Wednesday, 22 December 2010


As with all the other organs of the body, the stomach is controlled ultimately by the mind.

Vehicle of the Spirit

One of the charateristics of the human physical body is that it needs to be sustained with matter in order to replace the parts and constituents of the body which change every twenty-four hours. Every day, therefore, you eat and drink to sustain your body. The physical body is the vehicle of the spirit. While it resides in matter the spirit dwells in the left ventricle of the heart; that is where the physical body houses the spirit whilst it is present on the Earth. It is important, therefore, that throughout its life the body is cared for and sustained according to its needs so that it in no way hinders the evolution and destiny of the spirit.

When you feel hungry and you want to eat it is the mind that will control where you eat, what you eat and how you eat. An unevolved person, one who has not established the control and discipline of the mind, will not control their stomach and their eating habits. When they feel that they want to eat, they eat. They do not particularly care when they eat, what they eat or how they eat. All they know is that they have the desire to eat and that this desire must be satisfied.

An evolved person, one who uses their mind to control their bodily functions, who is aware of their body and of what is good or bad for it, of what they should or should not eat, of when they should or should not eat, of how they should or should not eat, will exercise discipline in this respect in order to eat correctly.

All Matter Vibrates

You will recognize, therefore, that the way in which a person eats is really a matter of soul evolution, of soul wisdom. A soul that has only recently begun to incarnate on the Earth from the planet below yours in evolution will eat very crudely, whereas a great soul, a highly evolved Master, will eat very finely. You may think that all human bodies are similar, but they are not. They are all made of physical matter, but within the frequency range of matter there are many rates of vibration. All matter vibrates, and it would be true to say that the body of an unevolved soul vibrates at a lower rate than that of an evolved soul. The higher the rate of vibration the more a person can control their body and use the Natural Laws of the Universe to lead their life on Earth. You have the example of the Nazarene who, knowing the Law of Levitation, could walk upon the water.


What I am to say about correct eating will obviously not have a universal appeal and, therefore, according to your consciousnesses, you will either accept or reject it. As the basic reason for eating is to keep the physical body in a perfect condition so that it may be of service to the spirit, any form of eating which does not contribute to this objective is incorrect.

If you overeat, if you eat foods which are detrimental to your bodies, or even destroy parts of your bodies, that is very foolish. Many of you know that some of the foods, which you eat are harmful to your bodies, yet you still continue to eat them because your jaded tastes demand that you do so. It is purely self-gratification: you like the taste, or you like the quantity, and so you eat to please that lower self. Nevertheless, you should eat only to sustain your physical bodies in a perfect condition.

Develop Your Consciousness

The vibration of your physical body is determined by your point of evolution. As you develop your conciousness within, so the vibration of your body will change. Remember that if you are to increase your vibratory rate, if you are to refine your physical instrument, you must first refine the matter that goes into your body. There are only three substances which your body takes in: air, fluids and food. Although all three are important from the point of view of the correct funtioning of your body, food is particularly important because the higher the vibration of the food you eat the greater its spiritual quality and its quality in matter and the more it will help you to increase the vibratory rate of your own body.

Change Your Eating Habits

Those of you who seek to walk the path, who seek to advance spiritually and to be of service to Humanity, to exemplify the Christ, must be aware of the discipline necessary in this respect. If you cannot master your stomachs then you cannot master your personalities, your lower selves. You must begin with the physical aspects of your body before you can begin to control the reflection of your soul consciousness, your personality. The first rung on the ladder is to become the master of your physical body and of what you eat. In the Age in which you live, where everything is mass-produced, where industry is geared to produce not what Humanity should eat but what industry decides is profitable, it is difficult to change your eating habits, but that is what you must do.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala"

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