Thursday, 23 December 2010


There is much that Humanity can eat in the Vegetable Kingdom, but today your scientists are just becoming aware of the fact that even the Vegetable Kingdom has feelings.

The Vegetable Kingdom

Tests have now been carried out, the results of which cannot be ignored. These show, for example, that plants react to human emotions. If you curse a plant it does not flourish as much as one that is loved, for the elemental kingdoms responsible for growth in the Vegetable Kingdom respond to Humanity´s thoughts. You should, therefore, be careful with regard to what you eat in the Vegetable Kingdom for anything which you have to destroy entirely, such as root vegetables, should not be eaten, for within the stems of all vegetables there is white blood, or sap, flowing.

The Vegetable Kingdom is on a completely different level of vibration and evolution to the Human and Animal Kingdoms, but it too is developing and evolving on the surface of the Earth. It reacts to Humanity´s vibrations, to how Humanity lives its life and to how Humanity treats it. Obviously, if a sacrifice has to be made then far better it be something of the Vegetable Kingdom than of the Animal Kingdom, but if it is possible it is better not to have to ask for the sacrifice at all.


Humanity should be able to live from the fruits of the trees and bushes of the Earth. Of course, I appreciate that it is not always possible to live entirely on fruit for, depending upon your position on the globe, at some times of the year fruit is just not obtainable. Moreover, because of the way in which it has abused the gift of reproduction the world is overpopulated, and Humanity now lives in parts of the globe where it should not be living. Originally, Humanity lived only in warm climes where fruit was always available.

Refining The Body

For those of you who would like to begin the process of refining your bodies the first step is to start by giving up the flesh of animals. To give up eating flesh at once and become a fruitarian would be foolish, for your bodies would not like it. Your bodies always respond best to gradual change. Just as when you are trying to cut down on the amount of food you eat you should not immediately starve yourselves for two or three days but should begin by cutting down the amount gradually, so, similarly, you should become vegetarian gradually as well. You should begin by limiting yourselves to eating meat only once or twice a week and then, after a period of months, stop eating meat altogether whilst still eating fish and poultry.

When you have achieved this then, as you think fit, begin to give up poultry and fish, with the whole process perhaps taking a year to eighteen months. As you gradually change so your bodies will change with you and you will find that they will become lighter, and that you will become more aware. Those of you who possess psychic powers will find yourselves becoming more psychic. Those of you who draw on inspiration for art, for science or for literature will find yourselves becoming more inspired. Those of you who are healers and wish to heal will find that you are better able to do so. You will be tuning your bodies to a finer vibration

Vitamins & Nutriments

When you have stopped eating the flesh of animals you will then be faced with a choice of eating vegetables and fruit. So as to get the maximum benefit I must say here that it is important that whenever possible you eat only raw foods, foods which are uncooked; for when you cook, you destroy much of the nutritional value of the food. Cooking may make food taste nicer. Cooking may blend various ingredients into a succulent dish to appease your jaded tastes but, as I said when I began this lecture, the whole purpose and importance of eating food is to sustain your bodies, not to gratify your lower selves. If you eat only raw food you will find that not only will you eat less, but you will eat better. You will have a greater supply of the necessary vitamins and nutriments for your bodies. You will find that you eat less because you need less, and you will find that your bodies become lighter and finer.

Begin To Control

Do not condemn this way of eating if you have never tried it. If you feel that you would like to begin then make the effort, make the sacrifice for after all, what are you doing? You are beginning to control your physical bodies in a very small way. You are beginning to say that not only will you not eat the flesh of animals, that you will not be a party to the destruction of one of God´s Kingdoms and to all the suffering that goes with it, but that you will begin to control what is going into your physical bodies, the bodies that are the temples of your souls. You will begin to eat only the finest foods, the natural foods, which are the best foods for your bodies. You will begin to respond to your souls rather than to the manufacturers with their tempting advertisements for their various brands of what, for the spiritual person, is usually undesirable food.

Return of Vegetarianism

There are many people living in the World today who are vegetarians. Every day the number increases as more and more people adopt the ways of their Creator. Today, especially amongst the young, the souls of the Aquarian Age, vegetarianism is prevalent, for some of the old souls of Atlantis are returning to the way of life that they have known before. Vegetarianism will become more universal with the next years, for as the destruction of the cataclysm takes place, as much of the Animal Kingdom is destroyed, so Humanity will not be able to have meat and it will have to look elsewhere. If all of you have prepared yourselves by already taking that step, by already being able to live on one fifth of the food that you now consume, of being able to live only on the fruits of this Earth, you will then have taken a great step towards surviving the cataclysm to come.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

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