Friday 28 October 2011


Remember that the Law of Karma (Cause and Effect), will repay you much more than you would receive in currency, for as you help others, so you will be helped yourselves.

Cause and Effect

It is up to you to help your fellow human beings. If you live in a land of plenty, then help in the lands of scarcity. If your country has plenty of money, then it should give help to those countries that need it. If your country has plenty of natural resources, then it should share them with any country in the world that needs them. Examine your motivation in everything that you do with your money and possessions. Remember that some of the wiset, the happiest and the most spiritual people that have walked this Earth have possessed nothing.

The Nazarene was of a poor family, possessing nothing but the clothes he walked in, and was fed by those with whom he stayed; yet he exemplified the Christ Principle for the World. There is the example. You do not need money or possessions to be as the Christ. Indeed, it is best to be without them. Societies have existed where people lived together in a community, growing and making what they needed, without money. It could be done today.

All over the World New-Age souls are striving to do just this, to establish little communities which are not based on money and possessions. Until you have tried this, do not despise it. If you have had possessions all your life, is it not difficult to give them up?? In the end possessions possess you and, in that they possess you, they deny you your full spiritual birthright.

The Law of Karma

So to those of you who have money and possessions I say beware, for you could be creating great karma for yourselves. You must handle all your money and possessions with responsibility otherwise one day the Law of Karma (Cause and Effect) will decree an incarnation for you where you too may be one of the millions of people who live in poverty and die of hunger in a far-off country.

Changing Your Values

The structure of society today is such that the monetary system of the World is soon to collapse. The money on which you place so much faith and security will become worthless. The present situation, where the rich countries keep on getting richer and the poor countries poorer, cannot be allowed to continue. The value of money and possessions will change. How much better it will be if you have changed your values before that happens. If you can look at your bank account, if you can look around your house and truly say that you could give them up, if you had to, with no pain or remorse, then you have the right amount of money and possessions. But if you say that you could not do this, for you needed them you had to have them, then you have too much.

A Necessary Balance

I ask you all to examine the motive force on which you base your lives. Is it to be money, or is it to be spirituality?? That is not to say that the two cannot go hand in hand, but that the balance must be there. The balance of spirituality is that you do not possess or strive to possess more than your Creator intended for you. If you possess a great deal while other possess nothing, then obviously the balance in wrong. The fact that you have so many problems in your World today, between both races and individuals, can nearly always be traced to money and possessions. What you have, another wants. What you are striving to possess, another will try to prevent.

Our Only Possession

Remember that you are the children of God, that you are living on His Earth along with the matter of the Earth and that nothing whatsoever belongs to you. All that you possess is your consciousness. That is the only thing that you will take with you when you leave the physical body. How much better, therefore, to advance that consciousness.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Thursday 27 October 2011


If you place your possessions above your God, above your responsibility to your fellow human beings, then your possessions are ruling you. You may worship God or Mammon, and that is what Mammon is, the idols of Humanity, and, truly, the idols of the present Age are money and possessions.

A Little Reminder

There is a story in the Bible about a rich man who asked the Nazarene "What do I have to do that I may inherit eternal life??". The Nazarene replied, "Obey the commandments, sell everything that you possess, give it to the poor and then follow me". But the rich man could not do this because he valued all his possessions above his spirituality, and he departed sadly. All of you should heed this story, for it is relevant no matter whether you possess a large or small amount of money.

There have been Ages in which no one possessed anything, but people today must have their possessions and, once they have paid money for them, they believe that these possessions belong to them and that no one else may use them.

Motive And Responsibility

Let us now examine your responsibility towards your money and possessions. Firstly, let us examine how you obtain your money. If you perform a fair day´s work and you are paid a fair wage by your employer, then that money having been fairly earned will have a spiritual as well as a material value. In the field of industrial relations today, where so much blackmail and pressure is used by both sides, although one side may think that they have gained, such gains are not true gains for any money, any conditions of service, gained though wrong motivation, against Natural Law, are worthless. You may think they are of value, but they are not. In the long term the Law of Karma will always equal it out. There are those who earn their money immorally; and by this I mean through exploiting one of the Kingdoms of Nature. Money gained in this way is of no spiritual value.

Law Of Nature

You should examine why you work. Do you work just to make money for yourself and your family, or do you work to help others?? Do you run a business for the good of your fellow human beings, or for the good of yourself?? It is most important that all of you in business firmly establish your motivations, for anything gained with the wrong motivation is worthless in spiritual values and will reap the effect of Natural Law (Law of Cause and Effect). It may not be an immediate effect, but in time it will come about, for as your sow, so shall you reap.

For those of you in society today who earn a great deal of money, who have power and influence, the responsibility is ten times as great as for those who earn very little. If you control a big factory employing many people then you stand a great chance of incurring karma if you do not treat them with responsibility.

A Painful Karma

If the great nations do not treat the small ones with responsibility, and if the rich countries do not share with the poor, then again karma is incurred. As you look around your World today you can see countries hoarding their natural sources, their minerals and their food, and not sharing them with other countries unless they receive payment for them. There are countries which produce food and destroy it to maintain an artificial price whilst people in other parts of the World are starving. This is incurring a painful karma in lives to come for both the countries and the individuals concerned, for it shows that they value their possessions more than their Creator. The Creator is in all people, in all races, and therefore if you do not value the Creator, Who created you, the Earth and everything on it above your own little possessions you still have a great deal to learn, and the learning will be painful.

Merely A Possession

You may say, "How can I change my attitude towards money?? I would like to live a life based on true values but I find it difficult in the society of today". Firstly, you must begin by recognising that money is merely a possession and that it does not matter if you gain, or if you lose, possessions. The important thing is how you gain them and how you lose them. Unless you are amongst the very poor, be satisfied with your presnet standard of living and strive not to improve it, for by striving to improve your standard of livng you are supporting the very system which you wish to change. If you continually want more possessions, then you are supporting the structure of society which you have already decided does not aid the spirituality of Humanity.

Your Attachment

Always remember that your possessions are not really yours. You may think that you own them but you only own them while you are incarnating: that is all. You cannot take your possessions with you beyond the grave, so why do you attach so much importance to them while you are living?? Do not therefore hold on to any possessions as if your life depended on them for they are not that important. Remember that you need money to provide a home, to buy food and to clothe yourself but, once you have done that, what else do you really need?? If you were a spiritually motivated person then after you had housed, clothed and fed yourself you would give all that was remaining to those who needed it more than you. Indeed, an evolved person, one who truly exemplified the Christ Principle, would give their money to the poor before they even considered themselves. If you all were to do this then you would be surprised at how your Creator would look after you.

Part Three follows....

This article is from "The Fanstastic Teachings of Ramala"

Tuesday 25 October 2011


If you were to ask almost any adult in the Western World today about which factor in their lives they worried about the most, they would probably say MONEY ! Why is this?? It is because money is the motive power of society today. If the value of money was to disappear overnight, then the whole structure of western society would collapse.

A Material Society

On an international level, as the strength of a country´s currency rises or falls, so its status and position in the World varies also. A wealthy country has influence and power in an international conference, whereas a poor country does not. On an individual level, a wealthy person usually has more influence in society today than a poor person. Humanity has created a material society with its monetary system. Therefore it is difficult, even for those who do not wish to join in this system, to avoid it.

Sacred Trust

In the world of money there is, of course, usually very little room for spirituality, for the very act of possessing has in itself an unspiritual vibration. But what, in fact, can you really possess?? Nothing ever belongs to you. Every aspect of matter on this Earth, no matter whether it be a piece of land, a stretch of water, a plant or an animal, it is not yours to buy and sell. You might think that because you have paid money to buy something from another person you now possess it, but that person had no right to sell it to you, neither had you the right to buy it, for the matter of this Earth does not belong to you but to the Lord of this Earth. It is only lent to you in a sacred trust.

Truly, you possess nothing, for even when you think you possess something you possess it only until another person takes it away from you, or until it is destroyed, or until you leave your physical body at death to pass on to another level of life. The act of possessing can never be final. You should appreciate this and realise that all the energy and time which you spend on trying to possess material things are wasted because, although it might bring you temporary benefit, or so you think, your possessing can never be permanent.

Moreover, you should examine the responsibility of possessing because you must handle everything that comes into your possession, and for which you assume responsibility, correctly and according to Natural Law. If you do not, then you risk the chance of incurring karma both for yourself and for those around you with the Lord of this Earth and the Lords of Matter. Truly, a person who possesses very little may well lead a more fruitful life than a person who possesses a great deal.

Wrong Motivation

The whole structure of society today is based on money. People work to earn money. Most people would agree with me if I was to say that they would not work if they could earn or obtain money in another way. Therefore their very motivation for working is wrong, for they work not because they want to but because they have to: they need money. In society today you, of course, have to have money. No one could deny this, and because society is established in this way you have to earn money to live in society.

You have to buy your clothes and food, you have to buy or rent a home, and therefore you must earn money. I would just like to say at this point that although you might think that this is normal, and that money is an essential part of any civilised society, it has not always been so. In fact, in some ancient advanced civilisations, as yet undiscovered by Humanity, money was not used in any form. It is quite possible to live without money -- indeed, it is desirable to do so -- but today it is obvious that you cannot, and therfore you must concern yourselves with how to use the money that you have and to decide how much you really need.

Like a Drug

The way in which your society is structured at this time has caused money to become like a drug. Whether you earn one, two or even a hundred thousand pounds a year you always need, or rather you always think you need, more. A person who earns a thousand pounds will perhaps be happy with five thousand. A person who earn five thousand pounds will perhaps be happy with ten thousand, and so on in progression. Few people are ever satisfied with the money that they earn. Why is this?? Because, to them, money means possessions. With more money they can obtain more possessions, more things they can call their own: bigger and better houses, more expensive cars, more clothes than they need. They can go on more expensive holidays and buy more expensive decorations both for themselves and for their homes.

How often do you think about how much money you really need just to live on, and for nothing else?? If you had only just enough money to live on and did not have any extra to spend on possessions and therefore worrying about what you possessed, how would you spend all your free time?? Would you not, perhaps, begin to appreciate more your fellow human beings and Nature around you?? Would you not begin to think of spirituality, of God, of Creation, of the Earth on which you live?? A person who has many possessions finds it difficult to think on spiritual matters because their mind is totally absorbed with their money and possessions. Those that have money worry about losing it and investing it to produce more, and those that do not have money are constantly seeking to obtain it for the pleasures that they think it will bring them.

Real Poverty

Obviously these remarks are not directed at the relatively poor people in society who exist in real poverty and who need money not just to maintain but to improve their standard of living so that they can live at an acceptable level for humanity. The people who earn a great deal of money should be helping those who do not, those who really need money. Your governments, who have this responsibility, should be doing this automatically as a function of it. These comments then are directed at the people who earn a great deal of money, who have money to spare.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fanstastic Teachings of Ramala".

Tuesday 18 October 2011


Your spirit contains within it, like the seed of Nature, the quintessence of your whole being, the spiritual wisdom which you have accrued over thousands of lives on many planes of existence.

Decision and Change

This seed or quintessence is lying dormant, waiting for the moment to be awakened into physical consciousness. You can awaken that seed whenever you desire. That decision lies with you. Do not think that because you have chosen the aspect of spirit that you now manifest that this aspect is fixed and cannot be changed. Do not think that the physical shape which you now inhabit is the perfection of your present being and is immutable. It is not. It merely represents the aspect of spirit that you have chosen to demonstrate and ground upon the plane of Earth at this time.

If that aspect is mastered then a change will be necessary, indeed, will be inevitable. Throughout your physical lives on Earth you are always changing, sometimes in small amounts, at other times, in the face of challenge and crisis, in large amounts. But at all times be aware that you are changing.

Aspect of Spirit

 With every change comes the emergence of a new aspect of spirit. The spirit resurrects the body, casts off the old and creates the new. That which you have been is not what you will be. Now that does not necessarily mean that you will be what you think you will be, for the thought-forms which you create during your physical living, your dreams, your desires, your ideals, are not the reality. If you define yourselves according to those thought-forms, the creation of the ego, the lower personality, then you will limit the real aspect of your being. That is what people do today. They are unaware of the quality of spirit which lies within them and of what can, and should, be released to make them cosmic beings on Earth. That was the mission of the Christ. When you are Christed you release from within yourselves an energy with which you can create at will upon the plane of Earth.

Act of Sacrifice

 Easter Sunday, therefore, represents and invitation to change, to change according to the true nature of your being, to resurrect the new form within. The symbol of the phoenix symbolises the rising of the new from the ashes of the old. There has to be the destruction of the old before the new can arise. The new cannot arise while the old is present. The nature of the release of the old is the act of sacrifice. The trinity of death, resurrection and sacrifice form the path of your spiritual progress on Earth. You will die and resurrect many times. Involved in that is the act of sacrifice which is the essential lesson of this planet: Sacrificial Service in Love!! Sacrifice using the power of love, the power of your Creator.

Releasing The Ego

 The nature of sacrifice is that you have to release. You have to release the individuality, you have to release the ego, that it may burn in the fire so that the new form may come forth. This, for you who are essentially physical human beings, is a great sacrifice, for it means the release of physical matter. It means the recognition of the fact that you are not a being of this planet, that you are not held by the chains of matter and that when you die you are simply releasing the physical and going to the true dwelling place of your being.

What you are being asked to do, then, is to release physical matter on a day-to-day basis. Something you will have to do anyway when you die, you must do so daily, as a matter of spiritual practice. Now that does not mean that you need not be responsible for physical matter, that you can ignore the reality of physical life. No, it means simply that you are not bound by physical matter, that it is not the primary force which controls your destiny, which moves your spiritual being, for you are beings of spirit. You have travelled the depths of space. You have lived on planets and planes beyond your comprehension. This Earth is but a passing stage on the eternal path of your spiritual evolution. To be restricted by physical matter is to deny your divinity. You only permit it to happen because you do not realise the true nature of your beings.

Changing Form

 So sacrifice involves the release of physical matter and once you have learned to release it, as did the Master Jesus, then you too will be resurrected. You will change form, you will release new energy, you will experience a new dimension of life. The primary lesson of the Master Jesus, the essence of his whole life, was in the nature of his death. That is why the Christian religion holds onto it. Resurrection: the fact that one does not die, that one is not forever encased in form, fixed in shape, the fact that there is always another life, another form, another shape, another purpose, another level of being. You are cosmic beings who have eternal life. You dwell for the most part beyond the realm of Earth and after your physical death you will return to higher and more familiar realms.

Master The Physical

 Do not allow yourselves, as cosmic beings, to be limited by the physical. Be the masters of it. That is the lesson which you have come to learn: to be the masters of the physical plane and you master that plane by sacrificial service, by the act of giving, by the act of releasing. You have to release the old in order to obtain the new. You have to release the old individualised thought-forms to obtain the new and until you release the old, like the phoenix of Aquarius, the new cannot come forth. This, for you who are grounded in physical thought and memory, is a difficult thing to do, for if you live totally on the physical plane and are content to be limited by it, how can you release the old form?? If the physical plane is everything to you, to release it is death. Then so be it. Face that death. Release it and await the new.

Passage Into Light

 That, above all, is the message of Easter. Release the old. Await the new. Do not try to create the new. Do not seek it, for it is already there within you. It will reveal itself to you. New concepts, new ideals, new expressions of your being will manifest. That which before you thought you could not do, you will now do with ease. That which before you could not express or understand, you will now see with clarity. All that lies within you. The message of Easter is the resurrection: the resurrection of spirit, the release of the old, the birth of the new. As with the Master Jesus it may involve pain, it may involve suffering, it may involve death, but what is that but a transition. If you recognise that transition and accept it joyfully for what it is, a passage into light, then you will look forward to that moment when you truly obtain your resurrection.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".


How strange it is that a Church which holds the resurrection of human life as a basic tenet of its belief should be unable to explain to its followers what exactly takes place in the act of resurrection, what scientific laws are involved, what facets of cosmic understanding are being demonstrated.

 Worshipping Blindly

The Resurrection is something which the Christian Church accepts, and worships, blindly. But, truly, like everything else which takes place on this physical plane of life there is a scientific or a cosmic law behind that happening.

You may compare the resurrection of Jesus with the resurrection of King Arthur, for both are similar, and I talk now not of Arthur of the sixth century but of the achetypal "Arthur", the Sun God of the older dispensation. In both cases there is a story which suggests that the body was removed from the physical plane of life and was carried off to another realm, there to await a suitable moment for its return. There are other recorded instances throughout history where great beings are deemed to have performed this act and you can discover them for yourselves if you care to investigate further.

Restructuring Physical Matter

It is difficult for you today to understand the restructuring of physical matter, for you do not understand the cosmic laws involved. Indeed, even the greatest and wisest of you today, when you die are not capable of restructuring your bodies and resurrecting them as did the Master Jesus and the archetypal "Arthur". The reason for this is very simple; the bodies of those great Masters are not like the bodies which you inhabit. You will never be able to resurrect your bodies in their present form, but the bodies of those great Masters contained certain elements which come from beyond the physical plane of Earth.

Your physical bodies are made completely from the matter of the Goddess, Mother Earth. Their bodies were made up for the most part from the matter of Mother Earth but they also contained certain cosmic elements which are kept in secret places on the Earth and are used by the great Masters in the construction of their bodies. Their bodies are finer, they vibrate to a higher note than yours, and therefore after death, after the release of physical life, they are able through transmutation and the understanding of cosmic law to increase the vibratory rate of their bodies to transport them from the physcial place of death.

These special elements, if I may call them as such, are capable of being removed from the physical body and are kept in waiting for the return of any great being who wishes to incarnate and use them again. Therefore when the Master Jesus died, certain elements of his body were removed from the physical plane of life and even now are stored awaiting the next cosmic being who wishes to use them to manifest on the plane of Earth.

Releasing Your Spirit

However, what I am concerned with now is the principle of resurrection, its deeper meaning for you, as individuals, as you lead your everyday lives. Just as the story of "Arthur" is a parable from which you can take inspiration, so the story of Jesus and his death can also be regarded as a parable from which you may learn certain cosmic laws and obtain an understanding of life and death and of your purpose on Earth. Resurrection literally means the rising again of the spirit, not necessarily from the dead, the rising again, the release of the spirit, for that surely is the force which brings about the resurrection.

If you are dead you cananot control your physical body and its movements: there has to be a force outside the body which can bring about the resurrection. That force is the force of spirit. You tend to think of resurrection as a movement from life to death and thence to another form of life again, but if you actually lived on one of the higher planes of life, and "died" on that plane, you could be resurrected on the physical plane of Earth!! So the movement from one plane to another is but a form through which the resurrection takes place. You resurrect onto the plane of Earth and you resurrect onto the higher planes of life after physical death.

Living In The Moment

So resurrection is a changing of structure, an act of metamorphosis, like the caterpillar becoming the butterfly, a coming forth again in a new dimension, in a new form to fulfil a new purpose. It can, and indeed often does, involve movement between the planes of life, but the form of resurrection of which I wish to talk now is the one which you may experience whilst you live on the physical plane of life. How many of you have considered resurrection not as a once and only mystical event at the end of your physical life, but as something which can happen every day of your physical lives??

Remember, death is but the release of yesterday, the release of tomorrow. To live in the moment is life, to live out of the moment is death, and from living in the moment comes the opportunity for resurrection. For if one lives in the moment, if one has disowned death, if one is not a part of it, of living in the past or living in the future, then that moment will act as a mirror to the spirit which lies within, the spirit which we have already identified as the source of resurrection.

Part Two Follows....This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Wednesday 5 October 2011


The Nazarene, overshadowed by the Christ Principle, demonstrated, even if it was two thousand years ago, the way in which Humanity was expected to live, how it was to treat its fellow human beings, how it was to discipline itself, how it was to evolve as it lived in its physical body on Earth.

Misleading Dogma

The Piscean civilisation was given the example to follow if it so chose. Above all, the Nazarene demonstrated the Natural Laws of the Universe in which you live. His "miracles", which are described in the Bible, are all examples of Natural Law at work. You, too, could perform such acts if you possessed his wisdom and knowledge.

So the Nazarene is not to be placed upon a pedestal and worshipped as a god. His teachings should not be turned into a creed, a dogma, for he would not want that. He came as a servant to ground the Christ Principle for others to follow. He did not decree that his birth should be made into a celebration as your Churches have done today. He did not ask you to celebrate his birth. It is Humanity since then who, because it did not understand why he came and what he tried to do, has created this mystique, this aura, around the birth of the Nazarene.

Look at the Nazarene´s life. Read what he said, meditate on it, and then from within your own consciousness bring out its meaning. For each of you it will be different, for you are all at different stages of consciousness as your walk along the path of life.

The True Meaning

As you approach Christmas do not think of the Nazarene himself but of what he demonstrated. Think of what he taught and, by looking at his life, think of what he has revealed for those that follow. It is obvious that souls of a limited consciousness will not be able to walk his path. For most people, that lies far in the future, but all of you can strive, each to a limited degree, to follow that Christ Principle. Christmas, the Christ-Mass, is the anniversary of the birth of the Christ Principle, and I ask you to try for the first time in your lives to re-establish the true meaning of Christmas. It is the time when, helped by the influences of the planets, the Masters and High Beings around you, you can establish how you are to live for the rest of your lives.

Parents Indulgence

You are told that Christmas is for the children. It is not. Christmas is only for the children in that they see the example of their parents. It is the parents who must demonstrate the meaning of Christmas. If, on Christmas Day, the parents indulge in gross materialism as they have done throughout the rest of the year, then their children will follow their example. Christmas is not the decorations and lights, the receiving and giving of presents. This is merely what Humanity has made of it because of its limited consciousness.

A True Expression of Christmas

As Christmas approaches stop and look within. See if there, in all humility, you can see the Christ Light, that Light of self-sacrifice. See if you can discover there the recognition of your life as being purely the whole as opposed to the recognition of your life as being purely self-centred. Can you begin to sacrifice to the greater whole, to say that it is not what you want but what your Creator wants, it is not what your family wants but what the World wants?? Can you begin to recognise that Christ Light and to accept it??

Perhaps you could begin by recognising that the physical manifestation of Christmas as created by Humanity -- the glamour of the decorations, the tinsel and the lights, the giving of presents, the over-eating, the over-drinking, the creation of pleasure for the self -- is in complete contrast to the true expression of Christmas. Nevertheless, underlying all this superficiality and self-gratification there is a feeling of goodwill which Humanity finds hard to explain. All you know is that it comes at Christmas, it lasts for a short period of time and then disappears.

For a few priceless days you have unknowingly known of the Christ, for by changing the outward expression of your very being, by altering your views on life, if only for a few days, you have begun to understand the meaning of the Christ and how It can transform not only your own lives but also this Earth on which you live. What you all feel at Christmas should not be the exception but the rule, for in those few days you may know how life on this Earth should be lived throughout the whole year. That feeling of goodwill towards all people should exist not only at Christmas : it should be eternal !

All Year Round

Therefore be aware that at Christmas you have the responsibility of saying that you will make the Christ-Mass live not for a day, not for a month, but for a year. It is for you to so motivate your beings that, enhanced by the Christ Light, you will recognise that the spirit of Christmas should exist not only at this time but throughout the whole year. Be aware that it is YOUR evolution and no one else´s, that it is YOUR consciousness and no-one else´s, that is responsible for determining the way you lead your lives thoughout the rest of the year.

Next Christmas, can you begin to lead your life as it should be led throughout the year and, once you have reached that pinnacle, once you have reached and experienced that point of understanding, can you maintain it so that in future you may look back and say truly that you have been worthy of that which has been given to you in a sacred trust : the Christ Light ??

Changing Christmas

I ask all of you to think of how you can change your Christmas so that it will not be a Christmas of the past, so that it will not be a Christmas of indulgence, of excess. Let it be a Christmas of real giving, of real helping, of real consciousness. Try to use the influences that rain down upon you at that time so that you may all increase your consciousnesses, reflect the love of your Creator, and then goodwill will indeed return to this Earth.

This article is from The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala.

Tuesday 4 October 2011


When, in the Christmas story, you are told of the Virgin Birth, it is to the birth of Humanity that the story refers, not to the birth of the Nazarene. The Nazarene was not born outside Natural Law: he was born from the union of man and woman.

Humanity´s Evolution

On Earth perfect Man, if I may call him that, lived and dwelt with the angels, with those beings of perfection who transmit the will and love of your Creator around His Universe. For aeons of time Man dwelt in perfection with the angels. Then, for reason which I will not go into now, for you cannot conceive of them, it was decided by the Lords of this Solar Body that to further Man´s evolution, to enable him to advance his consciousness, to be a perfect imitation of his Creator and to exemplify His wisdom and His knowledge, Man was to be given the divine gift of free choice. He was to use this gift to advance his consciousness. He would, by exercising his free choice, learn. He would learn right from wrong, light from darkness, joy from sadness, goodness from evil, and through aeons of time he would advance his consciousness along the slow path of evolution.

Whilst recognising that this was not an easy task, not something which could be accomplished in the twinkling of an eye, but at the same time remembering that spiritual time is timeless, Man was reborn on the Earth possessing the inherent qualities of his Creator. He had to develop them, he had to perfect them, but he possessed, just as each of you do today, the potential of his Creator. It was up to Man, as he incarnated on the various levels of existence within this Solar Body, to advance his consciousness.

Because of the nature of his task, Man was not to be alone. He had the angel hosts to guide and advise him, as well as the beings who dwelt on the other planets of the Solar Body who had been in existence long before him. They may not be fulfilling similar functions to those of Man on the Earth, they may not have the same forms of life as Man, but in their particular evolutionary fields they have advanced a long way and so are able to help Man if he so desires.

Gift of Creation

When he was given free choice Man was also given the gift of creation. He was one of the few sparks of consciousness in this Solar Body who was given the right to reproduce himself. Man could create when he wished. This was a gift to which the angels, who were sent to guide him and who walked hand in hand with him, were attracted, for they do not possess it. So, as you read in Genesis, the first sin took place when some of the angels cohabited with Man and created from their own consciousnesses rather than in imitation of their Creator. From that moment erroneousness, imbalance and disharmony were introduced onto the Earth and Humanity lost its spiritual purity.

Lack of Understanding

Aeons of time went by as Humanity slowly evolved and developed its consciousness. Civilisations rose and fell. There were periods of great spirituality followed by periods of darkness when the love of your Creator was not reflected by His servants on the Earth. As great civilisations came and went Humanity, through its greed for material possessions and desire for power over its fellow human beings, through its lack of understanding of the true nature of both its and the Earth´s existence, through its inability to see beyond its present life, reduced the vibratory level of the Earth to the stage where it was so much out of balance that it was affecting the other members of the Solar Body.

As a consequence, the Lords of the Solar Body met with the Lord of the Earth to decide what should be done so that Humanity could be shown the error of its ways and could be redeemed, so that Humanity could see the purpose of its existence on the Earth and could see what it had to achieve and the way in which it could achieve it. Your Creator, Who so loves this planet, this reflection of His love, then made the supreme sacrifice by offering to send a part of Himself onto the Earth to show those who dwelt on the Earth the example they had to follow.

This spark of life, this aspect of consciousness, the wisdom of your Creator, was called THE CHRIST. So you will see that the term Christ does not refer to a man. The Nazarene was not The Christ. THE CHRIST IS A PRINCIPLE, A REFLECTION OF THE WISDOM OF YOUR CREATOR.

The Christ Principle

Throughout the Ages, as civilisations, came and went, as the astrological influences on the surface of the Earth changed, as the four major races came and went and fulfilled their functions, so the Christ Principle was sent down at intervals onto the Earth through the aid of great Masters, such as the Nazarene. These great Masters offered to come down to ground the Christ Principle upon the Earth so that Humanity could see the Christ Principle demonstrated for it. The Nazarene is not the only Master who has demonstrated the Christ Principle. Western Civilisation is not the only civilisation to have had the Christ Principle demonstrated to it. It has been grounded many times, for with the birth of every new Age the Christ Principle is demonstrated so that Humanity may be presented with the example which it may follow according to its point of consciousness.

Obviously, today, you are only aware of the Christ expression as It was displayed by the Nazarene for the Piscean Age. You are rapidly approaching the end of that Age, and with the dawning of the Aquarian Age the Christ Principle will be grounded once again. There will be a return of The Christ.

Part Three follows....

This article is from The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala.


It would be true to say that in the Western World today the spiritual significance of Christmas is lost on most people. There are only a few who think it necessary even to recognise the event, and those who do, because they are so bound up in the dogma of their respective churches and beliefs, fail to see what was intended by the birth of the Christ Principle. So I ask you all, no matter what creed or tenet you hold to, or even if you hold to none at all, to consider the spiritual meaning of Christmas with me.

The Creator´s Intention

People are by nature conservative. They are loath to give up the customs and practices that they have adopted. They are reluctant to reject the traditions, the beliefs, the ideologies of the World into which they have incarnated and which have been instilled into them as they have grown from childhood to adulthood. However, as you approach the period of the year which you call Christmas, I ask you to look for once with a new eye, with a new vision.

Try to erase from your memories everything that you have been told concerning the meaning of Christmas. Forget what your Churches have told you. Forget what your parents have told you and have handed down to you. Forget the commercial aspects of Christmas. Place all that aside and try to examine Christmas for what it is, not for what you would like it to be, not for what you have been told it should be, but for what it was intended to be by your Creator.

The Christ Principle

Christmas should not be looked at in isolation and considered only for a few days around December the twenty-fifth, then to be forgotten with the coming of the New Year. It is Humanity alone who limits Christmas to this short period of time and who then ignores it for the rest of the year. Christmas, the Christ-mass, is meant to be celebrated on every day of the year. The importance of the period known as Christmas is that the astrological influences which affect the Earth, the vibrations of great Beings not only from within your own Solar Body but from Solar Bodies beyond your own, flow down upon the Earth to revitalise the Christ Influence, the Christ Principle. It is a time when you should all consciously strive, more so than in your normal everyday lives, to consider what it meant by the Christ Principle, to remember why it was sent down onto this Earth and to examine the extent to which you are following it.

Christmas is meant to act as a yearly reminder to all of you to measure your spiritual progress in the year that has gone, to examine your consciousnesses, to assess how far you have evolved, to consider the ways in which you have lived, and to prepare yourselves for the year that is to come.

Lost in Translation

You may well say, "What has this to do with the Christmas story which I know so well, of the man born two thousand years ago in a stable amongst the animals, of the shepherds who came to visit him, of the wise men who came to herald his arrival, of the star that shone over Bethlehem, of the whole story that is written in the Bible??" I am not going to say whether or not this particular story as it is written in the Bible, is entirely true. That is not to say that the events mentioned in the Bible did not actually happen but rather that, because the writers of the original manuscripts wrote in an ancient tongue, as the years have passed by so much of the meaning has been lost in translation.

Therefore, as Humanity´s consciousness has expanded or diminished, as it has failed to understand or desired to expand upon the story in the Bible, so Humanity has changed the story to suit the Age in which it is living. So I would advise you not to place absolute faith on anything that is written in the Bible. Read it, yes. Meditate on it, yes. Extract from it that which your consciousness permits, but do not slavishly adhere to every phrase that is written in it. Do not make it into a dogma, a creed, that separates you from your fellow human beings, for that was never intended by its writers.

Universal Love

This Earth on which you dwell was created by the Being who in the Western World you call "God". However, you do not really comprehend what that term means. Each of you understands it according to your own consciousness or according to the way you have been taught by your religious teachers, for with your limited consciousness you cannot comprehend your God, your Creator, Whose spirit dwells in the Sun, the one true star in your planetary system. You cannot comprehend His power, His majesty, His wisdom or His love, but it was He Who created the Earth, just as He created the other parts of the Solar Body, the planets.

The Earth was the last of the planets to be created. As a child born on the Earth comes from the womb of its mother, so the Earth came from the Sun, as indeed did all the other planets. Your God created this Earth with His Love. He created it through His consciousness for the purpose of reflecting Universal Love. With the aid of His servant, the Lord of the Earth, who dwells within the Earth, He created all the creatures and the conditions of life which exist on the Earth, and everything was perfection. Into this state of perfection your Creator placed Humanity.

Part Two follows....

This article is from The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala.