Tuesday, 1 February 2011



Righteousness or Morality is the fundamental nature of a human being. It can be understood or described as "right conduct, code of conduct, duty and justice, moral obligation". The quality of righteousness is a measure of the dignity in a person.

This righteous morality is behind all relationships between people, their path in the world, their conduct in business or within the family. When this quality is strong, then relationships within society are correct and just. But, when it declines, evil abounds and chaos takes over.

In these days, Righteousness is declining rapidly and humanity is sinking into misery, chaos, fear and mutual hatred. It is within the home that Righteousness should be fostered and developed. When respect for each other in a home declines and the values of morality and religion are not taught, then the decay of Righteousness must affect the fabric of society and eventually the nation.

Birds, beasts and trees, says the Master, have not deviated from their nature; they are still holding it valid. Man alone has disfigured it, in his crude attempt to improve upon it.

We must learn to understand that Man is born for the attainment of joy, not for sheer eating and revelling. Real and lasting joy can be won only by a life led along the path of Righteousness, which, in turn, makes the inherent Divinity of Man shine forth. Obtaining this Illumination is the purpose of life. A constant focus on the indwelling God will promote Love for all beings. One will see the good in others and thereby strive to do good for others.


Peace is a spiritual value inextricably woven into a fabric with the other human values. It is the peace known as "the still, small voice of God" within. Peace of mind, heart and soul is sought after by all people, but so seldom found. It is easily disturbed when one chases after worldly pleasures. When ego and desires become rampant in the human heart, Peace will surely disappear.

Peace has detachment as the basic quality. The Master explains: "The sea which likes to gather and possess lies low; but the cloud that likes to renounce and give is high up in the sky."

First and foremost Faith has to be cultivated. This Faith has to be nurtured in Love, and Love is fostered by equanimity. So Man should check his emotions often and not allow his blood to boil or give in and yield to fear. Knowing and understanding that God and Man are One... Joy is the birth-right of all humanity and Peace is our inmost nature.


The value of Non-violence incorporates all the others. Here the Master explains: "When Love illumines thought, Truth is revealed. When Love motivates action, it is transformed into Right Conduct (Righteousness). When Love saturates feelings, they become calm and serene and thereby Peace is ensured. When anger, envy, greed and hatred are cast away, Love dawns as understanding and Non-violence will reign supreme."

Non-violence shows itself as total respect for other people and all creation. There is a clear relationship between Non-violence and the other virtues as you will see. Violence is not only physical in its manifestation, but is also an internal state in the form of anger. Therefore refraining from violence also entails refraining from violence in mood and thought as well as deed.

When the principle of Non-violence is fully understood, the desire to eat meat drops away. This is because Non-violence means avoiding causing harm to anyone or any being by thought, word or deed. Every person should lead their life that no pain is caused by them to any living thing. This is Man´s supreme duty, yet to be understood by many.

Finally, Non-violence lies behind respect for the Earth and its resources, as well as respecting the environment of other people. In the business and industrial world, Non-violence has a wider social meaning than merely avoiding harm to others. The avoidance of pollution of the atmosphere or of natural resources like rivers etc., is one of the ways in which an enterprise can practise Non-Violence. In such ways, a great deal of good can be done.

The Master has also pointed out that the glorification and entertainment of violence in our cinemas, television and video games is extremely disruptive for spiritual growth, particularly in young people.

These articles are taken from the teachings of Bhagavan Sathya Sai.

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