Wednesday, 15 June 2011


There are, of course, many manifestations of the Psychic Law. The ones of which Humanity is perhaps most aware are those of "physical" and "mental" mediumship.

Physical & Mental Mediumship

Physical mediumship is mediumship which takes place outside the realm of the medium. The most common demonstrations of this are Levitation, Materialisation and Apportation. Mental mediumship is mediumship which takes place within the realm of the medium. The most common demonstrations of this are Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Psychometry, Automatic Writing and Drawing and Trance Mediumship. Many psychic experiences are to be had by those who do possess psychic ability, but to possess this ability requires that your soul-consciousness has practised and used these talents in other lives.

As I have said before, psychic talents have to be earned, and therefore it is true to say that anyone who possesses them is an old soul. They have practised and used those talents many times, for they are not talents that can be picked up and learnt easily. Therefore, because it is only old souls who possess psychic talents, one can expect a psychic person to have a strong personality. That is why there are people who say that they know of mediums who possess strong personalities, whom they consider to be unpleasant, even unspiritual people. Nevertheless, people who possess psychic ability have earned the right to possess it through their actions in other lives.

In Harmony

If you would truly seek to be psychic then you must practise your particular psychic talents and you must harmonise yourselves, for until you as individuals are in harmony, consciously or even subconsciously, you will not become psychic. To harmonise yourselves with your surroundings is therefore your first objective, and you will discover that as you begin to achieve this, as you begin to become aware of your fellow human beings, your physical bodies, Nature, the individual petals in a rose, the water flowing in a stream, the new-born lamb in spring, then that psychic ability will reveal itself to you without you even knowing it.

Yes, suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye, as you sit beside a flower one day, you will look down and there you will see a little elemental. It may be for only a brief second, but that will be enough. To see an elemental requires little conscious effort. All that happens is that you lower your rate of vibration, with the correct motivation and with love, and that the elemental raises its vibration so that you meet on a common plane of matter below the normal physical range. Someone along-side you would not see it.

Advance Your Consciousness

The way to become psychic, therefore, is to advance your consciousness and to place yourself in harmony with matter around you. There are many short cuts which you can try to take. It is your choice whether or not you do so. I will say no more than this: that to use this Law, this power, before you are ready for it incurs great risk. You can tap into forces, you can see visions, you can see life as it exists way beyond your consciousness, but if you cannot comprehend it and grasp it, if you cannot understand it, it will unbalance you and will confuse you even to the point of madness. Your Creator has protected you: do not pull down that protection.

Your Motivation

It is very easy to want to possess the ability to use the Psychic Law, to wield psychic power, but I would ask you to examine why you want to use it, what your motivation is. Remember that you can influence many people with that power. Recognise that just as you are influenced by the demonstrations of psychic power by the great Masters and Teachers so you too can influence less evolved souls, and that the moment you begin to use the psychic power to try and help your fellow human beings you risk incurring great karma, for you can easily mislead them. Therefore use the Psychic Law, the Soul Law, with responsibility.

If you possess this power, then remember to use it with discrimination. Do not cast pearls before time. It is a personal talent to be used according to your own spiritual motivation. It does not have to be shared with anyone, and in most cases should not be shared.

Humanity must motivate itself and the use that it make of psychic power. It is a power far greater than any atomic device that Humanity has ever exploded. The true degree of the Psychic Law and psychic power is not that which you see demonstrated by the every-day person or medium in the street. It rises far higher. Remember the demonstrations of the Nazarene. So, once you have had your first psychic experience, once you have begun to understand the elementary principles of this Law, realise that you still have a long path ahead of you, before you truly understand the all-embracing, all-important, Psychic Law.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Tuesday, 14 June 2011


Many people on the Earth today do not possess psychic ability because inherent in the structure of the human physical body is the limitation, wisely placed there by their Creator, which ensures that they are restricted to an awareness of only the physical plane, and this, of course, is with good reason.

Necessary Limitations

If an unevolved person were able to use the Psychic Law, to wield psychic power, to any great extent, they would not be able to cope with all the extensions of their senses and would be confused. Many of the people who today are considered to be insane, who have hallucinations, are people who are suffering from a fault in the mechanism of their brains which permits psychic influences to enter. Medical science today has not yet discovered that in the brain there are little shutters, little doors of minute valves, which control the entry of these psychic influences into the human brain.

While you are awake these little "doors" are closed, unless opened through the development of the spiritual centres, but while you sleep the "doors" are opened and psychic influences can come in. However, while you are asleep your consciousness is dimmed and you are not aware of what your super-consciousness sees. Even so, you can still experience dreams or nightmares, visions of confusion, which register on your conscious brain. These are caused by the astral body returning to its physical shell after travelling on other levels of existence whilst you are asleep, when the little "doors" into the brain are partially open. This permits a distorted vision of other realms to be momentarily recorded on your physical brain.


A similar thing also happens when a person is kept awake for many, many hours and is not allowed to sleep. The etheric body, the energy producing body, which is the body that generates the life force within Humanity, has to withdraw from the physical body every twenty-four hours in order to regenerate itself with cosmic forces. Therefore it withdraws through the little "doors" I have previously mentioned whilst a person sleeps. But if that person is kept awake, when the etheric body withdraws and the shutters open they will see what would normally have been concealed. These visions are sometimes called hallucinations.

Great Responsibility

So, you see, the psychic experience is available, and can be had, but only by overcoming the protective mechanism of your Creator. Your Creator has wisely decided that until you have evolved to a certain level, when you can fully understand the Psychic Law, you may not use it. Therefore you would be most unwise to experiment with psychic powers until such time as you can achieve them naturally through the evolution of your own consciousness.

The reason why you incarnate on this Earth is to advance your consciousness, through the exercising of your own choice, along the path which you and your Creator have chosen. If you wish to be aware of, and to use, the Psychic Law you have to earn that right. It is not to be given to you as a gift from above. Like everything else on this Earth is has to be earned the hard way: through experience, through sacrifice, through personal achievement, through hard work.

If you desire to develop your psychic abilities you must be aware that it is something which you yourselves have to achieve. It is not something which will descend upon you like rain from the clouds. I would also point out to those of you who do desire to develop your psychic talents that any spiritual achievement carries with it great responsibility, for as you evolve up the ladder of spiritual progression, as you advance from class to class in this school of life and evolve your consciousness, so hand in hand with that goes the responsibility to use your consciousness wisely. Again, if you do develop psychic ability, then you should always use it with responsibility.

Click here for part three....

The first part of this article is here -THE PSYCHIC LAW -- PART ONE

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala"

Wednesday, 1 June 2011


The Psychic Law, or the Soul Law as it is sometimes called, governs Humanity on all levels of its existence. In the Age in which we live today little is known about this Law. Little is understood about the powers and the influences which those spiritual beings who exist beyond the frequency range of physical matter can and do wield.

A Typical Question

Humanity is entering the Aquarian Age when, due to the nature of its evolution and to the changes in its physical body, it is to become a more psychic and a more spiritual being, and is to live its life more in harmony with this power.

Many people, who accept in faith the existence of beings such as elementals, fairies and nature spirits, would like to see them and have their beliefs confirmed. They would like to see devas and angels. They would like to see an astral form and to travel in their astral bodies and to be able to remember what they saw and experienced whilst they travelled in them. They would like to see, to hear, to smell, to feel, to taste beyond the limits of the physical body. They say, "I try, I pray that I could experience any one of these influences, and yet I see, feel and receive nothing. Why is this? Moreover, I consider that I lead a harmonious and balanced life, and yet people whom I know to be psychic appear to me to be living in disharmony and making great mistakes in their lives. Why should they have this gift and not me??".

The Explanation

Let us therefore begin to examine the Psychic Law. Firstly, remember that there is no division between spiritual and physical Man. It is Man who creates, even demands, this division. Man has limited himself to his physical body and to his physical Earth. It is Man who has said that he cannot see, hear, smell, taste or touch beyond the limiting frequency range of physical matter. Man accepts these limitations, is content with them, and seeks to investigate no further. Sometimes I think that Man deliberately buries his head in the sand, for he is ignoring the many people on this Earth who do possess and use extra-sensory perception who can see, feel, taste, touch and hear beyond the range of most people.

Extra-sensory Perception

As Man investigates the Animal Kingdom he becomes aware of the fact that animals can and do hear, see, smell and communicate outside his own frequency range. On another level, Man is aware of the power of electricity and of the presence of radio waves which he cannot see but which he knows do exist. There is, therefore, much that Man uses without actually being directly aware of through his five senses, but when the concept of extra-sensory perception is suggested to him Man usually cannot, or will not, consider such a "ridiculous" proposition. Only a few therefore, experiment with, and investigate, the Psychic Law.

Maybe you do not know of anyone who is psychic, but that does not mean that this ability does not exist, for many of those who possess psychic ability, recognising it as a spiritual talent, do not seek to profit from it in any way and use it only for the purpose of their own inner development and to fulfil the Greater Plan. The few so-called psychic people that you do meet and hear about are not necessarily the only, or the most evolved, psychic people in this World.

A Spiritual Birthright

To use the Psychic Law, to have extra-sensory perception, is Humanity´s spiritual birthright. It was not intended that just a few people should have this ability. Every evolved person, and I stress the word "evolved", who incarnates on the Earth should possess this ability. This was one of the demonstrations of the Nazarene when he incarnated on the Earth, for many of his miracles which are described in the Bible are merely extension of the Psychic Law.

The ability to walk on the water, to multiply the loaves and fishes in order to feed many people, to turn water into wine, to heal, to raise from the dead, to appear in a physical body after death. In such demonstrations Jesus was showing Humanity that for those who can advance to the consciousness to recognise, to understand and to wield such power, the Psychic Law is a reality.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".