Friday, 18 March 2011


Humanity´s whole attitude towards the law, crime and punishment, has to change. The only laws that will be respected and obeyed by an evolved soul are Natural Laws.

The Need For Change

There are, of course, always going to be certain individuals who will not learn through their own actions. They kill or steal because they do not think it is wrong. They do not desire to work because they would rather obtain money the easy way. These people will, naturally, reap the effect of Natural Law, but, in that they are potentially dangerous to society, society must take action against them and must isolate them until such time as they have been re-educated.

What happens today is that such people are isolated as a punishment, are not re-educated, and are then released after so many years of punishment to carry on exactly as they had done before. If you look at the crime records in the World today you will see that very often it is a few persistent offenders who continually appear before the judges; but Humanity does not seem to learn from this and to appreciate the need to change its present systems.

A Reflection of Natural Law

Humanity´s whole attitude towards the law, crime and punishment, has to change. The only laws that will be respected and obeyed by an evolved soul are Natural Laws. Now I am not saying that you should ignore all of Humanity´s laws, because many of them will reflect in some respects the greater Law. Obviously it is wrong to attack or kill another person. It is wrong to steal, to slander or to bear false witness against another person. All these aspects, for they are only aspects, of Natural Law appear in Humanity´s laws and should be obeyed. However there are some of Humanity´s laws which are not correct, and these should not be obeyed.

Humanity needs to make its laws more spiritual, more a reflection of Natural Law. Humanity has to recognise that when a person breaks the law, not punishment but re-education is required. Humanity must realise that most people commit crimes only because of the environment which has led them to think and behave in that way, for the sum total of a person´s physical consciousness is the life they have lived, the things they have seen, the people with whom they have associated, what they have practised and done, the whole vibration of the country in which they live.

Help Not Punishment

Humanity must look at its forms of punishment and see if they really are having the desired effect. Remember that fear, fear of being punished, fear of being imprisoned, will in no way restrain a person who is determined to do something. Even in war, when they fear death, people will risk their lives if they believe that what they are doing is just. Humanity must examine its prisons and ensure that they become not punishment cells but schools of education and learning. It must ensure that the standard of life inside these prisons is of a higher standard than life outside, for here are people who need special treatment, who need a special atmosphere, who need individual attention. People who are placed in prisons need help, and help is not given by imprisoning a person within four square walls, sometimes in solitary confinement, our of sight of the sun, of nature and of life.

The Greatest Law

Finally, Humanity must realise that the greatest law that exists in the Universe is Natural Law. What Humanity does will always have an effect no matter what form of punishment Man-made laws decrees. The punishment of Humanity in no way transmutes the effect of Natural Law, and by punishing a fellow brother or sister Humanity is very often only incurring karma for itself.

The greatest Law of this Universe, which has been demonstrated to Humanity by so many Masters when they have incarnated on the Earth, is that you do unto others as you would have others do unto you. If you break the laws of God you expect to be forgiven, you expect to be helped, you expect to be gently shown the error of your ways: you do not expect to be punished. Should not a person who breaks Humanity´s law expect the same treatment??

Humanity has advanced beyond the age of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. It is slowly beginning to recognise the sanctity of life. Let it now begin to understand the purpose of God, the rule of God, and let the Laws of the Universe, not the laws of Humanity, govern life on the Earth and then perfection, harmony and brotherhood will return to this World.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teaching of Ramala".

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


There are many of Humanity´s laws which are incorrect as far as Infinite Spirit is concerned, and there are many laws which Infinite Spirit commands which Humanity does not recognise.

The Death Penalty

Many countries in the World today are gradually abolishing the death penalty. The death penalty is really the ultimate in stupidity, for by the act of taking away a person´s life you cannot teach them anything. No matter which one of the great Teachers you follow, be it the Nazarene, the Buddha or Mohammed, be aware that they all taught one thing -- Love! They taught that you should show compassion, that you should always try to help your less evolved brothers and sisters. Criminals are not helped by being executed: they are helped by counselling and re-education, by being given specialised treatment, so that they may realise the foolishness of what they have done and be returned to society as responsible members who have learnt something from their mistakes.

As Humanity does not create life, it has no right to take it. All life is sacred and there is no justification for capital punishment whatsoever, for the greater law of the Universe will always take effect on any of Humanity´s actions. There are many of Humanity´s laws which are incorrect as far as Infinite Spirit is concerned, and there are many laws which Infinite Spirit commands which Humanity does not recognise. So you may well break a law of Infinite Spirit and, whilst not breaking one of Humanity´s laws, still have to pay the effect.

Law of Infinite Spirit

So the definition of what is the law is not as clear-cut as you would think. If one of Humanity´s laws conflicts with the Law of Infinite Spirit then, obviously, if you comply with the Law of Infinite Spirit and thus break Humanity´s law, even if you are punished by a judge in a court, you have in reality committed no crime. People might judge you as having done so but, truly you have not, and the greater Record, the Record that is important, will show you as having committed no crime at all. Remember that what is important is the judgement of your Creator, not the judgement of Humanity, the judgement of the judges and the juries.

Likewise, if you are accused of a crime and you go before a judge and a jury and are found innocent of the offence, even though you are in fact guilty you will not escape, for the Law of Infinite Spirit always has its effect. Any one who breaks the Law of Infinite Spirit, because they do not understand the real nature of their actions should be treated like a young child and helped to understand the existence of, and the reason for, such a Law. To punish them will be of no help, for true learning cannot take place through punishment.

Corrective Education

In ancient civilisations the courts of law were entirely different from those of today. There was no legal profession as such. The judges were people of great spirituality, the priests of the temple, who understood the Natural Laws of the Universe. An accused person was brought before these spiritual people so that the true nature of their actions could be judged. These spiritual judges then decided on the corrective education necessary to ensure that the guilty person realised the error of their ways.

These men of great spirituality could recognise the soul-evolution of an individual and also could tell from their aura whether they lied or spoke the truth. Therefore the law was administered fairly. There were no wrong judgements, and no need for a judge and jury. The judgements were spiritual judgements, and no prejudices, no clever lawyers, no bribery, no corruption, were involved as they are today.

Human Factors

Today far too many human factors are involved in the enforcement of the law. Humanity today, of course, is not so spiritually aware as it was in some of the civilisations of old. In certain countries the system of a judge and jury exists, and this is an advancement on the legal systems of many other countries. But even this is open to abuse, for if, because of his soul-evolution, an evolved soul carries out a particular act and is taken before a judge and jury of less evolved souls, then they will perhaps find him guilty, whereas in actual fact he probably is not. For example, if you have a man who refuses to fight for his country in time of war a judge and jury will probably send him to prison, whereas in actual fact, although he is breaking the law of the land, perhaps he is obeying the Law of Infinite Spirit.

Society today is gradually becoming more and more brutal. Violence is increasing everywhere. This is the nature of the scoiety in which you now live. It reflects Humanity´s total lack of spirituality at all levels, from the rulers of the land to the people of the land. It also reflects the quickening of the spiral on which the Earth rotates and the start of events that Humanity is now experiencing around the globe.

Violence Only Creates Crime

It is hard for Humanity today to accept but, at the moment of conception, every child is a perfect reflection of Infinite Spirit. Most of the factors which are responsible for modern crime are to be found in childhood. Children are greatly influenced by the wrong example of their parents, by wrong education both from their parents and their school teachers and by the wrong example from the World itself.

How can you expect as child today not to be violent when the whole World is violent, when every day the newspapers and the television reports show violence?? A child accepts all these events as being normal. You cannot blame a child if it imitates life around it. You may find this hard to accept, but if a man commits a crime, unless he is committing that crime as an instrument of Infinite Spirit, he is committing that crime against his own soul judgement and because his personality has obscured his soul wisdom.

Part Three follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Monday, 14 March 2011


The only true and permanent laws that exist in our Solar Body are the Natural Laws. These are the laws which govern all Spirit, all Mind and all Matter within the Solar Body, and they range from the ones which govern our individual behaviour, such as the Law of Cause and Effect, to the laws which govern matter, such as the Law of Multiplicity.

Humanity´s Laws

Everything that exists in creation is governed by Natural law, and inherent in them is the Will of your Creator, for no matter what Humanity might do, or might seek to do, it cannot avoid their effects. Therefore when I talk about Humanity´s laws I am talking about regulations, or rules, which Humanity has drawn up according to its own consciousness and not according to God´s consciousness. Humanity´s laws are not laws in the true sense of the word.

As Humanity has lived and evolved on the Earth, as civilisations have come and gone, it has, of course, made its own laws. If you wish to judge the evolution of a particular civilisation you should look at its laws, its regulations for life, for in them you will see a refection of the consciousness of that Age.


As you look at your laws today you think that they are humane because you are comparing them with the laws of two hundred years ago, when a man could be hung for stealing a sheep and a hungry boy could be deported for stealing a loaf of bread. However, if you were to advance two hundred years from now and look back on the laws of today you would think how babarous they were.

Humanity´s laws have gradually evolved over the years to their present state and they will be changed only by the actions of Humanity when it truly desires a change. Some of Humanity´s laws are evil, and oppose Natural Law, but no matter what I say Humanity will not change them immediately, for it is only Humanity´s progression and evolution that will change its laws. What I am seeking to do in this article is to present some new aspects on Law so that you can place Man-made laws in their true perspective.

Civil Law

Man-made laws generally fall into two categories. Firstly there are the civil laws that stem from the need for people to live together harmoniously in society. They regulate, for example, how one drives cars, how one collects taxes, how one buys and sells, and so on. These laws are formulated by Man according to his point of evolution, and as his way of life changes so do his laws. They cannot be judged as being spiritual or unspiritual, right or wrong. Secondly, there are the criminal laws, and it is when we look at these that we begin to discover certain aspects of unspirituality.

So man, whilst he lives in a physical body, is governed not only by the Natural Laws of which he is largely unaware but also by his own laws. He learns that if he breaks the laws of his society and is caught he will be punished. If Man approves of such laws, if he considers that they are just, he will obey them; but if he considers that they are unjust he will ignore them and, even if he is caught and punished, he will not think that he deserves to be punished. Therefore no point is served by punishing him, and to punish any man who does not think he has broken a law is not a punishment but a crucifixion.

Penal Law

The laws that usually cause the most conflict today are those that refer to murder, violence, robbery and corruption. Let me begin by pointing out that the whole principle upon which your penal law is based is that of punishment for the crime. A man commits a crime: he kills or steals, and therefore the law says that he must be punished for his offence. The law does not consider that perhaps, most of all, that man needs teaching or re-educating so that he may be able to live again in society as a responsible being.

It is the principle of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Have you ever considered the fact that your Creator does not punish you for your offences, and that the whole reason for Humanity incarnating on the Earth is to learn through its experiences and gradually to evolve its consciousness?? What you do will come back to you, but never in the form of punishment.

Why Punishment?

It is through your own actions that you learn to appreciate what you have done and thereby to evolve through those experiences. Any person who murders, or steals, is obviously unaware of the existence of the true spiritual Laws which govern the Universe. That person should therefore, be helped in every possible way, and you do not help them by attempting to equal the score, for whether it be in some "primitive" country where a person found guilty of stealing has their hand cut off, or ín some "civilised" country where a person is sent to prison for so many years, the effect is the same: it is punishment.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantasic Teachings of Ramala".

Monday, 7 March 2011


Not only is the will of your Creator controlling this planet but also the will of all those beings more evolved than yourselves who can impose their will on you as well: the beings on the other planets of this Solar Body.

An Analogy
If I can make an analogy, I will compare the time of your incarnation on Earth to a person driving a car along a highway. In the beginning that person is placed in his car on the highway. The will of his Creator is such that he should drive along that highway from point A to point B, and as it is the will of his Creator within him he feels an urge to follow that highway. Of course he may at any time leave that highway if he so desires. He may even not return to that highway. But where can he really go even when he is off that highway?? He is in a car and therfore he can only leave the highway along the roads leading off it. He must keep to the roads that have been planned, that are already laid out, for he cannot suddenly invent new roads.

Let us say that God is the Being Who planned that highway, Who planned those roads. Therefore any person can travel only along the highways and the roads that God has planned. How far can he go along those roads? He has only so much petrol in his tank, and when he runs out of petrol what then happens? He is forced to stop. So just as that motorist is limited by his petrol tank, so your physical life has a limit as well. The petrol tank, that limit, is already determined by your Creator. The roads are planned by your Creator. So what may you do but stay within the limitations of your Creator??

Our Limitations

People who are poor and dwell in a poor part of a country will not have the opportunity, unless their destiny decrees it, of travelling all over the World, of mixing with many people. They will be confined to one small part of the World as their Creator intended. A tribe dwelling in a jungle will not suddenly find itself uprooted and placed in a metropolis of one of the technologically advanced countries of the Western World. So the limitations of your Creator are there if you will but recognise them.

Even you who live in the so-called civilised countries of the Western World are limited. In spite of what you might think, Humanity today, with all its modern material and scientific methods, still does not create, for all creation is drawn out of Infinite Mind. Infinite Mind, which is part of Infinite Spirit, releases to Humanity only what Humanity is allowed to have. Humanity has the choice to use the knowledge that is released to it either for good or evil, but that inspiration would not be given to Humanity unless its Creator intended it for it.

Greater Forces in Control

Man today has the means of destroying the Earth. He has his hydrogen and his cobalt bombs, and therefore people today think that Man could easily destroy the Earth. He has the power to do so but, of course, greater forces than Man control this Earth and he will not be allowed to do it. So all those people who fear the total destruction of this Earth through hydrogen warfare need not worry. It will not take place, for not only is the will of your Creator controlling this but also the will of all those beings more evolved than yourselves who can impose their will on you as well: the beings on the other planets of this Solar Body, especially those from Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, who are at present around the aura of the Earth influencing, guiding, helping, repairing where Humanity´s ignorance has destroyed. Their will, will be done. They will not allow the Earth to be destroyed in its entirety.

The Principle Lesson

Remember that there are many beings with a greater will, a greater power, than you. You are an infinitesimal speck on the Earth struggling to evolve. You are like a young boy at school: you may be given a loaded gun to practise shooting, but there is always a teacher close at hand to see that you do not shoot yourself or one of your fellow pupils.

The will of your Creator is that you should evolve spiritually through life in a physical body on the Earth. You are here to experience life on the Earth as well as upon the other planes of existence. This Earth is but a school onto which you incarnate to learn its lessons. The principle lesson of this Earth is one of sacrificial service, and Humanity has the choice of whether it wishes to sacrifice or not.

Those of you who do indeed sacrifice, who do think of your fellow brothers and sisters before yourselves, who do think of the other Kingdoms before your own, who are totally aware of life on this planet, will begin to appreciate the will of your Creator, and if you understand the will of your Creator for this Earth then you will understand the Earth, the part that it plays in the whole, together with the function of those who dwell on it.

Only Free Choice

You are all born under great planetary influences, or wills. You all vibrate under one of the seven major Rays which control this planet, and you are further individually restricted by the Ray under which you vibrate. These Rays bear down upon you at all times, restricting you, controlling you, and guiding you. You are restricted even more by your own evolution.

So as you walk your path in life recognise that you have free choice, and that you must be responsible for that choice, but also recognize the will of your Creator in everything around you. It is not your Earth. Your brothers and sisters around you are not of your creation. The Animal, the Vegetable and the Mineral Kingdoms were all created by a greater force than you. Humanity creates nothing and therefore Humanity can control nothing. Only when you can create may you exercise the Will.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Sunday, 6 March 2011


Do not think that Humanity has always had free choice. It has not. Do not think that all other beings in your Solar Body have free choice. They do not. Be aware that free choice is a gift to Humanity at this stage of the Earth´s development, in its present incarnation, so that Humanity may advance its consciousness to perform the will of its Creator.

Learning the Limitations

When Humanity first incarnated on the planet Earth, when it dwelt in perfection with the Angels, the messengers of Infinite Spirit, it did not have and did not need free choice. For many aeons of time Humanity dwelt without that gift, for it was not necessary. Then the Beings of whom you know so little, your Solar Logos and the Lords who control this Solar Body and the Earth within it, decided that in order to advance its consciousness Humanity itself had to learn the limitations of its being.

Humanity was therefore reincarnated on Earth with the gift of free choice from its Creator, and in that Humanity now had this gift it could evolve and advance its consciousness, for by its choice it would learn goodness from evil, it would recognise light from darkness, it would know life from death. Ever since this reincarnation on the Earth Humanity has been advancing, albeit slowly, by exercising this gift. It is only because of the way that Humanity has misused this gift that the Earth finds itself in its present state of consciousness.

The Choice

Humanity has not chosen correctly. Humanity has the choice, even today, of choosing between spirituality and materialism. Humanity has the choice between thinking of itself and thinking of its fellow human beings. Humanity has the choice of thinking about its world, the Earth, and of thinking about other worlds, the other planets, in this Solar Body. The choice, depending upon the level of soul-evolution, is always there. For those who are incarnating on the Earth for the first or second time obviously the choice is simple and limited. For those who have evolved their consciousness through many lives on Earth the choice is more subtle and complicated.

But every being on this Earth is here to exercise his or her choice and to learn and to evolve through that choice. As the act of exercising your choice is the prime reason for your existence it is surely worthy of your most earnest consideration. Therefore do not make a choice lightly, without thought. Remember that how you choose will have an effect not only on yourself but also on others. So choose with thought, after meditation.

Does Humanity Have Free Will??

Let us now examine the question of free will. Does Humanity have free will? This question touches on the whole concept of life within this Solar Body and, indeed, within Creation. Unevolved Man likes to think that he is supreme, that he does indeed have free will, that he can do whatever he wants, when he wants and where he wants. He believes that he can control the destiny of Humanity and the destinies of the Animal, the Vegetable and the Mineral Kingdoms. He believes that he can control the destiny of the World, of its races and peoples. With the thoughtlessness of supreme egotism he believes that he is God on Earth. Unevolved Man still has a great deal to learn, for the more evolved you become the more aware you become of forces, of controls, of disciplines, of wills, of orders, of hierarchies way above the level of Humanity´s consciousness.

The Minuteness of Humanity

If you look down at an individual being dwelling on the surface of this Earth and then withdraw into Space seeing first the street, then the town, then the country, then the hemisphere, then the Earth, then the Solar Body in which the Earth dwells, then the Galaxy in which that Solar Body dwells, then the "Super" Galaxy in which that little Galaxy dwells, you will recognise the minuteness of Humanity and the complexity, the control and the organisation of Space and of life in it.

It is not possible that unevolved Man living on the surface of the planet Earth could control, even if he were allowed to, such complexities of Space. When Man does not even understand how the Earth rotates and functions, when he does not even understand the influences which act on the Earth both from within and without, how could he control other, far greater, forces??

Most Things are Planned

What is carried out on the surface of this Earth is the will, the power and the influence of the Beings who are responsible for this Earth and, more especially, of our God, our Solar Logos, Who stands above us all. Man might like to think that he has free will, but he does not. If he did but understand it, most things in his life are planned.

Within the boundaries of his life Man has only a narrow choice to make, for he incarnates into a planned family, into a planned country, into a planned way of life. He vibrates under a certain Ray, he is born under the specific influence of certain planets. He has chosen to meet certain people in his earthly incarnation from which he will learn certain lessons. He has chosen many of the incidents that are to happen in his life: all this before he even incarnates into matter!

Part Three follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Wednesday, 2 March 2011


Free choice and free will would appear to have very similar meanings. Very often they are misused by people in their everyday speech, so let us establish just what it is that we mean by these words.

Understanding the Significance

When one considers the totality of Humanity´s spiritual life, the subject of its free choice and free will would appear on the surface to be of very little relevance. In actual fact, however, to understand completely the significance of Humanity´s free choice and free will requires the mind of an Adept, a very highly evolved being, for if you can truly understand the limits of Humanity´s choice, and the limits of Humanity´s will, you will understand creation in its design and structure in the whole Universe.

Free choice is fairly self-evident. It means that a person is free to exercise their choice. It means that a person has a choice before them and that they are free to choose one path or the other, one way or another. Free will, on the other hand, by its very terminology -- will -- implies a force, a power. If you impose your will on somebody else you are directing a power, an influence, onto that person and they have no choice in the matter: they are obeying your will. Therefore will does not involve choice.

Will is a power directed or employed by a higher vibration, by a more evolved person, onto a less evolved person. Consequently a less evolved person cannot impose their will on a more evolved person. It has to be the more evolved person who imposes the will.

Free Choice

Having defined free choice and free will let us now examine whether or not you are actually free to exercise your choice and your will. Let us begin by looking at free choice. Throughout your everyday lives you are continually faced with alternatives, some simple, some complicated. If you think about it you exercise choice at almost every minute of the day. You are forever deciding what you want to do, and by the very act of making a decision you are choosing between two alternatives.

This is the way in which you progress in life and learn; for the result of your choice has an effect, and depending upon the reasons or the motivations for your choice so the effect upon you will vary. Now I am not saying that you can choose rightly or wrongly for there is, in reality, no such thing as right or wrong. You will choose, and how you choose will have an effect upon you. What is it, then, that leads you to exercise that choice??

The Mind

You can make a choice over many things. You can choose, for example, where you want to live and with whom you want to live. You can decide what colour to paint your house, what type of car to buy, what kind of food you want to eat, and so on. In the material world in which you live today there are many choices which have to be made and, although perhaps you would not think so, the influences that lead you to make those choices are numerous.

The factors which influence your choice and impinge on your mind -- for the mechanism of deciding a choice is within the mind -- are very varied. It is the mind that decides your choice, and there are many sources from which that mind draws. It could be the soul, it could be the personality, it could be any one of your finer bodies reacting on your mind to influence your choice. So when you exercise choice try to establish which factors are leading you to make that choice and, as in all things, try to establish what the motivation is, what the motive force is, for that choice.

The Act of Choosing

You incarnate on the Earth with the divine gift of free choice, and it is by the exercising of that choice, properly controlled, that you will learn. If the choice is not controlled then you will learn and evolve very slowly. Those of you who have begun to control your physical and other bodies, and to impose the discipline of your soul on your mind, will begin to make a responsible choice, and I emphasize the word "responsible", in all your everyday actions, and so you will evolve more rapidly. Therefore think before you make that choice so that you make the correct one, not only for yourself but also for those around you. It is important that you think about the act of choosing for it involves the whole reason for your incarnation and existence.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".