Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Just as the Israelites felt so many thousands of years ago, when they fled from Egypt, there appears to be no order in the World. It is in situations like these that people tend to create their own substitutes on which to lean and depend.

The Second Commandment

"THOU SHALT NOT MAKE UNTO THEE ANY GRAVEN IMAGE, OR ANY LIKENESS OF ANYTHING THAT IS IN HEAVEN ABOVE, OR THAT IS IN THE EARTH BENEATH, OR THAT IS IN THE WATER UNDER THE EARTH. THOU SHALT NOT BOW DOWN THYSELF TO THEM, NOR SERVE THEM: FOR I THE LORD THEY GOD AM A JEALOUS GOD, VISITING THE INIQUITY OF THE FATHER UPON THE CHILDREN UNTO THE THIRD AND FOURTH GENERATION OF THEM THAT HATE ME, AND SHOWING MERCY UNTO THOUSANDS OF THEM THAT LOVE ME, AND KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS".This commandment clearly states that because you are not capable of understanding the true God, you should not create false gods, false idols. You should not elevate any idol to the position of God. You should not take any lesser beings, even though they may be more evolved than yourselves, and make them into gods as a means of satisfying your own lost egos. Living in such vastness, not only of Earth but also of space, it is so easy for you to feel lost. Even today events in the World appear to be overtaking you. There is much evil, There is much violence. The ordinary person in the street would appear to have no control over the everyday happenings of their life.

Just as the Israilites felt so many thousands of years ago, when they fled from Egypt, there appears to be no order in the World. It is in situations like these that people tend to cling to false ideologies, to false gods, to create their own substitutes on which to lean and depend, be it a religious god or be it money, power, influence, land or any other material god: they are both images created by Humanity as its idea of God. They in no way reflect the true greatness of your Creator, for that you cannot comprehend.

A Warning

This second commandment is, then, a warning to you not to place your faith in false gods and to be aware that, regardless of your point of consciousness, at every stage of your evolution you will create a "God", a "God" which you can just comprehend. To some it may be a saint, a wise man, a guru, a saviour of the people, even a Master on a higher plane of life. Have you ever stopped to consider why you need a "God"?? You may think it a harsh, an irreligious thing to say but, truly, you do not need a "God". Certainly you must try to be aware of the true God and you must strive to achieve His Plan for this Earth, but that is a very different thing.

No God of Punishment

In this commandment there is a reference to a God who will punish: "FOR I THE LORD THEY GOD AM A JEALOUS GOD..." The implication is that if you do not follow the wishes of that God then He will descend upon you and will punish you unto the third and fourth generation. The true God of this Earth, however, is not a God of punishment. He, and the Beings who control, guide and help this Earth, have long since progressed beyond the level of meting out punishment, for there is no point in punishing a being who does not understand. The true God of this Earth is a God of love, a God of help, a God of wisdom, a God of impartiality.

You, on the Earth, have been given the divine gift of free choice to advance along your chosen paths. As you progress you will, understandable, err, but when you err the Law of this Earth is not that God will punish you but rather that you will learn through your mistakes, for by your actions now you are sowing the seeds which will come to fruition in the future. What you are doing now -- the way you treat your country, the way you treat your fellow human beings, the way you treat the Kingdoms of this Earth -- will affect not only you but also the beings who are to incarnate after you. You pollute this Earth not only for yourselves but also for your children and for your children´s children, and the karma for this will have to be repaid in the many, many lives you have yet to live.

The Third Commandment

"THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD IN VAIN; FOR THE LORD WILL NOT HOLD HIM GUILTLESS THAT TAKETH HIS NAME IN VAIN".This is a fault which is just as prevalent today as it was so many thousands of years ago, for Humanity is still continually motivating its actions on this Earth according to its false gods. Humanity creates its own religions. It takes the examples of the great Masters who have incarnated on this Earth, the words they have spoken, the way of life they have demonstrated, and interprets them to justify its own actions. The Churches rephrase the words of the great Masters, invent motivations for their lives and create religions which Humanity then follows; and Humanity, believing that it is following the Will of God, obeys the commandments of the Churches and not the commandments of God.


In order to give meaning and security to their lives most people need to create a god, and they will therefore turn to any plausible god which is put before them by the priests or elders of the Age. It is so easy to lead a person astray in the name of their God. Just as there was no true religion so many thousands of years ago when Moses was given these commandments, so there is no true religion in the World today. Every religion misinterprets or changes the meanings, the events, the teachings of the great Master who have come on this Earth, and asks its members to follow not God but the Church´s idea of God.

Be aware that many people will do many manner of things in the name of their "God". They will say that "God" is on their side, that "God" helps them, that "God" leads them, that "God" inspires them, and in the name of their "God" they will commit evil all over this World. They will exploit, abuse and even kill their fellow human beings in the name of their "God". They will abuse the Kingdoms of Matter on this Earth. They will do all this for the glory of their "God", a "God" who, truly, does not exist except in their own minds. Beware, therefore, of any person who preaches to you of "God" for it will be only of his or her idea of God. There is only one God Who is in existence at this moment in time for each of you, and that is your own consciousness.

Part Three follows....This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".


You must understand that no commandment, no rule, that Humanity possesses, or indeed will ever possess on the Earth, can be described as absolute, as a totality, for that is not possible on this planet.

The Only Source

The only source of Absolute Truth, of Absolute Wisdom, of Absolute Intellect, of Absolute Knowledge of the Plan for this Earth, is your Creator, the Lord of this planetary system, that Being Whom you call God. Therefore, as I explain to you in this article, I can only interpret the conditions of life on this Earth as befits my consciousness, evolution and experience of life on it. If you will accept that I have walked a little further along the path than you and, therefore, that I have a clearer picture, a clearer vision, of life and of the purpose of life on this Earth, then you may also accept and meditate on what I am to say to you about the Ten Commandments. Understand that an aspect of the Cosmic Whole may be beamed down upon this Earth for Humanity to accept and understand, but never the complete power.

Ancient Civilisation

As we look at the Ten Commandments, in the form that they are reproduced in the Bible, realise that they were the guidelines for an ancient civilisation that has long since disappeared. That is not to say that they do not reflect a part of Absolute Truth, but that the reflection was intended for that ancient civilisation and will therefore not be in keeping with the Age in which you live today.

You are now living at the end of the Piscean Age and at the dawning of the Aquarian Age. Humanity, through the demonstration of the Nazarene, was given the teachings of the Christ only two thousand years ago, but today, because of the environment and the changing nature of the Age, people have difficulty in seeing the relevance of the Nazarene´s teachings. Obviously, therefore, it will be even more difficult for 21st century Humanity to see the relevance of the Ten Commandments which were given thousands of years earlier.

Let us now examine the Commandments in detail and try to relate them not to a civilisation of thousands of years ago but to the 21st century, to life today. Their meaning has, of course, suffered not only in translation but also as a result of changes made by various scholars who, in their desire to explain that which, because of their limited consciousnesses, they could not understand, altered not only the words but the significance as well.

The First Commandment

 "THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME".This stands correctly as the first law, the first commandment, and is the most important one. On the surface this commandment would appear to be fairly self-explanatory. There is indeed only one God, but He is not the kind of God you imagine, for Humanity cannot conceive of the true God, Whose spirit dwells within the Sun and Who controls this Solar System. That God is beyond Humanity´s comprehension. Humanity can barely conceive of the Solar Lord Who dwells within this Earth, the ruler of this planet. Humanity can only relate to the Masters and Beings who regulate and guide life on this Earth. This commandment was therefore intended to remind Humanity -- and it is just as applicable today as it was at the time of Moses -- that the intermediaries are not God and that there is only one Being, one God, of Whom all Humanity is a part.

You are, therefore, an actual infinitesimal part of that Being Whose Body is the Solar System in which you dwell, the One God, the one Being, Who exists not only for you but for all the beings on the other planets and for all forms of creation. Therefore it can be seen that all those beings within the Body, who serve that one Being, the Greater Whole, are of equal importance.

Individually they advance along their own paths but, collectively, they are walking those individual paths for the good, for the advancement, to fulful the purpose and the plan, of that one Being Whose spirit dwells within the Sun. Therefore as far as you, as far as the Martian or the Venusian is concerned, there is only one God: the supreme God of Whom you are a part. That spark that is within you now is part of, and belongs to, that God and, ultimately when you have evolved sufficiently, you will return your individuality to that God.

Part Two follows...This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Monday, 14 November 2011


Shakespeare recognised something when he wrote: "All the World is a stage and all the men and women merely players". We are indeed actors playing out a cosmic drama.

The Cosmic Drama

This drama appears real to you for you are in your physical bodies and are personally involved in it, but you must have perspective of this drama and recognise it for what it really is. The drama has a purpose. It is to teach, to evolve your consciousness. Everything that happens on the plane of Earth happens not by chance but because either you as individuals or the World as a whole have drawn it unto yourselves through your behaviour in this or in past lives.

Using Spiritual Consciousness

Tap into spiritual consciousness which you possess and use it. Use it to transform not only yourselves but the World as a whole and by doing that you will be fulfilling your divine potential, for you are one with your Creator. The force of Its love and Its energy flows through you at all times. You are never alone. Your prayers never go unanswered. You are forever attuned to the planes of life beyond your understanding. Recognise the physical reality and serve it, but also recognise the greater picture. Do not be swamped by the little drama that is being played out at this time on the physical stage of life. Hold to your faith. Hold to your consciousness.

The Twelve Planets

The Creator of our Solar Body, that Being whom you call God, creates on the vibration of twelve. You have, therefore, twelve planets within this Solar System, some of which you still have to discover. Each of these planets supports what we call a plane of life, a plane of existence. If, for example, you were to look at Venus you would say that no life exists on Venus. This is because on Venus life does not exist on the same frequency band that life does on Earth.

The vibratory rate of each planet is different and so manifests a different plane of life. It is just the same when you die and leave your physical body. You move onto a higher frequency, into a higher body. You can still move around on the physical plane of life but no one sees you. Remember that there are the angelic and the devic kingdoms operating around you right now, but you cannot see them because they too are operating on a different plane of life, a different frequency.

Levels of Life

There are twelve planes or levels of life in our Solar Body and the purpose of your spiritual existence is to achieve Mastery, as the expression goes, on each of those planes of life. The total destiny of your being is to achieve Mastery on all twelve planes. Let us, for example, consider the case of someone like the Master Jesus. He had achieved Mastery on only seven planes of existence. There were five planes on which he still had to learn and evolve. You, at your level of consciousness, are aware only of the seven lower planes which are a part of your physical understanding. The remaining five planes are beyond your comprehension, indeed, are beyond my comprehension even though I dwell on a higher plane than you.

So for the time being let us just say that there are seven planes which you have to master, planes which are sometimes called the physical, etheric, astral, emotional, vital, mental and spiritual planes. You live on each of these planes even whilst you are present in your physical body. You face challenges and tests on these planes in just the same way that you face them on the physical plane of life. Each of these planes is a different reality, a different World. You visit them in your sleep state but for the most part you do not remember your visits on your return to physical consciousness.

The Ultimate Life

What is the ultimate life?? Obviously I can only give you my opinion. My understanding of life, and I talk now not just of physical life but of the essence of life, is that although we have been given individualised consciousness by our Creator, we are all unique, at some time in the future our destiny will be to surrender that consciousness back to the whole, to our Creator, and to merge our individuality in the Oneness of that great Being. We therefore possess our individuality for only a short time, on a cosmic scale anyway, and then of our own free will we will surrender our individuality back to the source, our Creator. This will not be demanded of us. It will be something that we will want to do, to surrender our individuality for the good and the well-beng of the whole. But that is, for most of us, a long time ahead in the future.

Highly Privileged

One of the things you have to understand is that Humanity, and I use the expression to mean human consciousness both on the physical and the higher levels of life, is a very special species of cosmic being. Humanity´s evolutionary path can be likened to an experiment and this experiment is being watched with great interest by many, many great Cosmic Beings from universes beyond your comprehension. Humanity is an experiment in creation by a great Being. To this end you have been given cosmic gifts which very few other beings possess.

Planet Earth is a very special place. You are highly privileged to incarnate on her, to be part of the school of Earth and to advance your spiritual consciousness through the exercise of your cosmic talents. There are many beings on other planets who are not permitted to achieve consciousness in this way. You have been given the supreme gifts of the God-head: Its own divinity, Its own creativity, Its own free choice. You are, in essence, gods in the making and planet Earth is a school for gods.

This article is from "The fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Sunday, 13 November 2011


In life today, for the most part, you tend to ignore your spiritual consciousness, the wisdom that you have gleaned over many, many lives on many planes of existence. Remember that not only have you lived thousands of lives upon this plane of Earth but you have lived thousands of lives on many other planes of existence.

The Totality of Life

Life is not just the physical reality of which you are aware. A true understanding of the totality of life is beyond your comprehension at this time because you are limited by the physical body in which you are temporarily dwelling, but released from that body, living on the higher planes of life, you can truly experience cosmic consciousness. You can see the Universal Whole for what it really is: millions upon millions of beings, on many planes of existence, all exhibiting consciousness in the service of the one God of Whom we are all a part, the God in Whom we live, move and have our being.

Group Consciousness

You incarnate on the plane of Earth to evolve both your consciousness and the group consciousness of Humanity. This is achieved through the practice of right thought, right speech, and right behaviour. Recognise that sacrifice, on many levels, plays an important part in your life. Indeed the example of all the great Masters who have come on the plane of Earth is that one has to sacrifice, sometimes even one´s life, in order to evolve human consciousness.

Understand that you incarnate to serve: to serve the plane of Earth, your fellow human beings and, above all, this planet, the Goddess, on whom you live for your short lifespan. She has offered you her body as a school of life. So realise that your own physical body is part of that Goddess and that you will return it to her at the moment of death. It is a sacred temple, a fitting reflection of the spirit that lives within it. It is truly divine and worthy of your respect, and if you respect your own body then you will surely respect the bodies of other people in everything that you do in thought, word and deed.

Christianity and The Goddess

There are many in the Western World today who do not celebrate the festival of Beltane (May-day). This is because it is not recognised as a Christian celebration. But the Christian religion is only one small aspect of the total consciousness of Humanity. Christianity has existed for only centuries whereas the festival of Beltane has been celebrated for milleniums, for it is an Earth festival, a festival which links Humanity to the Earth, to the Goddess.

Why do we have, why do we need such festivals?? It is not just to mark the seasons of the year or to bear witness to the dogma of a particular religion, no matter whether it be Christianity, Mohammedism or Buddhism. It is to link Humanity with the Cosmos, to make Humanity aware of its own mortality, of the passage of time, of the brevity of physical reality compared with the eternity of Nature, and of the need to tap into that reality beyond the physical.

Eleven Other Planes

We of the Spiritual Hierarchy recognise that the plane of Earth is but one twelfth of the whole. There are eleven other planes of existence which Humanity can experience through its higher bodies. It is your birthright to know of these planes, to witness them and to dwell on them, to be at one with them. That is the birthright of your spiritual consciousness. You incarnate with this knowledge, this reservoir of learning, the experiences of past earthly and cosmic relationships. Why, therefore, when you encounter the conflict of Earth do you surrender to that conflict and become a part of it?? Why do you not go within yourselves to seek the aid of the cosmic wisdom that you possess??

The World is in crisis because you as individuals are in crisis. The world crisis is but a reflection of your own inner struggles, your own desires, your own weaknesses. If you wish to resolve World crisis you must first resolve personal crisis. This can be done only through consciousness, through an understanding of the true nature of your being and of the God of Whom you are a part. This means going within yourselves. This means listening to your inner wisdom and not to the dogma of others. In quiet moments, such as you are experiencing now, attune to the cosmic forces, to the reality of life, and just for a short time release the unreality, for that is what it is, of physical life.

Part Three follows....This article is taken from "The Fantasic Teachings of Ramala".


We are living in a world in crisis. This situation exists because our world is in political, financial and ecological crisis and, above all, because it is in spiritual crisis.

Intuitive Understanding

Many people in the world today have rejected the discipline of religious dogma but have not yet replaced that discipline by self-discipline, by developing their own intuitive understanding of the purpose of life. They have become so caught up in the physical reality of life, in the struggle to exist, especially here in the Western World where life is lived at such a frenetic pace, that they do not have the time to go deeply within themselves to seek the purpose of their being and the purpose of their life on the physical plane of Earth.

It is not my intention, indeed, it is not possible for me to tell you the purpose of your physical life. That is for you to discover through your own intuitive channel. What I would like to do, however, is to present to you my understanding of Humanity´s consciousness for it is only by changing Humanity´s consciousness that you can change the pattern of human behaviour and so save your troubled World.

Fear of Death

Nearly all of you live in the shadow of the fear of death. This fear is brought about because you do not understand the purpose of death. If you think about it, if there was no such thing as death, if you did indeed live for ever and never died, if you were in fact like the sailors in the legend of the Flying Dutchman, condemned to live for ever on the plane of Earth, there would soon come a time when you would beg for death, when you would pray to be removed from physical life!! If you did but recognise it, then, death really is a saviour. It is for you the means of transition back to a plane of reality from this plane of unreality. You dwell for the most part on higher planes of life, on higher planes of consciousness, on planes of reality, and you incarnate on Earth, manifesting aspects of your spirit, in order to join this school of life and partake of its lessons.

Of Lasting Value

A wise man once placed money in its correct perspective by saying that you cannot take it with you when you die. After death money is of no significance whatsoever, and that is also true of all physical matter. When you die you cannot take it with you. You incarnate onto the physical plane of life with spiritual consciousness, and that alone, and when you leave that plane you take nothing with you but that spiritual consciousness. Now that is not to say that there are not some beings who after passing over onto the higher planes of life are still so caught up in the material aspects of life that they are unable to release them.

Such people look down on the physical plane of Earth which they have recently left and watch with great concern what is happening to their so called "possessions", to all the material things they acquired on Earth and have not yet released. They can spend much time wathcing and waiting when they should be moving on to other planes of living, to other lessons of life. Most people, though, gladly release everything physical at death in just the same way as they release the higher planes at the moment of their physical birth. If you would be recognise it, therefore, the only thing of lasting value to you is your CONSCIOUSNESS.

Lesson of Physical Life

You incarnate onto the physical plane of Earth to evolve your consciousness. That is the sole purpose of your physical incarnation, the reason for you being in this school of life which you call Earth. Now that does not mean that you can ignore the physical reality of Earth. You must be responsible for the physical body in which you dwell, your fellow human beings, the society in which you live, the material possessions which are placed in your guardianship. That is all part of the lesson of physical incarnation: to handle the Earth plane with consciousness. But that is not the total lesson. You must learn to handle your physical reality with responsibility, but you must also learn to ground and manifest your spiritual consciousness. You must learn that your consciousness is a tool for you to use on Earth, a means by which you can express the deep cosmic knowledge which you possess.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".