Tuesday, 2 November 2010


I ask you, therefore, in this year of resolution to go deeply within yourselves and to seek your peace for, truly, that peace is the only peace that endures. If you do not have peace in your hearts then you do not have peace in your thoughts, your words or your deeds. You cannot achieve peace by war. You cannot achieve peace by violent action, by aggression. YOU CANNOT ACHIEVE PEACE BY THE DESTRUCTION OF THAT WHICH THREATENS PEACE.

No Peace by War

If you have destroyed an enemy that threatens you, you may have removed that enemy from the physical plane of Earth but what of the thought-forms and the energies that you have created? What of the energies of hatred and revenge you have created? What of the beings who will come back and inherit the mantle of those thought-forms and energies?

Where Is The Victory?

Peace, therefore, involves the quality of humility, of personal surrender. If someone wishes to fight you and you refuse to fight, where is the victory? Though that person may achieve that which they desire they will not be fulfilled by their "victory" if there has been no struggle to achieve it, if it has been given to them freely with love. What is the real nature of surrender? All of you as individuals find it so difficult to surrender, yet the example of all the great Masters has been just that: the release of the physical in loving surrender and from that act of release comes great strength.

If you consider some of the people of this Earth who have stood for peace, who by their very demonstration have shunned war, if you consider the impact that they have had on Humanity you will see that their example is remembered far more than the example of the generals and the soldiers, who achieved peace through war. Peace can be achieved for only a short time through war. That form of peace never lasts. The everlasting peace is the peace that you create with your hearts, with the love that comes from within.

Not Imposing Dominion

Peace is an individual creation. It begins with one person then spreads to two and then to four and so on. Peace is an energy of wholeness which begins individually and then expands. Peace cannot be imposed by above. Peace cannot be imposed by any greater country, by any greater force. Is it not strange that with so many other beings in our Solar Body, with so many other evolved life-forms in our Galaxy, no one seeks to wage war on you? If there are these highly evolved beings from other planets, who visit the Earth in their space ships, with the cosmic power that they possess they could easily establish dominion over this planet and over Humanity as a whole. But they do not do that, rather they seek only to help Humanity along its evolutionary path.

There perhaps is the lesson that you should observe. When you have the power, when you have the consciousness, when you have the ability to impose dominion, you do not use it for self aggrandisement. Your space brothers respect your individuality, allow you the freedom to be what you want to be, to evolve at your own pace, to walk your own path and seek your own destiny. You too should give that freedom and that choice to all those around you.

A Greater Power

So during these critical years, when so much is being decided on the plane of Earth, be strong in yourselves. Know that there is a force that protects you, a power that is greater than any weapon that Humanity will ever create: Divine Love. Recognize that Divine Will controls all things on your plane of life. The note which you sound, the understanding of life which you exhibit, they are your protection. Inner peace is reflected in outer harmony and even though you are faced by energies of extreme disharmony they will not affect you.

Understand Life´s Oneness

Therefore seek that inner peace, seek that inner wisdom. Know it as the one-ness of your Creator, know it as the one-ness of life. Seek that one-ness in all things and you will find that peace, the peace that passes all understanding. Do not think that it is beyond your comprehension, beyond your attainment. Do not think that it can only be obtained through long periods of meditation and prayer and soul-searching. It can be obtained in the twinkling of an eye, in the understanding of the divinity in one´s self, in one´s purpose, in one´s destiny. That is the lesson of these divisive times, the nature of the choice that faces you all, for there are days coming when there will be war, there are days coming when there will be destruction and death. You must choose now whether you are to be a part of it or to rise above it.

This article is taken from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

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