Friday, 23 April 2010


Our universal family looks down on Humanity and its concepts of life and realizes mankind must learn and discover for itself just what the reality of life is. They wait patiently for that moment when we will discover the falseness of much of organized religion and science, and that we one day will reject it. We will begin to open our minds and look elsewhere for the true concept of life within the Solar Body.

Within The Solar Body

We must learn and understand that beings from other planets come to Earth not out of idle curiosity or even out of a desire to ease Humanity´s burdens by interfering with our privilege of Free Choice. They come solely for the purpose of preservation of our Earth planet. Mankind, as we are becoming aware, with its intellect and technology, but without the balancing emotion of love, is destroying this wonderful planet. To name but a few examples of destruction... The space satellites we send up actually cut through the "etheric web" (network) that surrounds our planet. And rockets to the moon are damaging a delicate balance out there, beyond our comprehension. Just consider the way we pollute our environment and the other kingdoms of Matter evolving here. And lets not forget the nuclear explosions we have wrought all over and under the surface of Earth. Humanity would have been extinct by now but for the help of our brothers and sisters in outer space.

Coming In Friendship

This "universal family" come to us in friendship and it was their intention much earlier to make themselves generally known to all of us. But owing to the hostility of Humanity - which has been conveniently and cunningly programmed into us - this, so far, has not been possible.

These loving beings have repaired and healed broken frequencies that could be dangerous for our evolution, they have showered rays from their own planets to disintegrate and mend certain atmospheric conditions and stratas which have been damaged around our Earth. And they have watched and guided on many occasions those who have travelled into outer space.


Many of the objects in space that have been sighted come from Mars and Venus. Mars supplies our Earth with much of its electrical energy. Beings from this planet have, during the years, dispersed some of the atomic radiation so foolishly circulated by us. If they had not done so the Earth would have been thrown from its position in space. When Humanity first exploded its nuclear devices it released energy that was far in excess for the harmonious funtioning and working of our planetary system. Our friends from Mars immediately set in motion a device to counteract this harmful energy. It was actually for this work that some of the space craft which many here have seen were used.

As mankind continued along in its folly and exploded larger and more harmful nuclear weapons, the radiation from these explosions began to effect the other planets in our Solar System. There now began a disturbance of the whole solar pattern. The Venusians then came to the aid of Humanity and sent forth their UFOs to counteract this greater disharmony. And there have been many sightings of these objects from outer space. Our universal family give and serve not desiring reward or thanks but purely to help the greater cause, the preservation of the Whole. Compare it to an illness in the physical body, if one part is diseased all the other parts unite together to help eradicate the illness.

The Greater Whole

It is interesting to note that we on Earth are totally resigned to, and blinkered by, the concept of the importance of the individual. We have yet to discover that the purpose of life on this Earth is to evolve beyond the individual and recognize the greater whole. To actually sacrifice the individual for the greater whole.

These beings from the other planets come, then, in varying forms of transport to correct imbalances on the Earth. With their greater wisdom and greater intellect and technology they repair the Earth where Humanity has devastated it. All the great events and occurrences which have changed the path of history on planet Earth have been witnessed by these beings. And as we now approach another period of great change, these beings are again present to help their brothers and sisters on Earth. Helping to prepare for that which is to come. The great "Shift" from the third dimension into the fifth. This, of course, will result in some geographical and physical changes which some people refer to as a cataclysm.

A Rapid Change

It is only natural that we, for the most part, are concerned mainly with physical living, but gradually we are beginning to widen our outlook. We are beginning to realize that life on Earth is not bounded by our five senses. We can no longer look at Earth as a single unit but now accept that Earth is part of a greater whole, and that greater whole is the Solar Body. This Solar Body is part of an even greater whole, for nothing that exists in Creation can be taken in isolation. Everything is inter-dependent - the lower on the higher, the higher on the lower. Both give and take from each other.

So the responsibility of Humanity is to become aware of its true self and to exercise the birthright given to us by our Creator. We are all gods in the making. We can all walk the paths of the great Masters that came here before us. The choice is our own. Be aware that we are now in a period of rapid change. A quickening, a raising of consciousness. It is time to focus our awareness inwards as well as outwards. Opening up to the "bigger picture" will bring its own rewards as our consciousness expands and grows. We will intuitively know that we are ONE with our universal family. All is evolvement. All is consciousness and awareness.

For a more detailed account on this subject, read the chapter "Humanity´s Brothers and Sisters in Outer Space" from the book - The Revelation of Ramala


Now this is a topic which always manages to raise some eyebrows. But that´s okay, because whichever way we look at it, the time is NOW to discuss this subject and try to quicken or awaken ones awareness. Remember it is quoted in holy scripture that we are "IN the world" but not "OF the world".

The Fear Factor

 I have often wondered why it is so difficult and uncomfortable for people to accept the fact that we are only one part of a universal family. There are so many dimensions, so many planets and so much life bubbling along out there in the universe and beyond. But, where does all the fear of this fact come from?? And it is fear, don´t you think, that makes people react in a negative way when mentioning other life "out there".

Personally I believe that the "fear factor" goes right back hundreds of years when Christianity and political power was the name of the game. For how would these "authorities" be able to control the masses if too much truth about life´s meaning and universal purpose were to slip out. Imagine the freedom and free thinking it would give the people! So solution to problem was to concoct all kinds of fear-based threats and explanations to keep the people in ignorance and under their control. Thus, through the centuries people remained unaware and uninterested in the reality and true facts regarding God´s universe. Hmmmm, there is something familiar about this situation in comparison with today, do we agree?

A Point Of Consciousness

Still, there is no way one can convince another that there are beings living in outer space. It all boils down to a point of consciousness or where one is in awareness. If you would like confirmation or conviction in this matter, I would suggest meditating and listening to the still voice within your heart. Who knows, a flash of intuition just might reveal an understanding that opens the door to your inner consciousness, which in turn will reveal to you the light of knowledge.

In the studies I have made on this subject I have learnt that Mother Earth was the second last planet out of twelve to be created in our Solar Body. Aeons of "spiritual time" have separated the birth of the first planet created in this solar system to when our beloved Earth was born. Therefore, with the exception of just one, all these other planets have been evolving millions of years before humanity was even thought of or created. It then makes sense to say that beings inhabiting these older planets are on a much higher level of consciousness than we are today. Needless to say the life forms on these other planets are totally unlike our own, and this is because they are created to function on a level that is suitable for their existence in another dimension higher than our own.

There Is A Plan

We must realize that our scientists look at situations or facts only through physical eyes. But within every cell of matter, whether it be on Venus, Jupiter or Earth, there is a plan, there is a seed for this plan. The plan for each life form´s spiritual growth. So a seed of matter on Jupiter would be totally different from a seed of matter here on Earth. Each seed builds its form according to the nature of its existence on the surface of a particular planet.

Here is an interesting fact really worth knowing... Humanity is not really a being of the planet Earth. We dwell temporarily on the surface of the Earth to further our evolution. Our souls first descend into the aura of the Earth at the moment of conception, and after the seed has been fertilized, that seed, knowing the nature of life on this Earth, begins to create for itself a body within the mother´s womb, a body that is suited to the conditions of life on planet Earth. Now the physical body of Earth simply cannot function on these other planets without the assistance of Space Suits etc. as it it quite unnatural for humanity to try to exist elsewhere. Hmmm... so why do we keep trying??

Life On Other Planets

Life exists on other planets but in a form incomprehensible to us. Their state of evolution is far more advanced and beyond that which Humanity has attained. Many of the beings who dwell on these different planets have themselves evolved through "the school of life" which we know as planet Earth. Now they dwell on these higher planes. Many great Masters who have incarnated on Earth also inhabit these higher planes of life. And in just the same way we, too, are not really of Earth. We (our souls) descend onto this plane of existence for a short period of time to simply learn the lessons of life on planet Earth.

Because of the point of evolution that they have reached, the beings who live on the other planets are able to observe life in this school on Earth. They now understand the true nature of spiritual existence within the Solar Body, and because they have passed beyond the limitations and restrictions of life in the physical, they are aware of the way in which Humanity is advancing and of the lessons that still need to be learnt. Therefore in no way do they interfere with Humanity´s progression. They may not remove or disturb one of the basic lessons mankind must learn... how to change itself!

A Closer Understanding

 However, all this does not mean that in the future a recogniton and understanding of these beings will be beyond our ability. As we unblinker our eyes and see beyond physical matter we will be assisted and guided into a closer understanding of life on the other planets. Our awareness and vision will quicken and grow beyond this earth plane.

Many people have witnessed a sighting of an UFO and some have even been lucky enough to observe the life forms within them. Unfortunately most people have remained silent about these sightings. A few have been brave enough and spoken out about their encounters with our brothers and sisters from outer space. The reason for their silence is most likely that humanity is not ready to accept the nature and purpose of these beings. Surely this is due to the restrictions, concepts and dogmas put out by organized religion and science.... even politics.

Part two follows......This article is from "The Fantasic Teachings of Ramala".