Saturday, 25 September 2010


Age of AquariusFor thousands of years, people have written that the Age of Aquarius will be an age of brotherly and sisterly love. This is so because the vibrational frequency of Aquarius (in the precession of the equinoxes) is of a higher note, vibrating closer to the speed of Light. 

As we enter this age, the higher Light frequencies affect all on Earth. These vibrations are causing all systems that were built on lower frequencies (corruption, greed, lies, confusion, self-centeredness, etc.) to fall. Educational systems, businesses, political structures, and governments all built on self-serving principles, for example, are crumbling, only to be reborn through tremendous pain into higher forms.

In this way, we are witnessing "the end of the world" and we do not even recognize what we see. Standing on the threshold of the Aquarian Age, we can only wonder how long it will take to transcend the pain and suffering in the world. The thought of moving into a world of Oneness, love, and Light, with productive, happy, empowered people should be enough to make us want to get started immediately.

Knowledge is Power

 Knowledge is power. The knowledge contained in these articles provides the foundation for changing the world and building our own paths to mastery. Let us hope that humanity uses this knowledge wisely this time. The Ascended Realms and Karmic Boards will not look too kindly on the souls who misuse it. For there are rules that accompany mastery.

The first rule is that once we have acquired knowledge of the laws , we do not have the same rights as others who do not understand them. Inherent in learning and applying the laws is the responsibility to use them judiciously. Deliberate misuse of the laws to bring harm or suffering to others, brings a swift , intense return of Karma to the errant soul abusing the energy. The "Law of Tenfold Return" applies to the misuse of energy precisely as it does to the right use of energy.

Therefore, use this knowledge wisely!! Know that you have been forewarned and that the rewards and punishments will be just. Aquarius also stands for fairness -- every thought, every act is accountable. The energies on this planet have changed, and each and every action will bring nearly immediate repayment or retribution. This age will not let one stone go unturned.

So, let us begin....

Everything is ENERGY

To understand Universal Laws, we first must understand that everything is ENERGY and that energy moves in a circular fashion. To illustrate this point, imagine moving out into the universe. See the star systems moving slowly in an elliptical, spiraling fashion. See the precession of the equinoxes moving Earth through the Ages of Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, and so on, with Earth remaining over 2,000 years in each age. Realize that everything is moving and evolving in a CIRCULAR fashion.

Think about our solar system and imagine all the planets orbit the sun in rotational patterns. On a smaller scale, see the Earth rotate around the sun every 365 days, and know that everything here is also moving in a CIRCULAR fashion.

Now, think about Earth´s magnetic field, which is representative of other forms of energy on Earth. Realize that the magnetic lines also flow in a CIRCULAR fashion. This is also true of Earth´s other energy fields, such as the electrical fields.

Finally, taking this concept to the microscopic level, if cell tissues were taken from the skin and placed under a high-powered microscope, the trained eye would observe electrons spinning around the nucleus of the atoms, also in a CIRCULAR fashion.

Beings of Light (Energy)

Taking this logic to an even more microcosmic level, we can identify ourselves as whirling masses of energy and consciousness. In other words, if we could see ourselves in our true forms, we would see ourselves as energy beings of Light, emitting sounds that are inaudible to the human ear. Electromagnetic fields would be spinning around us in a CIRCULAR fashion, and our auras would be brilliant.

Where is this logic leading?? It is simple - ALL ENERGY RUNS IN CIRCLES. If we are energy beings of Light, and if all energy moves in a circular fashion, then we are the generators and creators of all that occurs in our lives. Put in other terms, as the wise Master, Jesus, once said : "What you sow is what you reap". Another explanation for this phenomenon is expressed in the contemporary saying : What goes around, comes around !


(PARTS ONE & TWO  -- )

 ( You will find the articles on each of these Laws on my other website --- )

Monday, 20 September 2010


Read the following words well and listen with your hearts. Remember as far back as Atlantis when you knew these words to be true. Then look to the future and envision the Heaven on Earth that you are here to create..... I AM Kuthumi.

Universal Principles

 When we think of Universal Laws, we can consider them in two ways. The Universal Laws, like the laws of any nation, state, or society, are expressions of acceptable and unacceptable behaviours. The explanations of these laws describe the results of these behaviours. The second meaning of the term laws refers to universal principles, or the ways in which cause and effect phenomena are related.

The Universal Laws described here may be considered in both of these ways, because they constitute the framework or guidelines for our behaviours and what affects our lives. They comprise the foundation for what is expected of us, and thus provide an expression of right living.

Unseen Forces

 Most of us are strangers to the frontiers of the unseen and the laws that govern this vague and mysterious area. Yet, it is forces in the unseen that create the physical world and its impact on our lives. Isn´t it about time we began to explore this area and discover its effects on us??

Everything in the universe reflects Divine law and order. Without laws, life would be in chaos and would operate on a trial and error basis. Universal Laws are the extensions of physical laws which apply to the spiritual world. They govern all planes of existence, and provide the order in the universe that keeps everything flowing perfectly.

All of these laws are interrelated; some specific interrelationships are pointed out in the future articles on this subject. Therefore, uderstanding these laws helps us to take control of our lives and provides us with a way to become God-realized. In other words, the laws provide us with a knowledge-of-results framework. After we haved learned the laws, we may violate them, but only with the full knowledge that certain results are inevitable.

Analyzing Universal Laws

 When we analyze the Universal Laws in greater depth, we learn to understand their importance in our lives and their contributions to an orderly world. A deeper study reveals :

# The Universal Laws are truth.

# The laws apply to everyone and provide justice or fairness for all. We cannot escape them, for they are the guidelines for life itself.

# One cannot live one´s life outside the law. Only those who do not recognize the perfection inherent in the universe believe that they can escape the effects of the laws. If they try to do so, they will battle endlessly and be tossed like a ship at sea in a storm.

# The laws are absolute and perfect. The only way in which we may bring peace and harmony to our lives is ultimately to surrender to the laws and to make choices within them that bring our souls to a higher level of consciousness.

# The laws provide a sense of order and predictability. We know that living outside the laws also has predictable consequences. We may not realize the positive or negative effects of our behaviours in the short term, but we can be assured that a fair and just outcome will result from each action we take.

# The laws provide us with ways of overcoming negative outcomes. They specify ways of changing the results of our behaviours and give us insights as to behaviours we need to avoid.

# When we live within the laws, we not only help ourselves, but we help others. Each of us exerts influence over the people around us. When we live within the laws, an attraction effect occurs, causing others to follow our examples and act in a similar way. What happens to one affects the all.

# We live in a holographic universe, which means that the whole is contained in each small particle. Understanding Universal Laws keeps our minds focused on the interconnectedness of all things.

# The laws remind us that we live simultaneously in more than one world. While we experience the space/time coordinates of the physical dimension, we are bound by the spaceless/timeless precepts of the unseen dimensions. Present day teachings keep us tied to the physical world, making it difficult for our minds to grow in other dimensions and realities. It is only through the opening of the doors to understand the metaphysics and the subatomic world of energy that we may understand the influence this world has on us. Our evolution depends upon our doing so.

# The next frontier for evolution is that of the mind. As we move forward in this arena, understanding Universal Laws will enhance our abilities to understand the power of the mind and its influence on our lives.

# Learning about Universal Laws helps us to learn about ourselves. We can witness the effects of the cosmos´ influence just by watching how things manifest in our daily lives, for the same great truths guide everything.

# Living within the laws affirms our commitment to God´s intent and plan and moves us closer to our Creator. The laws express the ways that our Creator designed to help us achieve the vision of a peaceful and productive universe and existence.

# We are one with the laws; therefore, we must KNOW them.

Part two follows....

Thursday, 16 September 2010


With the acceleration of time, now, for the first time, it no longer needs to take thousands of lifetimes to evolve.

Fulfilling God´s Plan

Many Starseeds, when not in this embodiment, are residents in higher-dimensional realities throughout the Universe. Their souls have evolved and collected experiences that Earth soon will encounter as she moves into the Fifth Dimension, and these remembrances are stored in the Akashic Records.

The Starseeds on Earth today both volunteered to come and were selected. They came because they knew that Earth is in the darkest of times -- the beautiful Mother needs Light and assistance to cross over into the New Age that awaits. The Starseeds´dedication and track records from the past assisted in the selection process, and they came because they have served in this way before. Earth is the third planet that they have seeded collectively in the Universe and birthed into a star. They can aid humanity in a victorious transition because they have been successful before. They are on assignment to fulfill God´s plan.

Into Higher Dimensions

Now, for the first time, it no longer needs to take thousands of lifetimes to evolve. With the acceleration of time, anyone who chooses may "go for the gold" (Light, that is). Earthling and Starseed souls alike have the opportunity to move together into the higher dimensions and evolve into higher states of consciousness. The membership residing in the Fifth Dimension and higher awaits our passage into their home, and sends their love and support to each soul in hopes that all will make it.

The Animal Kingdom

Finally, an article such as this would never be complete without recognition of the animal kingdom and the souls within those life-forms. Did you know that the animals´souls are the souls of our future children?? Everything in the Universe is consciousness and life. St. Francis of Assisi (Master Kuthumi) knew this to be true. He stated it openly, endured criticsm, and was ridiculed for it. It took the papacy 2000 years to state this truth publicly, but in January, 1990, Pope John Paul II issued a proclamation declaring that animals have souls. The Tibetans have known this for centuries. All is evolving. Knowing this, isn´t it sad to observe the kinds of experiences that we are offering the members of the animal kingdom?

As we evolve, we experience all the kingdoms. Some of us, as we first entered the mineral kingdom, could have come in as a diamond for our first introduction to Earth. At other times, for a brief moment in our evolution, we may have existed in the consciousness of the forest. The Native Americans ask the Spirit of the animal or the tree for permission to kill or cut it, out of respect for the life within. Can you see now where this comes from? Treating everything with respect and embracing the consciousness in all things is one of the signs of an advanced soul -- one who is already into the Fifth Dimension.

A Brief Summary

Transformation to the Fifth Dimension does not come without a struggle. The forces of Light and the forces of darkness are engaged in a battle for the future. Victory for the forces of Light is found in the realization that everything we need is in the Light and that our task is to hold the Light for the world.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010



The Light brings a greater understanding and strength within to transform all darkness.

Earthling Souls 

Earthling souls, on the other hand, have had most of their incarnations on Earth or on other celestial bodies that vibrate on a similar three-dimensional frequency. They are souls who either enjoy the physical dimension and keep coming back or have not yet learned the curriculum of love and Light and, therefore, must keep returning because of unfinished business. The notion that this group is "stuck" to Earth means that the majority of them still have not learned all the lessons of the ancient teachings. Therefore, they have chosen to return repeatedly for third-dimensional experiences to continue acquiring lessons. Earthling souls make up approximately ninety-nine percent of the world´s population.

This does not mean that earthling souls are less than or inferior to celestial souls, for all are children of one Creator and are equal. It only means that the experiences that have been acquired and mastered are different. As more lessons are learned, the vibrational frequency of the soul is raised, which automatically increases its Light. The Light brings a greater understanding and strength within to transform darkness, and this state of mind causes one to emanate a radiant aura or golden Light.

That is why halos and other auras of Light were always shown around Jesus and other Ascended Masters and Saints. Their physical, mental and emotional bodies were so pure that they had transformed the dark energies and, consequently, radiated this tremendous force field of Light. Their "shields were up", making it nearly impossible for forces of darkness to tempt them and diminish their Light.

Curriculum Of Love And Light

All souls who have mastered the curriculum of love and Light and purified themselves understand that NOTHING HAS POWER OVER THE LIGHT UNLESS YOU GIVE IT POWER. Fear and other lower vibrations are the tools used by the forces of darkness to keep us trapped and imprisoned. Anyone or anything that tries to coerce another´s thinking by planting seeds of fear, separation, judgment, and negativity in the mind is NOT OF THE LIGHT. This is the truth. Yet the forces of darkness, still alive in the third-dimensional reality, are masters of psychological deception and try to control people by using fear tactics to command their emotional bodies. They often confuse people in messages by convincing them that discernment and judgment are the same, when in reality they are not.

The two weakest bodies we possess are the mental and emotional bodies. Masters are called "Masters" when they control what they think and feel at all times, never letting the thought-forms and fears of others become their own realities.

Point Of Realization

Celestial souls on their paths to mastery are moving once again to this point of realization. They are beginning to remember this truth and to use every opportunity to acquire practice in controlling their mental and emotional bodies, especially in stressful situations. In fact, most arenas on this plane at this time are designed for the purpose of allowing these individuals to practice centeredness and calmness in the midst of chaos and frustration. That is the only purpose for these situations. If you find yourself in a stressful situation, reexamine it to see the illusion that it really is. Once you have realized this, use the moment to become a master of calmness and centeredness. Then give thanks for the difficult experience, for without it, how would you have been able to practice?

The celestial souls, awakened in the decade of the eighties, have been through many clearing processes, relearning all the basic truths. Soon, the rest of the world also will begin to experience awakening and will hunger for the information to find its freedom too. All is part of the worldwide celestial plan. All is in Divine harmony.

Many Paths but One Way

All souls, celestial and earthling, can be called either Light Workers or Children of Light, two terms often used interchangeable by the Celestial Realms. This means that no matter what the path or previous history of incarnations, any soul can serve the God Force in any way it chooses. Remember, there are many paths by only one way, and that way is enlightenment.

One point of differentiation is that Starseed souls are on a different mission than earthling souls. The Starseeds´ mission and karmic responsibility is to anchor Oneness into everything on Earth and to assist the world to evolve spiritually. As stated earlier, they are here to HOLD THE LIGHT FOR THE WORLD. This means that they must hold to higher truths and values at all times and learn to listen to the guidance of the Higher Self that communicates through the heart.

Contrary to public opinion, Starseeds do not have the same rights as other souls on Earth. They have come to Earth primarily to complete a job for the Order of Melchizedek. They have "signed" etheric contracts before coming into embodiment. They are visitors to this world and will return to their points of origin when the job is completed. Each is programmed through contact with the Higher Self to make a contribution and to leave a legacy on Earth. Once this contribution is realized, they will be free to leave, and each will be held accountable for the contracts they have signed between lifetimes, to make their contribution known.

Earthling souls do not share this same responsibility. They are here to evolve and to clear their karmic slates as well, but they are not taxed with becoming change agents or teachers. They are on Earth to learn and to become.

Anchoring Spiritual Truths

The level of soul advancement is a function of the kind of lives lived on Earth. Living a centered, meditative, good life on Earth ensures a good transition and more productive afterlives. As we move towards higher vibrations and Oneness with the Divine, we reach the Fifth Dimension and may move to ascension, which opens up new worlds of opportunities for service and development.

Once assigned lesson are learned on any planet or star system, the soul is free to continue on its path to receive greater experiences and lessons. THE CURRICULUM OF EARTH IS TO LEARN LOVE AND LIGHT. To do this, one must learn forgiveness and unconditional love. Once these have been learned, the soul leaves for higher worlds. Yes, the Light does set you free !!

Part Four follows....



The age of the soul and the number of its previous  lifetimes do not determine higher consciousness.

The True Essence

The soul is the true essence of who and what we are. It is that which houses our Akashic Records, the data bank that stores all the experience and knowledge we have accumulated since the beginning of our existence. Lessons and accomplishments from lifetime after lifetime are carried within the essence of the soul, and the strength of its Light determines the strength of our character. The greater the light, the higher dimensional a being one is. In this way, higher consciousness is achieved, which brings more faith in the power of this Light that is ruled by the Christ energy. The lower the Light, the more lessons one has to learn and the more Karma one has to clear.

The age of the soul and the number of its previous lifetimes do not determine higher consciousness. Higher consciousness, enLIGHTenment, comes from meaningful experiences and lessons passed with the understanding that there truly is only one law -- the Law of Love. When one leads a life expressing this belief, the mind and the heart begin to open to new realities, and other dimensional truths become known.

Celestial Souls

There are two kinds of souls embodied on Earth today: celestial and earthling.
Celestial souls, the souls of the Children of Light, are those who have come to Earth directly from other dimensions and parts of the Universe. Many of them have not had many incarnations on Earth, because they learned Earth´s curriculum long ago and graduated to experience higher dimensional realities. When they did embody, they often chose roles as monks, nuns, priests, priestesses, lamas, yogis, or other spiritual rulers. Most were Atlantean Masters more than 10,000 years ago. Primarily, they volunteered to come to Earth during these times to offer assistance in bringing more Light to the world.

In reality, all souls originated from other parts of the Universe. The celestial souls are those who remember this.

Today, most of these celestial souls are common people, living ordinary lives. They have embodied in ordinary situations because this is part of a celestial plan -- the plan designed for Earth´s transition into the Age of Aquarius.

Three Conditions

The celestial plan states that three conditions must be met (by the majority of the celestial souls) to assure that these individuals will be grounded in Earth´s curriculum in order to complete their work on the planet. These three conditions are :

1. Most of the souls will be born into families that are of either middle or lower economic class. This assures that each individual is raised in an environment that teaches the pain, struggle, and joys of humanity.

2. The souls will embody in families that provide them with a strict religious background, representing all faiths on Earth. When each begins to mature, the individual will find himself or herself turning his or her back on the organizational structure and human-made rules of the religious institutions, but not on the beautiful spiritual truths that make up the foundation of each religion. This cannot be stopped, for as the individual grows to become a thinking human being, the soul´s Light awakens within the person a deeper memory and truth. The individual begins to remember that spirituality is not the property of one faith, church or structure, but of the soul´s connection back to the eternal Father/Mother of the Universe.

3. Each individual will have a crisis to awken the soul. Without such an experience, the human ego and even the soul can get too complacent and caught up in the physical illusion of the third-dimensional plane. The crisis, however, causes emotional pain and forces the individual to go inward for answers, instead of keeping the person´s identity wrapped up in the maya that traps the five senses.

Two Groups

The celestial souls can be divided into two groups :

# Starseeds; and
# Star Helpers

The Starseeds, destined to awaken fully, are beginning to move into leadership positions that will help the world and humanity evolve spiritually. Some even comprise the membership of the 144,000 written about in the Book of Revelation. All precede the return of the Most Radiant One. Their main purpose is to hold the Light for the world until humanity´s consciousness is raised to a point high enough to stabilize the world and embrace the darkness all around. These souls understand Oneness and know that all is and can be transmuted in the Light.

The Star Helpers, on the other hand, will never awaken fully. They are sent to assist the Starseeds to fulfill their missions by staying grounded in the physical world and clearing the way for the work that needs to be completed. They often assist in stressful situations by taking care of the many mundane details that need to be attended to in the physical world, thus freeing the Starseeds to complete their more spiritual work.

Anchoring Spiritual Truths

Ultimately, the celestial souls have been sent to Earth to anchor spiritual truths into every phase of our lives -- education, family living, business, government, medicine, religion etc. They are not here to start another new religion. Heaven forbid!! There are too many of those already. They are here to live the spiritual truths and bring abundance, peace, and prosperity to Earth. They will accomplish this through mastery of Universal Laws, the same laws that they all have learned and taught in the mystery schools through thousands of years of incarnations. They are here to be the way-showers for humanity and to assist people out of their bondage.

Part Three follows....

Tuesday, 14 September 2010


Man has falsely identified himself with the pseudo-soul or ego. When he transfers his sense of identity to his true being, the immortal Soul, he discovers that all pain is unreal. He no longer can even imagine the state of suffering. (Paramahansa Yogananda) 



The bible and the Dead Sea scrolls speak of a battle that will be fought in the "final days" between the sons and daughters of Light and the sons and daughters of darkness. This is called the Battle of Armageddon. The vision from thousands of years ago reveals that a total of seven battles will be fought -- the first three battles being won by the sons of darkness and the next three by the sons of Light. The final battle -- the seventh -- will be won, after a tremendous struggle, by the sons of Light. With this victory, peace and prosperity will reign on Earth for one thousand years.

The Battle of Armageddon not only is here on Earth today, but also is alive and well on the etheric level. This battle is being fought in the etheric and on the third-dimensional plane by forces working through humanity. These forces represent the fight for control between the lower self (ego) and the Higher Self, or will of God. Once individuals become aware of this, most grow so strong in the Light that they acquire the strength needed for victory in all circumstances. If a person is unaware of this etheric battle, however, he or she can be likened to a puppet manipulated in an arena by the forces of darkness.

Children Of The Light 

 The Children of the Light have returned to Earth and are gearing up for the final battle. Remember the first three have already been won by the sons and daughters of darkness. Observe the state of world affairs. Look at the crime, greed, wars, starvation, drugs, hopelessness and desperation that have already overcome so many. Some individuals are even fearful of leaving their homes, while others feel powerless in fighting for their basic human rights.

Some say we already have lost one generation of children because of our own inaction and the inaction of governments and social systems. If we lose another, it may be nearly impossible to recover within the time that we have left. There is a sense of spiraling downwards -- economically, spiritually, physically and socially. In short, we have reached the abyss, the deepest moment of humanity´s despair. Can you see this??

A Battle For Souls

  The Ascended Master Kuthumi called the decade of the nineties the "darkest of times". He said that the Masters can see into our future, and that this period ultimately was the testing time for all souls on Earth, forcing them to choose the Light or the darkness. Ultimately, THIS BATTLE IS A BATTLE FOR OUR SOULS. It is the time for judgement, but not the time for others to do the judging. It is the time for US to choose. In the end, we are our own judges and juries by virtue of our actions, word, thoughts and emotions.

Who are these sons and daughters of Light who supposedly have come to Earth to fight the final battles? Are they already here? What do they look like? At first glance, all humans appear to look the same, The human form appears identical, with the exception of skin colour, gender, size etc. So, if everyone looks the same, where are these people?

To see them one must look with a vision beyond the sight of physical eyes. One must look with the Third Eye into the soul to see their aura emanating from within.

When one acquires this vision, it is easy to see these beings of Light, for there are one million of them walking among the masses. They are the reincarnated High Priests and Priestesses of the former Golden Ages, the reborn Saints, the Pharaohs, and the risen Atlantean Masters who have embodied once again to bring the Light and higher truths to the world. These beings have an unfaltering vision and know clearly that the Battle of Armageddon is not lost, but already won in the etheric. Atlantis HAS risen, as the "sleeping prophet" Edgar Cayce predicted so many decades ago. It has risen through the souls of these Masters who have come to hold the Light for the world.

By Their Fruits

  These souls have been sent to Earth by the Order of Melchizedek to bring in the power of the Christos (Universal Light) energy and to teach this power to every soul in embodiment who wants to learn. "Ye shall know them by their fruits". They are the legions of Light Workers, representing all quadrants of the Universe, who have journeyed to Earth to bring in the new world. They are embodied in all countries, races, and religions, and they understand Oneness. In short, they represent the Christ consciousness and all that is contained in this Divine power. They represent the culmination of all truths ever brought to Earth by the many great Masters who have walked before us in countries all over the world.

These souls vibrate with a higher Light frequency because they already have passed the lessons and Tests of Initiation in earlier lives. Many may have been Christians who were thrown to the lions or suffered agonizing deaths through the ignorance of those in control at the time. All passed over to the other side, forgiving their trespassers. This accomplishment bought them their "tickets" to come here. Still others may have lived simple, uncomplicated lives and learned, like the Buddha, what enlightenment is. No matter what their paths, the point is that there is only one way -- the Light -- and they attained the Light.

Shutting Ourselves Off
By example and through teachings, these souls will once again instruct in the new mystery schools and remind everyone of the truths that we all have known, but momentarily have forgotten. Since the fall of Atlantis -- the fall of humanity -- consciousness has slipped so far into the masculine energy that we collectively have forgotten the power of the Light and the feminine principles. We have fallen asleep by shutting ourselves off from the Light. As a result, we find ourselves in a dark pool, struggling for a way to see. Through the Light of these high-level souls, this pathway will be found again.

Now lets look at Webster´s New World Dictionary´s definition of a soul : - An entity which is regarded as being the immortal or spiritual part of a person and, though having no physical or material reality, is credited with the functions of thinking and willing, and hence determining all behaviour. The moral or emotional nature of man.

Part two follows....