Monday, 12 September 2011


The blockages that bar one from using intellect are those which exist within the mind. All blockages are present because of three kinds of memory: genetic, past-life, and cellular memory accumulated from the present incarnation.

Three Dimensional Reality

An understanding of the aforementioned terms incorporates the passing of time. We use these terms for your convenience and understanding only. For, in reality, there is no such thing as time. All time exists in the present moment of time and space. Since you exist, however, in a three dimensional reality that has created time as a component to organize your reality, we use these exemples or analogies to accommodate your perceptions.

Energy blockages are perceptions of reality that cause one to become out of harmony with the universe around. When one is not in harmony, difficulties and frustrations occur that are stored in the mind. The mind encompasses all you are, as your essence exists in a thought-form that represents the reality of who and what you are. This thought-form is pure energy that can be shaped in any form of your choosing. Reality, which encompasses intellect, is the manifestation on the outside of what you believe on the inside. All vibrations, good and bad, are stored within this mind and your essence.

Level of Receptivity

Let us stop here for one minute to test you. Considering the information we have just delivered, how would you measure your level of receptivity?? Are you accepting these statements as reality or are you closing your minds to the the possibility that these might be truths?? Thus, do you enhance our original observation provided earlier, or do you discredit it?? Note your station at this point, for the additional explanations we will provide are more complex. If you are having difficulty following these statements thus far, perhaps you might like to rest or reread the information that we have transmitted. For those who choose to continue, we deliver this additional information for your consideration.


The intellect of the mind is that rational process that governs the thought-forms which shape reality. All mind and processes are energy. Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed; therefore, all energy is transformed. Energy is also neutral. Intellect is the governing and tranforming power of the thoughts used to dictate the shape.

Let us digress here for a moment and discuss the nature of energy. Energy is that which comprises the universe in which you reside. The basis for all creation is the thought-form, which controls and creates out of Light. Light is that which governs and dictates the molding and process of all that exists; thus, gases, liquids, and solids are only processed forms of energy.

Mathematical Reasoning

The universe is a perfect, pulsating, rhythmic mechanism that sings the music of the spheres. As the embodied Pythagoras, I brought to the world this understanding of mathematical reasoning. And in my instruction I delivered the secrets of the coded mysteries for both the macrocosm and the microcosm, for they are both One. One of the secrets brought forth was that everything can be measured mathematically because of the vibrational frequency each form emits. Since all is created from Light, which in the manifested energy of thought, then each creation is a unique frequency measured to be less than Light.

Your Earth scientists will soon discover frequencies above the speed of Light. When they do, they will understand our definition of Light. Your present understanding measures Light as the frequency that contains all colour and is separated into frequencies called the rainbow. Our definition is that Light is the Great Central Sun, a phenomenon you will discover when you fully enter the Age of Aquarius and the fifth-dimensional frequency. For our purposes in this discourse, however, we state with much assurance that either definition suffices for your understanding of the concepts of which we instruct.

Part Three follows....

This article is from the teachings of the Master Kuthumi.

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