Tuesday 18 October 2011


Your spirit contains within it, like the seed of Nature, the quintessence of your whole being, the spiritual wisdom which you have accrued over thousands of lives on many planes of existence.

Decision and Change

This seed or quintessence is lying dormant, waiting for the moment to be awakened into physical consciousness. You can awaken that seed whenever you desire. That decision lies with you. Do not think that because you have chosen the aspect of spirit that you now manifest that this aspect is fixed and cannot be changed. Do not think that the physical shape which you now inhabit is the perfection of your present being and is immutable. It is not. It merely represents the aspect of spirit that you have chosen to demonstrate and ground upon the plane of Earth at this time.

If that aspect is mastered then a change will be necessary, indeed, will be inevitable. Throughout your physical lives on Earth you are always changing, sometimes in small amounts, at other times, in the face of challenge and crisis, in large amounts. But at all times be aware that you are changing.

Aspect of Spirit

 With every change comes the emergence of a new aspect of spirit. The spirit resurrects the body, casts off the old and creates the new. That which you have been is not what you will be. Now that does not necessarily mean that you will be what you think you will be, for the thought-forms which you create during your physical living, your dreams, your desires, your ideals, are not the reality. If you define yourselves according to those thought-forms, the creation of the ego, the lower personality, then you will limit the real aspect of your being. That is what people do today. They are unaware of the quality of spirit which lies within them and of what can, and should, be released to make them cosmic beings on Earth. That was the mission of the Christ. When you are Christed you release from within yourselves an energy with which you can create at will upon the plane of Earth.

Act of Sacrifice

 Easter Sunday, therefore, represents and invitation to change, to change according to the true nature of your being, to resurrect the new form within. The symbol of the phoenix symbolises the rising of the new from the ashes of the old. There has to be the destruction of the old before the new can arise. The new cannot arise while the old is present. The nature of the release of the old is the act of sacrifice. The trinity of death, resurrection and sacrifice form the path of your spiritual progress on Earth. You will die and resurrect many times. Involved in that is the act of sacrifice which is the essential lesson of this planet: Sacrificial Service in Love!! Sacrifice using the power of love, the power of your Creator.

Releasing The Ego

 The nature of sacrifice is that you have to release. You have to release the individuality, you have to release the ego, that it may burn in the fire so that the new form may come forth. This, for you who are essentially physical human beings, is a great sacrifice, for it means the release of physical matter. It means the recognition of the fact that you are not a being of this planet, that you are not held by the chains of matter and that when you die you are simply releasing the physical and going to the true dwelling place of your being.

What you are being asked to do, then, is to release physical matter on a day-to-day basis. Something you will have to do anyway when you die, you must do so daily, as a matter of spiritual practice. Now that does not mean that you need not be responsible for physical matter, that you can ignore the reality of physical life. No, it means simply that you are not bound by physical matter, that it is not the primary force which controls your destiny, which moves your spiritual being, for you are beings of spirit. You have travelled the depths of space. You have lived on planets and planes beyond your comprehension. This Earth is but a passing stage on the eternal path of your spiritual evolution. To be restricted by physical matter is to deny your divinity. You only permit it to happen because you do not realise the true nature of your beings.

Changing Form

 So sacrifice involves the release of physical matter and once you have learned to release it, as did the Master Jesus, then you too will be resurrected. You will change form, you will release new energy, you will experience a new dimension of life. The primary lesson of the Master Jesus, the essence of his whole life, was in the nature of his death. That is why the Christian religion holds onto it. Resurrection: the fact that one does not die, that one is not forever encased in form, fixed in shape, the fact that there is always another life, another form, another shape, another purpose, another level of being. You are cosmic beings who have eternal life. You dwell for the most part beyond the realm of Earth and after your physical death you will return to higher and more familiar realms.

Master The Physical

 Do not allow yourselves, as cosmic beings, to be limited by the physical. Be the masters of it. That is the lesson which you have come to learn: to be the masters of the physical plane and you master that plane by sacrificial service, by the act of giving, by the act of releasing. You have to release the old in order to obtain the new. You have to release the old individualised thought-forms to obtain the new and until you release the old, like the phoenix of Aquarius, the new cannot come forth. This, for you who are grounded in physical thought and memory, is a difficult thing to do, for if you live totally on the physical plane and are content to be limited by it, how can you release the old form?? If the physical plane is everything to you, to release it is death. Then so be it. Face that death. Release it and await the new.

Passage Into Light

 That, above all, is the message of Easter. Release the old. Await the new. Do not try to create the new. Do not seek it, for it is already there within you. It will reveal itself to you. New concepts, new ideals, new expressions of your being will manifest. That which before you thought you could not do, you will now do with ease. That which before you could not express or understand, you will now see with clarity. All that lies within you. The message of Easter is the resurrection: the resurrection of spirit, the release of the old, the birth of the new. As with the Master Jesus it may involve pain, it may involve suffering, it may involve death, but what is that but a transition. If you recognise that transition and accept it joyfully for what it is, a passage into light, then you will look forward to that moment when you truly obtain your resurrection.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

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