Thursday, 25 February 2010


Hopefully, at last, we can begin to understand why Nature and the Animal Kingdom have not always been as they are today.

Changing An Attitude
Nowadays the chain of evolution is a reflection of our human evolution, and the animals that have survived our erroneous ways have done so by killing the weaker species and living on them to sustain their life. So here, there is a chain of events which on the surface appear natural but, on deeper reflection, should now be recognized as most unnatural. Animals, together with humanity, should live in complete harmony and balance.

Of course for people to suddenly change their attitude towards eating animal flesh is not only impossible but would also create a serious problem in our world today. Just consider the mass production of animals that are bred for slaughter to feed the populace. They would need to be tended to and looked after, so the situation would have to change slowly. "Awareness" is the key word here for those of us that are striving to reach higher levels of consciousness.

Commercial Abuse
There are too many people today that have very little respect for animals. We must learn that our Animal Kingdom is just as much a creation of God as man is himself. Think of the abuse that exists around the world today toward animals. They are treated as unfeeling "matter" to satisfy the material and social demands of humans. Man does not allow his domestic animals to breed naturally, but only when he wants them to breed. Animals are bred not for the sake of the animal but for money, food and pleasure (the thrill of the kill!) Worse still, after he has bred them, if he does not want them anymore or they are no longer of profit, he simply destroys them without even a thought for their feelings or emotions or even their purpose in life.

Tragic Misunderstanding
Some people today derive great pleasure from the hunting and killing of animals. Many justify this activity (let us not consider it a sport), by calling certain animals vermin or they feel it is their "duty" to control the size of the population of various species. But more often than not they are killing just for killing´s sake, perhaps to prove their own personal skill and superiority.

How sad it is that ignorant groups of people actually breed certain animal species especially for the purpose of killing them later on at fashionable hunting parties. Exploiting life for profit! My goodness, what a Karma!

I could mention the imprisonment and cruelty inflicted on certain animals for experimentation or to obtain the safety level and ingredients for various products, make-up, perfume etc. etc., and this simply to satisfy the modern woman. All this medical and scientific research, involving the use of animals, creates great karma for Humanity which one day will have to be repaid.

Observe further how certain animals are enslaved or slaughtered for their fur to please the fashion hungry. Or the Whales, Dolphins and Seals that are kept in captivity to entertain the public. Yes indeed, the animals do make great sacrifices to fulfil the demands from humanity.

Life Is Sacred
Remember that all life on Earth is sacred. From the most evolved animal all the way down to the least evolved worm. Know that they all feel, they all express and according to their level of evolution (vibration) they all have a purpose in the plan of things. Therefore our scientists should not mess with creation by taking the seed from one animal and mixing it with another. Interbreeding upsets the balance of Nature and "creation" really does not belong to Humanity.

So let us think very seriously about how we treat the Animal Kingdom. Remember they are our younger and less evolved fellow-beings and therefore should be treated with respect and kindness, setting an example for them to follow on their path of evolution. As we ourselves see up to and seek guidance from higher evolved beings, so do our beloved animals look to us.


Some people might wonder if this topic has anything to do with Spirituality, assisting us along the pathway to enlightenment.... I would have to answer most certainly YES. Without the understanding and respect for our lesser evolved "brethren" we are stuck, and further advancement for spiritual growth comes to a standstill.

The Four Kingdoms

There are four kingdoms evolving here on Earth and Humanity is, of course, on a higher vibration than the other three. As we are "top of the scale" these other three kingdoms - the Animal, the Vegetable and the Mineral Kingdoms - look to humanity for its example, and then try to follow it. This puts humanity in the position of bearing great responsibility, of which the majority of people are totally unaware.

All four kingdons are supposed to live in harmony and balance together, but looking at the situation on planet Earth today, this certainly does not appear to be the case. Each kingdom has its own particular vibration and this is symbolised by the four "equal arms" of the true cross (not to be confused with the crucifix displayed in Christianity).

Group Souls

Although the first two kingdoms can sense, react and are affected by the thoughts, feelings and behaviour patterns of humans, they do not possess souls - at least during this stage of their evolution. With the Animal Kingdom it is different. Animals belong to "group souls". There is one "group soul" for all the cats, and one "group soul" for all the dogs and so on, and so on.

Humans, on the other hand, have individual souls which are individual aspects of the Solar Logos. We are blessed with the divine spark, a portion of our God, and one day we will return that spark (our spirit) to God (the Great Spirit). Animals, during their evolution, return after death to their respective Group Soul. But I think it is worth noting here that animals eventually, having evolved to a higher vibration, are given the gift of individual souls and then may progress on their evolutionary path as human beings. Yes, something to think about!

Aeons Ago

There was a time, and there is reference to this period in the bible and holy scriptures, that Humanity lived in absolute perfection and so did the Animal Kingdom. Everything was peace, love and harmony. The animals did not fight or attack and prey upon each other because they were all vegetarians. They actually lived off the fruits, herbs and vegetation of the land. In fact they were responsible for carrying and planting the seed of vegetation around the Earth which actually made them "farmers" for the sustenance of mankind.

Living in this environment people did not own or control the animals. Animals were recognized and accepted as sparks of creation that simply were not so evolved as ourselves. And in no way would we consider misleading or degrading, let alone harming, our less evolved fellow creatures. During this period we were aware of our responsibility, and at the same time we did not need to kill any animal species for food. We humans were a "fruitarian" species living entirely on the fruits of the Earth.

Times Of Change

The environment of the Animal Kingdom has indeed changed dramatically, and unfortunately this is entirely the responsibility of Humanity. For both by our example and actions we have brought down the downfall of the Animal Kingdom. One must remember that the lower kingdoms always look to the higher kingdoms to learn and follow in their "footsteps". Now that certainly says a lot about us doesn´t it?

Earth´s Animal Kingdom is actually here to be of service to Mankind, but it would seem that we have forced them into a form of slavery to satisfy our every whim. Although it was necessary for the primitive caveman to expect animals to sacrifice themselves for human survival, this is definately not the case today. Especially as man has evolved in consciousness and lives on such a high level of civilization. That animals are still killing each other is also further proof that it is a reflection of humanity´s own behaviour down through the ages. One only has to look at how we continue killing our fellow humans.

Part Two follows....

Friday, 19 February 2010


Such an interesting word, "detachment", and with so many connotations. Let´s take a look at the different meanings found in the dictionary... Unfasten, Remove, Impartiality, non Prejudice, Unaffected, non Judgemental.... but what about "Freedom"?

One of the most important things I noticed in my studies for spiritual development was that a person must be able to free oneself from all forms of worldly attachment. In other words to release oneself from the ties that bind us to the 3rd dimension.

These ties can be the attachment to material things; or emotional involvement in other people´s circumstances; or not preserving a balanced state of mind; or not remaining impartial toward criticism; or not controlling the desire to purchase unnecessary articles and so on.

I think the greatest enemy for attaining any level of detachment would have to be "desires". Our desires for this and that are such a handicap on the path to "enlightenment". Desire is a human frailty and an extremely valuable weapon for the ego (personality). As long as the ego succeeds in encouraging us to fulfil our desires, we all remain puppets of the lower self.

A Challenge
There is absolutely nothing wrong with owning and enjoying material goodies. The secret is that these "goodies" may not have any negative influence or hold over us or our life´s mission. In other words being blessed with riches should not in any way hinder our progression on the path of spiritual unfoldment. But, if you look around and think about it, just how many people with these material riches show any interest for the spiritual world?

Actually, one of the biggest tests in this world is being able to tackle and balance the circumstance of being materially wealthy and at the same time devote time and interest to the soul. It is, in truth, an enormous challenge. This is because the peronality (ego) of the person is so involved and influenced by its material welfare - no matter what - that life becomes almost a stress factor.

Possible Bitterness
On the other side of the coin, we have people that are born into extremely poor circumstances. Their lives can be very difficult to abide. But they are at least free from the burden of material attachment. Their challenge mainly lies in acceptance of and working through their difficulties, without giving into feelings of envy and bitterness.

Without often realizing it, these people have an advantage over most, because they are right in the "opportunity zone" to look beyond this world with its material trappings, on to a higher meaning and purpose with life. They are not so self indulging as there is hardly time or "supplies" for that.

The Mind´s Influence
Now the mind is a bundle of desires. This is because the Mental Body, which is one of the lower bodies in which the soul functions, is, together with the Emotional Body, closest to the personality and thereby very much under the influence of the ego. As you may possibly know, the ego is never, and I mean NEVER satisfied. Therefore it is constantly on the lookout for something new to purchase or possess or even control.

I believe it is extremely important for us to be watchful and aware of just how much the little ego "plays" with us. It would seem we become like puppets or toys for its immense and insatiable appetite for desiring things. So the work ahead of us is to remove the "threads" of desire, one by one if necessary, and thereby controlling our desires, we will automatically become the master over our various attachments, having begun to realize just how unnecessary most of them are.

Personal Attachments
Moving along now to another aspect of attachment which has to do with our feelings for people, places and events. This is both a touchy and sensitive aspect regarding attachment because it deals with our personal feelings.

Events that happen in our lives, whether happy or sorrowful, should always be received and treated with the same state of balance or calm. To actually understand this, again I must emphasize the importance of identifying oneself with the soul. Should one not agree or be able to accept this necessity, then there will be absolutely no understanding or appreciation for the lesson. This is because everything that happens in our lives, in one way or another, is a lesson to be learned. A lesson to develop and expand our souls evolution. And that´s the truth of it.

Emotional Pain
The hardest lesson to learn regarding detachment is the recognition and acceptance of the possible "why" such a traumatic event occurred in ones life. To be able to hold ones focus and try to "see" the bigger picture surrounding the circumstance. Because there are no accidents and there are no coincidences happening in our world, inspite of what each of us might think.

Emotional pain is one of our greatest teachers. This suffering helps bring us back to "square one" from where we have allowed ourselves to sidetrack during the daily humdrum of life. Back from the forgetting about what our purpose in life actually is. Surely we have all heard the expression "no pain, no gain". What I have talked about here is certainly worth reflecting upon. By doing so will be of great assistance to many.

Letting Go
Relationships are also worth considering here. We must respect each person´s individuality. Although it is a wonderful thing to love another being, it is at the same time wrong to become unduly attached. Whether one wants to believe it or not, strong attachment to another is fundamentally selfish and has always an ego motive involved, when looking deeper into the emotion. Be it family, friends or lovers, the teaching still applies. Love unconditionally. True love gives freedom and joy to both parties.

So, whilst you are giving sympathy and kindness and understanding to fellow beings that are suffering, do not allow your emotions to drag you down or sweep you along like a piece of straw on the wind. Always contain the inner balance. Be helpful by all means, but remain detached and harmonious not allowing events to disturb your inner peace. This is the secret to discovering and mastering the quality of "Detachment"!

Sunday, 14 February 2010



 One surely must wonder just which vibrational frequency we are suspended in when the heart cannot forgive, and what it is that prevents one from letting go.

Mind In Control

Examine how it feels for you when the mind is in control and cannot forgive another for what they have done or said. The feeling is likened to hate, anger, perhaps frustration. Plus the fact that when one is unforgiving, the notion of "winning" with the particular situation is often present.

Notice how much mental energy is consumed when one is continually in this state, and how often the thoughts of the incident keep on replaying within the mind. This causes more and more sores to fester within us. One wonders which vibrational frequency we might be suspended in when the heart connot forgive, and just what it is that prevents us from letting go.

Tests And Initations

Since all souls must be strengthened on the path to initiation, it is reasonable to conclude that all must be tested. Events will present themselves in our lives for two reasons - karmic debts or a dharmic destiny. This means that circumstances will arise that evolve into Tests of Initiation. When these occur, such tests are always orchestrated by the Higher Self. Therefore, there are many situations that can occur at any given moment to place one in a situation for advancement and learning. And often the tests will come through individuals we least suspect.

So, the saying goes like this... "You can always tell the level of spiritual mastery you have attained by the level of the test or opponent who will be brought to you." Very wise words from a Master.

Now the logical conclusion to that statement is... The greater the test, the greater the compliment for the person whose soul is being tested. Looking at things from this perspective then, is our most hated "enemy" or "opponent" perhaps our greatest friend? Is this individual placed in our life to become our greatest teacher and help us learn the lessons we still need to learn? It is surely worth thinking about.

Testing the soul is always of a higher nature and these tests ALWAYS concern ones mastery of the Universal Laws. Afterall, that is why each of us has come to Earth. To achieve Mastery. And the activities we are involved with are only part of the education and illusion of life in this third dimension.

Learning Our Lessons

The weaknesses within our souls determine the lessons we will be faced with. These weaker patterns will influence the arena (or situation) where a soul will be placed. All this happens to provide us with the necessary opportunities to practice strengthening that part of our personality that needs it.

Now if a person does not choose to accept the challenge because of former habits etc., he or she will most certainly be faced with the test again in the future. And the tests will be repeated until the lessons are learned. But each time the test appears again it will come with new faces and each scenario will also bring lessons ten times more exaggerated than before. This is to allow the individual many more opportunites to practice the lessons until they are learned.

However, once the lessons are learned, and we are actually behaving and functioning on a higher level, the soul will radiate this higher frequency of Light and will never have to undergo those particular tests again.

Friend Or Foe

Consider again the unforgiving situation and the person who has offended and hurt you... As their deeds have helped and served to raise your soul to a higher level, isn´t that individual perhaps among those who have come to assist you on your path and not one that came to harm you?

Then again, no deeds or words from another can ever harm us unless we give our power away. Only we, ourselves, can harm ourselves. So rise above limitations and illusions and you will never give your power away because the Light will always be there to serve and protect you.

Therefore, if we forgive another for the illusions that appear to be so intense, and move our focus inward to master the lessons of the tests, we can then progress on the pathway to the Light at a much faster pace.

Forgiving Oneself

It is very important to remember to forgive oneself for any negative behaviour or actions from both the present and the past. Without doing so we are only tightening the bonds that bind us here in this third dimensional world instead of moving onward and upwards to our higher destinies. Destinies for the soul´s continuing unfoldment.

If one is having difficulty in forgiving oneself, then be warned and become aware of how clever the little ego is. This is the best way the ego can keep us trapped in the world of illusion. That same little ego believes this world is the "reality" or "the all in all" totality of existence, and is fighting for its own survival.

Soul In Bondage

When we cannot master forgiveness, the reality is that the other person holds power over our soul, simply by keeping it vibrating at a lower level and thereby holding it in bondage. This will continue until we decide to "let go" and forgive. So we are not in any way winning a "battle" here, we are actually losing by giving "the enemy" the authority to hold onto the ties that bind us. What is the solution? LET GO!! Experience the joy and freedom in letting go and forgiving.

By letting go and not allowing another to imprison ones soul will accelerate us into a higher state of consciousness and this shift in consciousness brings with it a happier, lighter feeling and fills the heart and soul with new hope and joy and freedom.

Wisdom From A Master

"Let go of all hatred and anger and say thank you for the lessons and the opportunities to raise your soul´s vibrational frequency into the Light. Without such an experience you would never be self-realized. Then love your opponent for making you the Master you are today. See your "enemy" as your greatest friend, and rejoice that you have been sent such powerful teachers for they shall deliver you your Liberation."


"Inner peace can be reached only when we pratice forgiveness. Forgiveness is the letting go of the past, and is therefore the means for correcting our misperceptions. Love is letting go of Fear." Gerald G. Jampolsky.  




The Key 

 Forgiveness is "the key" to a transformation in your life. It will bring you relief, joy and above all the gift of freedom. No more strings attached! So to evolve to higher levels of life, we must first master a forgiving state of mind and heart. Now the soul is trapped within the body which is primarily controlled by the little ego personality. This is why and how the mind and emotions are manipulated, like puppets. The dilemma being that the weakest of the lower bodies composing the human form are the mental and the emotional bodies. It is here our little egos rule supreme, as these two "Lower Bodies" are the ones closet to the physical. This little ego is very clever and skilled, it understands all our weaknesses and strengths, and is determined to win the battle for control, over the guidance of our Higher Selves.

 Achieving The Goal 

 The goal we, as individuals, should strive to achieve - and that is the victory we all see within the mind´s eye - is the soul merging with the Higher Self. Not achieving this victory is THE ONLY THING that keeps us all in the throws and feeling of "seperation", a seperation from God. Not achieving this state causes us pain and delays the harmony and peace we all long for within. Perhaps now you can begin to understand that the ego (which is the individual personified) is the "shield" between the soul and the Higher Self. This ego works to rule the lower kingdom within humanity because each individual IS that kingdom. So once this fact is understood, the question now to ask oneself is : Whom do I serve : God or man? Whom do I trust : God of mammon?

 Choosing Freedom 

If we wish to free the lower self from pain, suffering and anguish, then there is only one choice to make, and this choice is the ONLY way to accomplish the goal. Each soul must choose "freedom" for the process to begin. But, as always, the choice is our own. Just remember that "forgiveness" is the key to purifying the soul, and this state of mind rests at the heart of one´s transformation. For the most part the teachings that should begin humanity´s enlightenment have fallen on deaf ears. It is also obvious today that the words from these wise teachings are analyzed mainly through the mind. This, dear friends, is not enough to experience fully the FREEDOM that is offered through the teachings, because one must also experience and understand the teachings with the heart. Analyzing and dissecting with the mind only, is insufficient. So let us continue to look at some of these teachings.

 Higher And Lower Energies 

The God Force is one pulsating field of energy. This energy field constitutes the life support system for individuals in embodiment and the connecting point to this "power" is through the Higher Self. Now anything vibrating less than the God Force, while still a part of the force, is considered to be of a lower vibration - or somewhat contaminated. The important thing here to remember is, that in order to connect with the power contained within the Higher Self, all lower forms of energy, all negative blockages must be cleared and raised into the collective frequency of this God Force. Emotions like hate, envy, jealousy, anger, remorse, suspicion, and even mild dislike all vibrate at lower frequencies. So any of these feelings serves to "contaminate" individuals, keeping us from realizing our own full potential and power.

 The Ego´s Choice 

Remembering that forces of both darkness and Light will constantly try to influence the little ego, it is then up to this ego, which controls the darker side of humanity, to make choices as to what to do with every experience encountered. The difference will always be that the Higher Self will provide higher guidance, but this requires more self discipline and strength to follow. That is why it is so much easier to hate, feel righteous, and above all "win" than to feel humbled in any way. It would seem that this little ego chooses the path of least resistance. It simply prefers to hang onto a justification for why we should continue to habour the lower feelings of resentment. Afterall, it is the perfect opportuity to stay in command and limit our soul awareness and development.

 Taking Control 

When we choose not to hold onto lower feelings any longer and begin to rise above them, the vibrational frequency of the soul is raised. And this always causes a shift in consciousness. Choosing to let go of one´s past habits and patterns always begins in the mind. So, the path to freedom is a CHOICE. Freedom begins the moment we choose to control the mental and emotional bodies and follow a higher path, rather than follow the path the little ego chooses. Once this choice is made to finally control the mental and emotional bodies (rather than they control us), a new world of hope, freedom and joy begins to manifest as a "reunion" with one´s Higher Self and a higher form of guidance begins. 

Ego Must Die 

The ego uses the mind and emotions, coupled with ingrained habits and traditions, to keep people from letting go of lower beliefs, attitudes and feelings. And the ego frequently wins because the control mechanism is so often fear or pride or both. Therefore, the declaration of victory for eternal life and entry into the Fifth Dimension is..... "EGO IS DEAD"! The important thing to bear in mind is... Forgiveness is nothing more and nothing less than LETTING GO! 

Part two follows...