a severing or a breaking down of the whole, it is a sharing or bestowing upon the divisions the same properties of the whole.

A Visual Aid

However it may seem an irreverent analogy, I shall liken the hierarchy of Creator to a pie because it is a good visual aid. The entire pie is the SOUL of Creator: the omnipotent Totality of the cosmos. At the center resides the MIND of Creator: the residence of omniscience. Starting at that central point, imagine a series of concentric rings superimposed over the whole pie. The rings indicate the spheres of the hierarchy, which are flexible divisions of Creator.

At this point the visual aid requires an unusual perspective for an accurate representation of happenings. Imagine the pie cut into countless slices whose widest ends touch the limitless mind of Creator and become narrower as the slices enter rings successively farther from that beginning. The slivers represent the fragments of Creator that have been created throughout all time into independently experiencing entities. Every tiny portion contains PROPORTIONALLY exactly the same ingredients as the total pie. It is the same with all creation. NOTHING is separate from the Creator.


When the soul of Creator first divided Itself, each of Its fragments within that first sphere had the identical powers of Creator. Those fragments are the highest angels. There is no form within this first sphere, only perfect light and purity. This is where the Christed energy generates, and where the paternal power called Archangel Michael and the other archangels reside.

During that time of pure awareness, Creator gave to all the angelic portions of Itself the ultimate of gifts, free will with its inherent power of co-creating ability. Thus, in the next expression, Creator AND the archangels created the next level of angels, not as close to Creator mind as the archangels, but still collective light entities in purity, without form or substance.

Life Form Potentials

In conjunction with Creator, the angelic realms created the third sphere of essence, life for POTENTIALS that, after timeless reflection, at will could be discarnate or could manifest in form. These life form potentials became the celestial bodies of the universes and the gods who later were dispersed to reign over them. One of the gods became the supreme being of our universe and, with Creator, created all life within it. Since our god is called God by some Earth religions and that is how you think of Him, that is how I shall refer to Him.

For ever-greater experiencing, God´s original beings, which are called root souls, expressed themselves into divisions called soul fragments or soul sparks, or God fragments or God sparks. Similarly and successively, those soul entities divided themselves into sparklets, who divided themselves into subsparklets. Entities created by further fragmentation also are called subsparklets. This procession does not define soul EVOLUTION, but only the order of lineage. The myriad individual, independent and inviolate lifetimes of every soul at all levels of fragmentation are called personages.

Order of Lineage

These or other designations may be given to show the order of lineage of the souls in the various spheres radiating outward from the mind of Creator, but simply "soul" is enough. There is no difference in each one´s connection with Creator or its makeup in propotional measure. ALWAYS the life force of even the most minute independent soul is its own inviolate self connected inseparably to Creator, just as every single cell in your body is both a viable, independently functioning cell and at the same time is an inseparable composite part of you.

Part Two Follows....

This article is from the teachings "Keys to Restoring Paradise on Earth".

Saturday, 4 December 2010


Divorce should be a mutual agreement, with both husband and wife agreeing to the seperation. If that agreement is not present and one of them wishes the marriage to go on then the other person should make the sacrifice and should remain in the marriage to help that person. That is the spiritual ideal: that the sacrifice should be made to help the other partner who still has need of the marriage.

The Family Energy

For parents with children divorce should not take place. Inevitably, it will, because Humanity is not yet of the consciousness to make the sacrifice involved. After a divorce has taken place the parents must at all times ensure that their physical presence, their spiritual energy, is available to their children whenever it is needed. It is essential, therefore, that the family energy and feeling is preserved even though seperation has taken place. The male and female energy must be present equally to hold the child in balance. A child needs the energy of the two that have created it in order to grow and become a balanced adult.

Creating On Many Levels

Even amongst people who have no children the decision to divorce should be considered very carefully, for many creations come from a marriage apart from the physical creativity of a child. A husband and wife create on many levels besides the physical. Every time they perform the sexual act not only do they create an etheric child on the higher levels of life which then becomes their responsibility, but they also create on the emotional and mental levels as well.

So during their married life a husband and wife will create many thought-forms for which they are responsible. It is easier to handle the karma of all that they have created if they stay together in love. They can transmute everything that they have created as they grow old in wisdom. When they are in their sixth cycle of life, their fifties, and have achieved spiritual maturity, they can then look back together on the life that they have led and can see the creations of their marriage. They can agree where they have erred and, together, can transmute those errors and so go forward to become the teachers of the young.

Remaining In Balance

There are some people today who believe that they have to sacrifice their marriages in order to become spiritual teachers, to fulfil a divine mission. I would say that if they cannot hold their marriages in balance then they have not a destiny to be spiritual teachers. If they cannot be in balance on the physical, the external level of life, then they are certainly not in balance on the spiritual, the inner plane of life. Sacrificial service cannot be manifested on the higher planes if it cannot first be manifested on the physical plane of life.

For many people divorce signifies the ending of a marriage which, in truth, was never a spiritual union. Today many marry, many divorce, without thought for the effects of their actions on the World. It means nothing. They were never married in spirit anyway, although of course their union has linked them karmically for many lives to come. What concerns us of the Spiritual Hierarchi is that so many of the people who enter into a spiritual marriage today, who invoke a divine blessing, who ask that their Creator bless them and guide them in the years to come, should then renounce their vows and seek to end their marriage by divorce.

Lack Of Forgiveness

One of the great failings in modern society is that a husband or wife is usually not allowed to make any mistakes, especially where adultery is concerned. There seems to me to be little forgiveness in marriage today. Each partner is held to be perfect and when one slips from that perfection, that is considered to be grounds for ending the marriage. Remember it is by forgiving that you are forgiven. People will make mistakes in marriage. People will slip from their pedestals. That must be understood. If there is love in a person´s heart, if they recognise the true quality of their husband or wife, then they will not punish them for their slip but will support them in their time of need. To make mistakes is human. It is a necessary part of human evolution. It is not grounds for divorce.

Two Divine Sparks

There are also many who divorce today because they feel that marriage is preventing them from becoming what they want to be. They feel that marriage is restricting them, that the personality traits of their partners are stifling their potential, that they cannot serve their God in some noble cause because their husband or wife will not permit it.

This, to my mind, begs the question, for they have not recognised that their partner is the other half of human creativity, the other half of their being. Marriage is an act of union between two divine sparks of creativity. God is present in both halves of the marriage, and by denying one half you are denying your God, and to embark upon some great quest when you have already denied your God is pointless. If you cannot hold a marriage in balance then you cannot be of true service in the Divine Plan. That surely is obvious.

What Is Threatened?

So many people today are seduced by the material possessions of life. Perhaps this aspect more than any other today tests a marriage and leads to divorce. When certain material standards are not achieved, when either the husband or the wife thinks that they need more material possessions, more money or status, then the marriage becomes threatened. What is threatened, of course, is not the marriage but the ideas that the husband or wife have of that marriage. The spirit that was present at the altar when they were married is still there, but how many people seek its wisdom.

If people today listened to that still, quiet voice within there would be very few divorces. If people truly loved each other, loved not the personality but the spirit, there would be no need for separation, no need for denying what they have already created on the higher levels of life.

Weigh The Balance

So I urge you all, especially if you are considering divorce, to think clearly of what you are doing. You can separate the bond of marriage for just a short time on the physical plane of life, but that is all that you will achieve and what will you haved created by that act: the karma you owe to your marriage partner, the karma you must discharge to your Creator, the necessity to come back and repeat that marriage again, the karma you owe to your children if there are any in that marriage, the karma you owe to your country, to the World, indeed to the Cosmos, for the ripples you have created on the pond of eternity. Weigh the balance carefully before you make that step.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Friday, 3 December 2010


Parting of the Ways

After a divorce people should realise that they are not saying "good-bye" for the last time, that they will probably meet again in this life and they certainly will in their lives to come. Divorce is simply a parting of the ways, a parting which will last for a short time until they come together again. There should be no hatred, no bitterness, no laying of blame or seeking to justify their stated position: just the recognition that perhaps the marriage was too great a test for them, that the jump in consciousness required to make their marriage work was too great, that the sacrifice demanded could not be given. In the sadness of the inner knowledge that the marriage has failed, in spite of their vows to their partner and to their Creator, comes an understanding of what will be required in their lives to come.

The Greatest Lesson

Inevitably, in a marriage today, there will usually be children to consider. It is here, perhaps, the greatest lesson of a marriage is presented. Although the purpose of marriage is not solely to have children, for most parents the act of creativity on the higher levels of life will result in the creation of a child on the physical plane. Universal Law is very definite about the responsibility of creation. It clearly states that you are completely responsible for what you create until the end of time and if a divorce will prevent you from fully discharging that responsibility for creation, then that divorce should not take place.

The parents should recognise that even if their marriage has failed due to their personality weaknesses, and they want to divorce, they should nevertheless sacrifice their own lives, their own desires, for the sake of their children. This means that they should stay together, certainly until the child has reached the age of twelve when its spirit is fully inside its physical body, happily until the child is twenty one when it will have finished its second cycle and grown to physical maturity. A child needs the physical, emotional and spiritual guidance of its parents until the age of twenty one. Those parents who deny their children that guidance are incurring great karma not only for themselves but for the World as a whole.

An Imbalanced World

An imbalanced creation creates an imbalanced World. An imbalanced child becomes an imbalanced adult and will in turn perpetuate that pattern of imbalance and will create disharmony and discord in the World. Some parents today, through their immorality and selfishness, are creating a generation of children that will destroy human society because they have become imbalanced in so many aspects of life. The result of this imbalance is that these children grow to become adults that will create an even more imbalanced world. The pattern which you are now witnessing on the Earth will become accelerated during the next years.

Be Responsible

Now I recognise that it requires great consciousness to overcome the weaknesses of the personality and to sacrifice your being for the good of the whole, but many are called upon to do this. Some people are asked to sacrifice their lives, to give up their physical being in order to save another. Parents are rarely asked to do this, only to sacrifice twenty years of their living in order to be responsible for the children that they have created. If they cannot do that then they are not worthy of the Human Race and of the heritage that is freely given to them, a heritage earned by the sacrifice of past generations.

Look at the example of your Creator, that being whom you call God. Your Creator is totally responsible for every aspect of Its creation: you and all the other beings on Earth. At no time does your Creator divorce Itself from that responsibility. At no time are you separated from Its love and protection. Its guidance and wisdom. You are one, and always will be one, with your Creator and so should you be with your children.

For those parents that divorce and ignore their responsibilities to their children the karma will be with them for many lives to come. They will witness the results of what they have sown even unto the third generation. Parents must be responsible for what they have created. That is the Law of the Universe and if that responsibility involves sacrifice, then so be it. That is the way Humanity evolves and becomes divine.

Part three follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".


When a husband and wife have decided to divorce then it is essential that this act is done with love. It should be done with just as much love as was used to form the marriage. In the act of divorce there should be a mutual understanding and sharing, a recognition that although their marriage has failed in this life the seeds are been sown for another marriage in another life, perhaps under more favourable circumstances.

Only A Legal Process

You live at a time which perhaps a quarter of all marriages will end in divorce and that figure does not include the many unions which are not called marriages by society today, where people live together for many years, just as if they were married, and then seperate. Let me begin by saying that the act of divorce is really only a legal process. It is not an act which is recognised by we of the Spritual Hierarchy on the higher planes of life. In reality there is no such thing as divorce. As the Christian marriage ceremony states very clearly, "Those whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder". The meaning of that is very clear: that a marriage which has the blessing of the Creator invoked upon it cannot be dissolved, not only in this life but also in the hereafter.

When a man and a woman enter into marriage they link not only on the physical plane of life but also on the higher planes as well and the karma which they create between themselves in that marriage will link them for many, many lives to come. The process which you call divorce is but a physical instrument devised by the legal profession to separate those who have been legally joined together in marriage. It may have validity on the physical plane of Earth but it is not recognised on the hiogher planes of life. So as I begin to talk about divorce I would ask you to remember that fact above all else. You can be divorced on the physical plane but never on the higher planes because you are linked for eternity to that person you have joined in marriage.

A Human Concept

Divorce, therefore, is a human concept. It signifies the ending of a marriage. However let us be aware that there are many people today who although they think they are married have, in truth, never really married. Such people enter into marriage as if it was a game, a playground for the ego, and for them divorce is of no more significance than the marriage ceremony. There are also many in the World today, especially amongst the young, who do not believe in marriage in any form, be it church, civil or a simple union under some form of blessing.

Many people today just live together and then seperate. That seperation is also a form of divorce even if it is not recognised as such by the legal profession. However the divorce which causes so much pain and suffering in the World today is the divorce that comes from a marriage which was consecrated in a church and which should therefore not be dissolved, a marriage that is ending only because of the personality weaknesses of the individuals involved.

Aspects of Universal Law

One cannot and, indeed, should not generalise about marriage or divorce. All that I can do is to present to you the aspect of Universal Law which apply to all things on the plane of Earth, including marriage and divorce. Everything on the physical plane is ruled by the Laws of the Universe and one of those Laws is the Law of Equalisation or the Law of Balance. In any divorce therefore there must be equality in all things. The balance between husband and wife must, and will be preserved no matter what a legal settlement may decide on the physical plane of Earth, no matter who may appear to win or lose in the divorce court. The scales of justice wielded by the Lords of Karma ensure that no-one gains and no-one loses.

Although either husband or wife might appear to gain an advantage now, that imbalance will be redressed in subsequent lives. Truly, if the karma of a marriage is not fully discharged then you will return to it again and again. You will marry that person again and will have to face the lesson of that marriage again. The physical form may be different. The personalities may not be the same. But the eternal spirit within the body will be and it is the soul, which is the memory of spirit, that retains the lessons of marriage both past, present and future. You are condemned to come back and repeat everything that you do not complete in total harmony to the highest of your point of consciousness.

A Ceremony of Divorce

It would seem to me that as you hold a ceremony of marriage in a church so a ceremony of divorce should be held there too. It would seem to me that if the husband and wife came together in a church, with due solemnity, preferable to the very place where they had married and made their vows, they would think more seriously about the steps which they were about to take. Through a divorce ceremony they might grow into an understanding that this step was not necessary and that the clashes of the personality could be reconciled and placed in perspective. They might realise that they can, and should, make greater sacrifices to their marriage partner so that they could continue to learn and evolve together and give to the Earth of their Union.

For those who have entered marriage selfishly, to satisfy their own desire, this is a difficult and painful lesson to learn. Because so many people today marry with wrong motivation, marry too soon, not waiting for their destined partner, marry the choice of their ego, of their lower personality, marry for some low personal motive, the union of marriage has become a prison, a prison from which they long to escape. For them divorce is the means of escape from that prison.

Part Two Follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".