The true cross is a cross with four balanced arms of equal proportions symbolising the number FOUR, the number to which physical matter on the Earth vibrates.
Earth´s True Symbol
The Christian religion has taken the Nazarene´s crucifixion and made it into the foremost part of its dogma. The symbol of the modern church is the cross on which he was crucified, but the true symbol of this Earth on which you dwell, the symbol which has existed since the creation of this globe, the symbol which links it not only with all the other planets in this Solar Body but also with Bodies beyond this Solar System, is the true cross.
The true cross is a cross with four balanced arms of equal proportions symbolising the number "4", the number to which physical matter on the Earth vibrates. There are four elements, the four seasons, the four points of the compass, the four major races and the four Kingdoms of Nature etc. The balanced cross is the true symbol both of the Nazarene and of the Earth. The crucifix of the Christian religion is an unbalanced cross and reflects Humanity´s own imbalance today.
Cross of Life
The act of the crucifixion, which you read about in the Bible, symbolised the crucifying by the Nazarene of his lower aspects, the lower self that is always opposing the influence of the soul and the Will of your Creator. The Master Jesus allowed himself to be crucified, placing himself upon the cross of his own free choice, and undergoing the pain of the cross so that he might advance to true spirituality. He was demonstrating that Humanity must be willing to sacrifice, before it can move forward in consciousness. Until Humanity has experienced the crucifixion of the lower elements of it being, the lower self, it will not advance.
Natural Law
Throughout the Nazarene´s incarnation you are aware of his power as a teacher and a healer. There are many recorded occurrences in the Bible of the miracles that he performed. In fact, these were not miracles as such but merely demonstrations by the Master of Natural Law, of Natural Power. For one of his evolution and knowledge, who had advanced to his state of consciousness in the Hierarchy, acts such as walking on water, multiplying the loaves and fishes, healing the blind and the sick, even raising the dead, were entirely natural. With the power at his command the Master could have been invincible.
With his great understanding and inherent ability to use the cosmic, occult, mystical and spiritual powers of the Universe, there was no one who could have touched him. If he had wanted to, he could at any time have avoided the events which took place in Jerusalem over that Easter. Even while he was on the cross he could have avoided death if he has so chosen. The ultimate temptation was for someone to say to him as he was on the cross itself, "If thou art the Son of God then take thyself off that cross". He could so easily have done that, but he did not. He underwent the process of death willingly, not only as a initiation for himself but also to demonstrate the control of the self for the Will of God.
Laws of the Universe
In the Bible there is very little said about the Nazarene´s resurrection. In the Gospels of the New Testament the fact that he was resurrected and came back to Earth in physical form, and that he appeared before the disciples who had witnessed his crucifixion, is mentioned only briefly. This act was, again, not a miracle but merely another demonstration of Natural Law. It is difficult for you, at your point of consciousness, to understand the act of resurrection because you do not understand the true laws of the Universe, the power of the mind or even the act of creation at your own physical level.
Nevertheless, great Masters such as the Nazarene can and do create and dissolve their physical bodies. It was quite possible for the Master Jesus to remove his body from the tomb where it was laid and to appear in it again whenever he wished to do so, either before his disciples, or before the other people who witnessed his resurrection. A person of his evolution could appear at any time, in any form of physical body that they desired. Indeed, even today, Masters can do this.
Message of the Resurrection
The message of the resurrection was not that Humanity can resurrect its body. When you have advanced to the Nazarene´s state of consciousness you too may resurrect your bodies. The Nazarene was demonstrating that even though he had risen to a higher plane of existence he was still the person that his disciples knew and remembered when he was in a physical body, and that he was continuing with the work that he had come to do. He also demonstrated through his resurrection how Humanity could be led into higher occult realisation of itself.
If Jesus had desired he could have appeared in the temple of Jerusalem itself and demonstrated his resurrection for all to see, but he did not do so for Humanity has to understand the nature of life on this planet and its true spiritual existence through its own awareness.
The Deeper Symbology
As you study the Bible try to understand its deeper symbology, for there is much symbology in it. Try to see the symbology behind the events of the Master Jesus´ life and you will begin to understand the true meaning and purpose of your own life, for you will see a reflection of yourself in various parts of the Master´s life. There is a message in the Nazarene´s life for everyone no matter what their state of consciousness, no matter what their colour or their creed. Remember that the story in the Bible does not belong to one religion alone.
This great Master demonstrated that the spiritual life which exists on the higher planes of life can, and indeed should, be present on the physical plane as well. The example of the Nazarene, and of the Christ who overshadowed him, was one of Sacrificial Service. The whole purpose for this Master´s incarnation on Earth was to fulfil a plan not of his own choosing but of his Creator´s. He incarnated on Earth and died on the cross to serve Humanity, to demonstrate certain Laws, so that Humanity could see in his life the true reason for its existence.
This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".
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