Tuesday, 2 November 2010


When can it be said that you are truly at peace? You are in a state of peace when you are at one with your Creator´s Will. When you are in tune with the Infinite you are at peace, and in order to be in tune with the Infinite you have to be self-less, you have to become part of the one-ness of all life, you have to become at one with the Godhead.

The One-ness of Life

If Humanity would but recognize its one-ness, its wholeness or holiness, there would be no need for war. If there were not political, financial or racial divisions there would be no war. Recognize that it is the divisions which Humanity creates that are the seeds of discontent, the seeds which lead to war. Consider in your own lives how often you are at war in your everyday relationships, not only with the people around you but with the other Kingdoms of Matter.

Be aware of how often you are not at one with the Infinite, of how often you make war to get what you want, what you desire, what you wish to achieve, no matter what the cost to those around you or to those who sacrifice to you.

So Little Is Gained

As you look back at Humanity´s past wars you can see that little has actually been gained though millions of people have died. Outwardly it may seem that one country has been prevented from taking over another country, a financial interest has been defended, an ideology has been preserved, but what of that country, that financial interest, that ideology, fifty or sixty years later? The countries that intiated the last World War have achieved many of the aims they sought militarily through other means.

The countries which were your enemies fifty and sixty years ago are now your friends, those which were your friends are now your enemies. It is obvious, therefore, that the sides which oppose each other in war, the power structures which conflict with each other, are human, temporal creations. It is not a question of right or wrong, of goodness or evil, of one side being for God and the other against God, for all is of God. Those that make war are, in a sense, fulfilling the Divine Plan.

Growth And Evolution

It must, of course, be said that God Itself does not desire or initiate war directly as a lesson for Humanity. War is a lesson which Humanity creates of its own choice. Nevertheless, it also cannot be denied that in the act of war great growth and evolution takes place for Humanity. Is it not strange how in a country at war people unite together as never before. The little differences which formerly seperated them are forgotten in the hour of crisis.

As people are faced with the suffering and the loss of war, as they discover the frailty of human existence, so they come to terms with the reality and purpose of life and death and recognize that they take place every minute of the day. That understanding of life, of course, is there for you to grasp whether there is war or not, but in time of war many people achieve great evolutionary breakthroughs in consciousness.

Part Three Follows....

This article is taken from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

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