Monday, 9 January 2012


The Earth, like ourselves, is imbued with spirit. It will, therefore, never die. Whilst its physical form might change as it experiences periods of transformation and transmutation, the spirit that is responsible for its creation will never die. 
 Transformation & Transmutation  
Even amongst spiritually minded people there are those who question the reason for the events now taking place on this planet. They ask whether the Earth can survive or whether it should survive. They ask whether the Earth-changes to come are something to be avoided or to be welcomed. All I want to do in this article is to present a point of view from another plane of life and to ask you to hold it in your minds in the years to come. The Earth, like you, is imbued with spirit. It will, therfore, never die. Whilst its physical form might change as it experiences periods of transformation and transmutation, the spirit that is responsible for its creation will never die.
In the same way that you in your physical bodies die and are born again onto a higher plane of life so the Earth, on another level, undergoes a similar experience. It is a cosmic fact that all forms of life, no matter what level of evolution, are born, die and are born again in the endless cycle of evolution. The Earth has done this many times, obviously not as frequently as you reincarnate in your physical bodies, and it will doubtless do this again.
 Purpose of Earth Changes 
 Those of you on the plane of Earth who fear death, who do not understand the real nature of this act of transformation, will also fear the ending of the World because the result is apparently the same: the ending of physical life as you know it!! But those of you who are aware of life beyond death, who recognise that death on the plane of Earth is but the opening of a door to a higher level of consciousness, a return to the place of your true being, must also see that the same is true for the Earth as a whole. 
Humanity must recognise that the Lord of the planet, that being known to you as the Goddess, since she is female in energy, who created this form that you call the Earth, must also die, must eventually be transformed onto a higher plane of consciousness. This will one day come to pass. Now this death of the Earth should not be confused with the Earth-changes which you will soon have to face. The present cycle of the Earth´s evolution will continue for a long, long time yet. The changes of which we talk now are the Earth-changes that are associated with the introduction of the Aquarian Age. It is essential that you who live at this time of transition should understand the nature of and the purpose for these Earth-changes.
 Humanity on Earth
 The planet Earth on which you live has felt the presence of Humanity for only a very short cycle of time. The Earth had been in existence for hundreds of thousands of years before Humanity walked upon its surface and began to evolve itself. Humanity is but a pinprick on the time scale of the evolutionary cycle of the Earth. The Earth was evolving before Humanity came into being. It will continue to evolve when Humanity has gone, for the Lord of this Earth, the Goddess, the Earth Mother whose form it is, is a great and evolved spiritual being. Even though Humanity has incarnated on the plane of Earth for only a relatively short period of time it has achieved great technological and evolutionary advances as befits its soul origins. In a few short cycles Humanity has reached that moment in time when it apparently possesses the knowledge to destroy not only itself but even the planet on which it lives.
 Fear & Weapons of War
 It is only natural, therefore, that people should ask the question "Will the planet survive?". There is a fear in the minds of many people today, that now that Humanity has the means to destroy itself it will indeed do so, for if there is one thing that is certain it is that in the past when Humanity has had weapons of war it has ALWAYS used them. Never has the spirit of sacrifice been present in the act of war. Humanity wages war for one purpose only and that is victory, if necessary, at any cost. 
Various countries today possess the ultimate weapons of war, both for offence and defence. At the push of a button the major powers can exterminate their enemies, or theaten to do so if they are attacked. Moreover, with the proliferation of nuclear technology all over the globe many smaller countries now, or soon will, possess that ultimate power. With such an arsenal of nuclear weapons, an arsenal which is capable of destroying this planet many times over, it is easy to see why countries are afraid of each other and especially of the people who control the use of those weapons.
 Higher Forces of Life 
Where there is fear, where there is hatred, then there is the possibility, indeed the probability, of nuclear war. But I can assure you that the great Beings who watch over this planet and are responsible for Humanity´s evolution will not permit this to happen. The great Beings who truly control the destiny of this Earth can, and will, prevent the total destruction of this planet, but note that I say total destruction. This Earth will continue on its evolutionary cycle and will be protected by the Higher Forces of life. They have the power to prevent any, or all, nuclear explosions if that is their will. The existence of your planet is therefore assured in that respect. 
 Part Two follows.... This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

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